MyCommand v5.7.1
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UploadedMay 7, 2021
Size579.40 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
Fixed a NPE using "/mycmd-reload all" while having TAB_SUGGESTION_BLOCKER_LISTENER on false
Added $delay$ support in playerevents.yml / blockset / npcs / holograms ... and related features.
Some minor adjustments to "/mycmd" menu
Fixed NPE which prevented them to work at all.
Now they're updated asynchronously.
Changed how it updates, now it's less lickely to see the board flicker.
Improved the marquee effect, now takes with him the latest color.
Added scoreboard_title
scoreboard_title: - '&b» &3&lLine 1 &b«' - '&b» &3&lLine 2 &b«' - 'ecc ecc '
Changed how $multiargs replace things after an $argX
Fixed playerdata list .contains in mysql mode.
Fixed TempVariables + and - not being recognized.
execute_mode FROM_ANOTHER_COMMAND grants access per line.
Fixed POTION type without rgb colors returning error
Added <rightclick> in iconmenu commands. (Still need more work).
Add iconmenu_options command field to activate it.
iconmenu_options: - ALLOW_RIGHT_CLICK
Example :
iconmenu_commands: - 1:EMERALD:0:/leftcmd<rightclick>/rightcmd:Example Title:Press left for X;And right for Y
Added OVERLAY command type. What it does? Nothing. Why's there?
You can put this on other plugin commands, and use it in conjunction of "overlay: true" command field to use, as example, features like execute_mode on other plugin commands, and block the execution of that command in specific case.
The OVERLAY command type, basically is here to accept it as a valid command, but, show nothing as feedback, because it does nothing.
blockanotherplugincommand: command: /lmcmd type: OVERLAY execute_mode: FROM_ANOTHER_COMMAND overlay: true