MyCommand v5.1.0
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UploadedMar 15, 2014
Size181.05 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.7.4
- 1.7.2
- 1.6.4
MyCommand Version 5.1.0
New features
- Registered commands (Player and Console) ,runs in the Command Executor. (You can call it from another plugin.)
- Added new arguments $getdisplayname , $getplayerlistname , $canpickupitems , $getmaxhealth , $getallowflight , $gettotalexperience , $getexptolevel , $getaddress , $wgregionname (Require WorldGuard)
- Added a better TabCompleter for mycmd-edit (Now suggest types,fields and examples) , mycmd check (show command names) ,itemset load (show saved lists)
- Added Enchantment support in IconMenù
- Added WorldGuard region support.
- Added delaytimer_format (TICKS,SECONDS) (by default it's SECONDS)
- Added cooldown for custom commands.
- Added require_all_arguments: false
- Added new options for %PlayerOptions% (playSound , playEffect , addPotionEffect , removePotionEffect)
- Added %Repeat%N% Function.Use in text or runcmd,for repeat n times an command or text.
Fixed or updated:
- Return with error-message when any $script$ fails;
- Fixed $multiargs and $arg1... for console when used in a text type.
- Fixed Case sensitive command not recognized.
- Minor changes
P.S: RAW_TEXT type require an external plugin.(Not released)
Examples :
Added Enchantment support in IconMenù
Added WorldGuard region support.
allowed_wg_regions: - test2 - test3 Or : blocked_wg_regions: - test4
Added delaytimer_format (TICKS,SECONDS) (by default it's SECONDS)
(20 server Ticks = 1 second) Example: delaytimer: 20 delaytimer_format: TICKS
Added cooldown for custom commands.
cooldownhere: command: /command type: TEXT ... cooldown: 5
How to use '%Repeat%n% '
clearchat: command: /mycmd-clearchat type: BROADCAST-TEXT text: - '%Repeat%30% ' or runcmd: - '%Repeat%30%/dosomething'
execute_mode example and others:
'only_from_block': command: /onlyblock execute_mode: BLOCK_ONLY type: TEXT text: - "This command can be called only from /mycmd-blockset" 'only_from_command': command: /onlybycommand execute_mode: FROM_ANOTHER_COMMAND type: TEXT text: - "This command can be called only from another mycmd command" 'potion_effect': command: /speed type: RUN_COMMAND runcmd: - '%PlayerOptions%addPotionEffect: SPEED:100:0' 'effect': command: /effect type: RUN_COMMAND runcmd: - '%PlayerOptions%playEffect: RECORD_PLAY:2260' Effect list : Sounds list : %PlayerOptions%addPotionEffect: POTION_NAME:TIME_IN_TICKS:LEVEL %PlayerOptions%playEffect: EFFECT_NAME:INT_DATA $delay$%PlayerOptions%playSound: SOUND_NAME:VOLUME:BYTE_DATA 'music': command: /music type: RUN_COMMAND runcmd: - '$delay$%PlayerOptions%sendMessage: &aJust an example' - '$delay$%PlayerOptions%playSound: NOTE_BASS:1.0F:1' - '$delay$%PlayerOptions%playSound: NOTE_BASS_DRUM:1.0F:1'
Old Version changes :
MyCommand Version 5.0.1
New features
- Added BarAPI features,with 2 new commands type.
Fixes :
- Fixed Economy with allowdebit on false.
- permission-error now replace variables and color.
- Minor changes.
MyCommand Version 5.0.0
Summary :
New features
- Rewrited some of the main plugin code.
- It's not more requisite put the commands in the config by ascending order
- Now it's possible register real commands!Also with customizable TabCompleter.
- Added some Player API utilizzable in RUN_COMMAND Type.
- Added "permission-required" command field
- Added "allowed_worlds" command field
- Added "executefor" command field
- Added MetricsLite
- Added Cooldown command type
- Added the permission mycommand.bypass.cooldown
- Added Per world commands in RUN_COMMAND Type.Put $world=%world_name% as a prefix of your command
- Added /mycmd-signset "mycommand.sign.set"
- Debug command /mycmd register <commandname>
- Minor changes.
Fixed or updated:
- Revisited all plugin commands.
- $multiargs commands now works without any argument typed.
- RUN_COMMAND now support 9 arguments. ($arg1 $arg2 ... $arg9)
Breaking changes :
- Rewrited the config.yml.Delete your old file and lets generate new from the plugin.
- Renamed Addtimer command type in Warmup. Update your old "ADDTIMER" commands in "WARMUP".
- Changed the permission mycommand.bypass.timer in mycommand.bypass.warmup
- Removed ignoredworlds in the main config file,and re-added "per command"
- (Only ItemSet) Changed $targetplayer argument in $targetentity (Now works also on Mobs)
- If you have options.commandsnumber in you commands.yml config file,remove it.
Examples :
Now it's not more requisite put the commands in the config by ascending order.For example :
Instead of :
'1': command: /gm type: ALIAS
You can rename it :
'gamemode': command: /gm type: ALIAS alias: /gamemode
How register commands?
put "registered: true" below the command you want register.
(For now the RealCommand it's an empty command.All the code still running in the preprocess event.In the future i see to make it better.)
Example :
'command_name': command: /greets type: RUN_COMMAND runcmd: - /say $arg1 registered: true tab_completer: - Hi - Hello!
How to use permission-required :
'yourcommand': command: /lol type: TEXT permission-required: false
How to use allowed_worlds: :
You can use the "error-message" line for put an custom error.
'onlyinthenether': command: /onlynether type: TEXT text: - "&cYea,The Nether!" allowed_worlds: - world_nether error-message: "This command is not accessible from this world"
How to use "$world=%world_name%" in RUN_COMMAND Type :
'per_world_commands': command: /perworldcommand type: RUN_COMMAND runcmd: - "$world=%world%/me This command will be performed only if you are in the world" - "$world=%world_nether%/me And this only if you are in the nether" permission-required: false
How to use "executefor" command field :
Supported types :
SENDER (Execute the command only for the sender)
ONLINE_PLAYERS (Execute the command for every player online)
WORLD_PLAYERS (Execute the command for every player in the same world of the sender)
'executefortest': command: /executeforall type: RUN_CONSOLE executefor: ONLINE_PLAYERS runcmd - "/tp $player 0 64 0" permission-required: false
Basically works with every command type,exempt ADD_PERMISSION
(By Default every commands it's on SENDER type) (maybe,some of this options can made some loops if used wrongly.)
How to use "Player API" in RUN_COMMAND Type. :
Example of use :
heal: command: /heal type: RUN_COMMAND runcmd: - '%PlayerOptions%setHealth: 20' - '%PlayerOptions%setFoodLevel: 20' - '%PlayerOptions%sendMessage: &aHealed!'
runcmd: - '%PlayerOptions%clearInventory: true' - '%PlayerOptions%teleport: world:0.0:100.0:0.0' - '%PlayerOptions%setItemInHand: STONE_SWORD:1'
Options available :
Boolean (can be true or false)
setAllowFlight , setBanned , setCanPickupItems , setCustomNameVisible , setFlying , setOp , setSneaking , setSprinting , setWhitelisted
(only true)
leaveVehicle , resetMaxHealth , closeInventory , clearInventory
String (can be text)
setCustomName , setDisplayName , setGameMode , setPlayerListName , kickPlayer , teleport , setBedSpawnLocation , setCompassTarget , setItemInHand , setItemOnCursor , chat , sendMessage
Integer,Double or Float (can be an number)
setExhaustion , setExp , setFallDistance , setFireTicks , setFlySpeed , setHealth , setFoodLevel ,setLastDamage , setLevel , setMaxHealth , setMaximumAir , setNoDamageTicks , setRemainingAir , setSaturation , setTotalExperience , giveExp , giveExpLevels , damage
For now teleport , setBedSpawnLocation , setCompassTarget works in this way :
- '%PlayerOptions%teleport: world_name:X:Y:Z'
Instead,setItemInHand , setItemOnCursor in this way
- '%PlayerOptions%setItemInHand: MATERIAL_NAME:AMOUNT'