MyCommand v3.8.0
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UploadedFeb 5, 2013
Size54.76 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
Version 3.8.0
Built with CB 1.4.7-R1.0
Commands with more arguments now works*.Example :
command : /my cmd 1 runcmd: - /something $arg1 - /something $arg2 - /ecc..
- For now works also with another command with same name,but if this it's lenght 1 instead 2 put this command after the command with lenght 2.Example:
'1' command : /help shop items
'2' command : /help shop
I'll see how to fix this later.'3' command : /help
delayed ("$delay$") commands now works on console
$delay$ prefix now work with text line.
Changed (scheduler)launchcheckoneveryNhours in launchcheckoneveryNmin
Improved /mycmd list and /mycmd-edit
Added disabledebugmessageconsole and minecartevent config option. (The first disable the "issued server command spam",the second disable the "VehicleUpdateEvent" if you don't use it.(It's used for mycmd-block detector-rail))
$arg1 2,3 ecc now works in the text.
Fixed NPE with $targetplayer.
Added $iteminhand , $iditeminhand arguments.
Added a delay for blockset and sign commands.
Minor changes.