MyCommand v5.6.9
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UploadedJan 30, 2021
Size555.22 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
NOTE FROM 5.6.7. PLAYERDATA flatfile(yml) needs to be converted. If you're using a version older than 5.6.7, before updating to 5.6.8, check the changelog of the 5.6.7 to see how to convert the yml database (no MySQL users)
tab_completer "character based (default mode)", now returns results without checking if it's upper/lowercase
Regex filter:
Added in config.yml an easy way to easily disable the global filter. (By default is on).
REGEX: USE: true PATTERN: "^[-a-zA-Z0-9&._ ]+"
Added per command regex filter :
Customize the allowed characters a player can type into that command.
regex_pattern : "^[0-9]+" regex_error_message: "Only numbers are allowed"
MyCmd Images :
Apply custom images to maps and eventually use them in the itemframes. Images need to be located in /MyCommand/images/ folder 128x128.png files.
- /mycmd mapimage (Permission : mycommand.mapimage)
MyCmd Locations :
Added a little utility /mycmd locations
If you need to create a "warp" in a empty server without certain plugins (Like essentials)). Example while setting up a map for a minigame, ecc...
MyCmd Regions :
Create simple cuboid regions to be used in a command to check if a player is into it. (Like WG, but without WG).
/mycmd region
allowed_mycmd_regions: - region1 - region2
Added $mycmdregionname placeholder. return with the name of the mycmd region the player is in.
Added $get_ip placeholder. Differently from the already existing $getaddress, this only show the IP without the port.
placeholders_replace_mode: NO_REPLACE
placeholders_replace_mode: NO_PLACEHOLDER_API
Added execute_mode: ITEMFRAME_ONLY
Events and other functions (ExtraListeners/Blockset/NPC/Holograms/ItemFrames/Signs)
- can now use Scripts line directly inside their area.
- can now use $rawtext$ , $rawbroadcasttext$ , $log$
Holograms are now spawned after the server is done loading, to prevent to trying to spawn them on unloaded worlds.
get_run_command now works with normal request and not only with get_json_string
New Command Type SIGN_MENU. (Require ProtocolLib !)
It will prompt up a sign edit menu where you can retrieve the text and run commands from it.
To open up a SIGN_MENU from a ICONMENU command type, use the usual prefix "%openiconmenu%" Example : "%openiconmenu%/signmenu", Inverse way, its not necessary.
sign_menu: command: /signmenu type: SIGN_MENU sign_commands: - /say $line1 , $line2 , $line3 , $line4 - /iconmenu $line1 sign_layout: - "&f" - "^" - "type in the name" - "of the whatever"