v1.3.0 B4


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    Nov 8, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.2-R0.2
  • CB 1.4.2-R0.1


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1.3.0 BETA

Beta 4

Fixed: Reduced lag on player join and quit, especially for servers NOT using claim expiry
Fixed: Setting AllowNeighbours to false was not stopping claims next to others
Tweak: Minor tweaks for efficiency

Beta 3

Fixed: lang.yml not being created Tweak: Minor tweak to do with (re)loading claimed chunks

Beta 2

Fixed: purgew and purgep commands
Fixed: NumberFormatException error when chunks are claimed in Nether or End worlds
Fixed: Check for neighbours when claiming areas
Added: Ability to prevent claiming in Nether and/or End worlds
Added: Toggle commands for AllowNether and AllowEnd

Beta 1

NOTE This version requires a 1.4 server and will remain in beta until a 1.4 recommended build is available. BIG and long-awaited update!
New Features
Added: lang.yml for customising messages (Not yet complete, but I couldn't wait)
Added: [ClaimArea] signs!!! Place two [ClaimArea] signs to claim all chunks in a rectangular area
Improved Features
Added: Protection for 1.4 Item Frames
New Commands
Added: "/mychunk reload" command to reload config language files
New Permissions
Added: mychunk.commands.reload permission
Added: mychunk.claim.area permission
Bug Fixes
(Big) Tweak: Improved event handling to (hopefully) reduce lag on busier servers
(All chunks are now loaded to memory on startup)
Fixed: A few minor bugs and message


Fixed: Basic interaction with WorldGuard regions (Wilderness protection is loosened for WorldGuard protected regions)
Fixed: Protection against arrows in claimed chunks


IMPORTANT: You must be running Bukkit 1.3.2-R0.1 or higher before updating to 1.2.0 or above
Added: Command to unclaim all chunks owned by a specific player
Added: Command to unclaim all chunks in a world
Added: permissions for the above commands


IMPORTANT: You must be running Bukkit 1.3.2-R0.1 or higher before updating to 1.2.0 or above
Added: Configurable automatic chunk expiry after X days with no login/out
Added: New admin command, toggle and permissions for Chunk Expiry management
Fixed: Claimed chunks now protected against piston pushing/pulling
Fixed: Protected paintings can now be broken by players with the .override permission


Added: Unclaimed chunk protection option (/mychunk toggle unclaimed) to ONLY allow constructions etc in claimed chunks
Added: New mychunk.commands.toggle.unclaimed permission (iincluded in mychunk.commands.toggle.*)
Added: protect_unclaimed to config.yml
Fixed: Paintings are now protected
Fixed: Protection against arrows in claimed chunks
Fixed: Infinite loop when checking chunks that contain no blocks (such as in The End)


Added: Permission mychunk.server.special for accessing furnaces, dispensers and brewing stands in serve rowned chunks


A long awaited update with some highly requested features! Fixed: Signs breaking when placed in an owned chunk if you do not have build permission but DO have .override
Fixed: PvP is now disabled in all owned chunks, regardless of who owns it
Added: [AllowMobs] signs so players can allow mobs to spawn in their chunks. (CAUTION: Chunks with AllowMobs set to ON will ALSO allow mobs to hurt players in the chunk!)
Added: Permission based chunk limits (mychunk.claim.max.{max chunks}). If no .max permission is specified, the server default is used.
Added: Config option to state whether players are charged the overbuy price when buying from other players


Fixed: Fire spread in owned chunks (that means all fire spread in owned chunks is stopped for the moment)


SERIOUSLY WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME TODAY! Fixed: Overbuy not working correctly


Added: [Not For Sale] signs (for taking a chunk OFF sale


MAN I'M NOT ON FORM TODAY! :( Fixed: /mychunk toggle overbuy now works!


SORRY FOR THE QUICK RE-RELEASE! Added: Admin command "/mychunk obprice {price}" for setting overbuy price Added: Permission for setting overbuy price


Added: Config option to allow claiming OVER the max chunk limit
Added: Config option for ADDITIONAL charge when overbuying
Added: New toggle commands for overbuy and neighbours
Added: New config command for overbuy price
Added: Overbuy and neigbours settings to /mychunk output
Added; New permission for access to overbuying
Added: New permissions for overbuy and neighbours toggles and overbuy price setting


Added: [For Sale] signs!
Added: New permissions (mychunk.sell and mychunk.buy, both included in mychunk.*)
Added: New config option 'allow_neighbours' to specify if players can claim chunks next to each other (default: false)
Fixed: Zombies now cannot break doors in owned chunks

Some features may be buggy due to changes in the event handling and the addition of some very large new features.

Please report all bugs as tickets