MyCommand v5.6.4


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    Apr 28, 2020
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.15
  • 1.14
  • 1.13
  • 1.12
  • 1.11
  • 1.10
  • 1.9
  • 1.8


MyCommand 5.6.4 (Re-uploaded, forgot to remove some useless files from the jar)


Hover Menues (Ex. /mycmd) are now enabled on Paper servers too.

Security : Non OP Staffer players, can't create or edit anymore anything related to console. (Non OP Admin with the * permission, still need to be OP to operate).


Added /mycmd gui

Quick Look to the GUI
(Graphical interface to navigate through MyCommand features. Still work in progress, not complete 100%)


Added new command types :

Open up an Anvil graphical interface, that's allow you to execute commands and retrieve the text you type-in.


 command: /anvil_gui
 type: ANVIL_GUI
 anvil_title: '&eMyCommand &6ANVIL'
 anvil_slot_text: write here
 anvil_left_item: "BOOK:2:true:Write Here your lore;Line 2"
 - $text$ $player, you typed $output
 - /broadcast $output
 - '%openiconmenu%/iconmenu $output'






To open-up an ANVIL GUI from one ICONMENU use the %openiconmenu% prefix and viceversa, from ANVIL to ICONMENU.


Credits to chasechocolate for the public resource.

P.S. I've noticed that can happen that the plugin will give you an error "Title not set". This happen if there is running another plugin who create IconMenu's and don't destroy them. I can't do too much for that.


RAW_BOOK command type.

Create Book's with clickable text, hover textes, run commands and open links. Check the RAW_TEXT command for more info's.


 command: /rawbook
 type: RAW_BOOK
 - '&aHello &b$player! &aHover your mouse over me!\n\n\n; &dMAGIC<and>Second Hover Part; Hover text here \n\n\n<and> Ecc...;ecc..'
 - '&0[&d*&0]&e Click me; &eClick Here for suggest the command &d/mycmd;/mycmd'
 - '$RUN_COMMAND$&0[&e*&0]&c Set the time to day; &eClick for Execute;/time set day'
 - '$OPEN_URL$&0[&e*&0]$random_color Open; &eClick for open;'


Completly revamped the Holographic feature.

HOLOGRAPHIC_TEXT and BROADCAST_HOLOGRAPHIC_TEXT command types, now can show multiple lines, and update in real-time in the meanwhile.

/mycmd hologram can now manage and store holograms in it's hologram_databse.yml file, and you can now run commands through them.


/mycmd hologram create <name>
/mycmd hologram delete <name>
/mycmd hologram addline <name> <text>
/mycmd hologram removeline <name> <n>
/mycmd hologram editline <name> <n> <text>
/mycmd hologram movehere <name>
/mycmd hologram addcommand <name> <command>
/mycmd hologram deletecommands <holo_name>
/mycmd hologram switch <holo_name> (Change execution mode)
/mycmd hologram near <name>


Reload option added :

/mycmd-reload holograms


execute_mode option added :

execute_mode: HOLOGRAMS_ONLY



Added a new command in block-set that's allow you to add and remove the usable items directly from the command

/mycmd-blockset manageblocks <add|remove> <left|right|physical>


Misc :

Removed some old and useless command and functions. Like /lmcmd and /mycmd-book(Still here this one, under /mycmd book)

If you're still using /lmcmd features, you can Link Removed:

The package of the plugin changed name.

Added setWalkSpeed to PlayerOptions and fixed the setFlyingSpeed one.
Added compassTracker to PlayerOptions, or /mycmd compass if you want to enter it directly

Fixed the right-click interaction for 1.8 server NPC's
block-set create now take in consideration the item's inside the left click interaction.

config.yml :



language.yml - new lines

HOLOGRAM_DELAY: "&cYou can interact again with this hologram in %ss"
NPCS_NO_COMMAND: "&cThis npc's doesn't have command(s) to execute."
SIGN_CREATED: "&aSign created! &2Check /mycmd-signset for more options."


Added show_bypass_message: true (Choose true or false if you want to show the bypass message on that specific command)


Added $target_X, $target_Y, $target_Z Placeholders. (Those 3 placeholder will return with the x y z of the target block)


executefor: ONLINE_PLAYERS now works in combination of "execute_mode: FROM_ANOTHER_COMMAND" or "CONSOLE_ONLY"




Added some special placeholders who returns with the list of selected type.

Like $player_list who returns with the list of all the connected players in that server

The new one's are :

$server_operators (Returns with the list of the players with the OP status)

$world_player_list (Returns with the list of the players playing in the same world of the sender)

$worlds_list (Returns with the list of all the worlds running on the server)

$block_list (Returns with the list of all the Materials available on the game (Blocks and Items)

$potions_list (Returns with the list of all the Potion types)

$enchantments_list (Returns with the list of all the Enchantments types)

$sounds_list (Returns with the list of all the Sounds names)

$effects_list (Returns with the list of all the Effects names)

$particles_list (Returns with the list of all the Particles names)

$entity_list (Returns with the list of all the Entities type)


Example :


  command: /tct
  - $broadcasttext$&0[&e$player&0]&r $multiargs
  required_args: 1
  register: true
    - $entity_list
    - $potions_list
    - $enchantments_list
    - $sounds_list
    - $effects_list
    - $particles_list
    - $block_list
    - $server_operators
    - $worlds_list



Permissions Added/Changed

/mycmd gui - mycommand.gui
/mycmd book -
/mycmd hologram - mycommand.hologram
/mycmd playeroptions - mycommand.playeroptions



Added placeholders_replace_mode :

Allows you to choose what placeholders the command have to replace, when it runs a command. (Assured to work with RUN_COMMAND and similar.) Not implemented in other types.


NORMAL_MODE (Replace everything, default).
ONLY_ARGUMENTS (Replace only the $args typed in).
NO_COLORCODE (Like NORMAL_MODE but no colors).
ONLY_COLORCODE (Replace only the color codes).
ONLY_PLACEHOLDER_API (Replace only PAPI placeholders.)
NO_CUSTOM_VARIABLES (Like NORMAL_MODE but no variables created with /mycmd-variables).