MyCommand v5.4.0


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    Mar 2, 2019
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.13


Be aware : From Spigot/Bukkit 1.13 and above a lot of item names changed "name".
If you are going to use this newer version be aware to update all your command files, where an item is used. To make it faster,
it's possible only add the prefix "LEGACY_" before any item. Example "LEGACY_WATCH".

This Build will probably work correctly only with a server version 1.13 or above.


- Built with spigot 1.13.2

- Updated WorldGuard support. Now should works with the 7.0 version and above (only).

- Updated PlaceHolderAPI implementation class.

- Added /mycmd placeholders (show a list of placeholders.)

- Removed $iditeminhand in ReplaceVariables. It is still here, but it will return always "0" just to maintain compatibility if you have used it in a command.

- Added scoreboard_rendertype. Can be HEARTS or INTEGER ... but doesn't seem to work for now. i'll look better later.


- Added .isanumber script. Example of use : $Script$%if%$arg1.isanumber
- Added "mycommand.placeholders.playerdatafor.<variable_name>" permission. Block users to see other players variables.


- Added MySQL support for playerdata(s) (/mycmd-playerdata & $Script$%PlayerData%). (/mycmd-variables TODO)

>config.yml lines :

USE: false
HOST: 'localhost'
PORT: '3306'
USERNAME: 'username'
PASSWORD: 'password'
DATABASE: 'MyCommand'


* The Cooldowns are now stored in an yml file when the server get restarted or stopped.
* Add the line DEBUG.SAVE_PENDING_COOLDOWNS in the config.yml for manage this function. (true/false).


* Added iconmenu_autofill command field.
** Example : "iconmenu_autofill: STAINED_GLASS_PANE" will fill all the empty spaces in the iconmenu with this item.


* You can now split the lines with "<newline>" in the html\php page.

* Added "POST" request method.
** use "http_request_method: POST" as a command field, for set it up. (By default http_request_method is "GET")
** and "post_parameters: user=$player&password=12345" for send data.


P.S. I made some changes a lot of time ago, so something can not work as intended.