
Below a list of commands available in MyWorlds. See also the Permissions section to set command permissions.


Where world names are an optional argument, it will work as follows:

  • If a world is specified, this one is used.
  • If not, it will use the world the player is in.
  • If this proves impossible (console) it will use the first world it can find: the main world.

You can surround world names with " " when worlds have spaces in the name and world matching fails. For example:

/world load "my big world with spaces"
/world copy "World 1" "World 2"

If /world is being used by another plugin (such as Essentials), you can use the alternative /mw or /myworlds commands instead.


Below all commands available. Instead of /world it is also possible to use /myworlds or /mw.

World creation

/world create [worldname]:[generator]:[arguments] [seed]
/world create [worldname] [seed]
/world create world1:BananaSpace:12,grass,wood,dirt -1856378464
/world create world2 -527332672
/world create world2_nether
/world create world3_skylands
/world create skylandsworld

Create a new world. You can set a chunk generator, and arguments for this generator, using ‘:’-signs. The [seed] argument is optional, if this is not specified a random seed is calculated. If you want to make a world with a certain environment, you add the environment name in the world name. For example, if ‘nether’ is in the name, then the nether environment is used. The same applies for 'the_end'. You can use 'flat' in the name to make a Flatlands world.

Available world generator plugins found on Dev-bukkit

World loading and unloading

/world load [worldname]
/world load [worldname]:[chunkgenerator]:[cg_arguments]
/world unload [worldname]

Load or unload a world. After loading a world, this same world will be loaded when the server (re)starts the next time. When unloading a world, the same world will no longer load on startup. Loaded worlds will hardly increase RAM usage, but may increase CPU usage because of the increased amount of mobs.

To load in a world that uses a specific chunk generator, use the second command example above. For example, this loads the world 'funtime' which uses the chunk generator 'fun'. The second command uses '12' as argument for the 'fun' generator.

/world load funtime:fun
/world load funtime:fun:12

World save

/world save [worldname]
/world save
/world save World1
/world save *
/world save all

Saves the world to file. Can be used in conjunction with disabled autosaving to manually save a world, or to be sure your changes are permanent. When using worldname ‘*’ or ‘all’ (if this world does not exist) you can save all worlds.

World autosave

/world saving [state] [worldname]
/world saving [state]
/world saving on World1
/world saving false
/world saving yes

Sets if the world is auto-saved to file. If disabled player actions will not have permanent changes to the world until you save the world manually. If enabled this is not the case.

World keep spawn loaded

/world togglespawnloaded [worldname[
/world togglespawnloaded

Toggles if the chunks near the world spawn are loaded, on or off. If you are low on memory, you can use this to reduce memory usage. Note that it will increase processor usage when a new player joins at an empty spawn.

World copying and deletion

/world delete [worldname]
/world copy [worldname] [newworldname]

Permanently delete an unloaded world or copy an existing world to a new name. Note that these commands are not allowed in-game by default, you have to give players the permission node for that to be possible.

World repair

/world repair [worldname] [seed]

Attempts to repair a broken world by re-generating the level.dat and removing damaged chunks. Note that damaged chunks can not be recovered, instead those chunks will be re-generated by the server once it comes into view.

World information

/world info [worldname]
/world info
/world info world1

Shows information of a world, such as the seed, time, weather and set properties.

World listing

/world list

Lists all worlds, including broken and not-loaded ones, and formats them in a colour-rich message to the sender.

Portal listing

/world portals [worldname]
/world portals

Lists all portals (of a world), and formats them in a colour-rich message to the sender. You can see the distance of the portal in the coloured output.

Chunk generator listing

/world listgenerators

Lists all available chunk generator plugins you can use in the world create command. Only those plugins which override the 'get default generator' function are listed.

Setting world operators

/world op [playername] [worldname]
/world deop [playername] [worldname]
/world op [playername]
/world deop [playername]
/world op * World1
/world op player1 *
/world deop * *
/world op

Sets world Operators for a world. Players listed for the world will receive OP permissions, those that don't lose them when entering the world. Using the '*'-keyword you can target all players or all worlds. Players only receive or lose OP permissions if this feature is enabled in the Configuration [TODO LINK].


/world evacuate [worldname] [message...]
/world evacuate [worldname]
/world evacuate World1 Your world has been closed!

Evacuates a world from it's players. If you want to unload a world, but it is full of players, you can use this to get rid of the players. Portals on the evacuated world are used to teleport players away. If players have world teleport and enter permissions, they are teleported to a random world. If all fails, the player is kicked with the reason message specified. Those that did not get kicked, also get to see the message.

Set spawn point

/world setspawn [worldname]
/world setspawn

Sets the spawn point of a world to your position. It is possible to set the (re)spawn point of one world to another world. The player rotation is used as well, so it is possible to make players spawn facing into a certain direction.

Set default portals

/world setendportal [world/portal] [worldname from]
/world setnetherportal [world/portal] [worldname from]
/world setendportal [world/portal]
/world setnetherportal [world/portal]

Sets the default portal to teleport players to when they enter a portal with no sign near. This can be used, for example, to teleport players to a hidden world once they made a portal themselves. You can also use it to make 'world levels' where players need to make portals on a world before continuing onwards. To clear a default destination of a world, specifying an empty destination name. ("") In the above example, when players enter a portal on world 'World1' they are teleported to 'World1_nether'. As destination you can use both portals and world names. Default portal destination can be set for both nether and ender portals. By default, the_end or nether worlds are set as default destinations to mimic the internal portal logic. To re-set the default portals, use:

/world setendportal
/world setnetherportal

Allow and deny mobs from spawning

/world allowspawn [mobname] [worldname]
/world allowspawn [mobname]
/world denyspawn [mobname] [worldname]
/world denyspawn [mobname]
/world denyspawn creeper
/world denyspawn animal world1

Allows and denies certain mobs from spawning on a world. Custom-spawned mobs (such as those spawned through commands) are ignored. You can use all mob types as mobname, but also ‘animal’, ‘monster’, ‘all‘ or ‘mob’ to collectively allow or deny mobs from spawning.


/world time [time] [worldname]
/world time [time]
/world time always 12:00
/world time day
/world time night world1
/world time 24:00 locked

Sets the time of a world. You can use keywords like ‘lock’, ‘always’ and ‘forever’ to indicate if the time should be locked. You can use keywords like ‘day’, ‘night’, ‘dawn’, ‘morning’ to indicate a certain time. You can also use the hours:minutes to set the time.


/world weather [weather] [worldname]
/world weather [weather]
/world weather always rain
/world weather rainy
/world weather endless storm
/world weather always sunny World1

Sets the weather state of a world. You can use keywords like ‘lock’, ‘always’, ‘endless’ and ‘forever’ to indicate if the weather state should be locked. You can use ‘sun’ to clear the weather, ‘rain’ for rain and ‘storm’ for rain with lightning.

Game mode

/world gamemode [mode] [worldname]
/world gamemode [mode]
/world gamemode survival
/world gamemode creative world1
/world gamemode none

Sets the game mode for a specific world. All players in this world will automatically get this game mode when (re)joining the world. Valid game modes are 'survival' and 'creative'. If another name is used, it is cleared, and players remain the game mode they had previously.


/world difficulty [difficulty] [worldname]
/world difficulty [difficulty]
/world difficulty peaceful

Sets the difficulty of a world. The difficulty influences the damage done to players and if mobs spawn. Valid difficulties are 'easy', 'normal', 'hard' and 'peaceful'.

Player versus Player

/world togglepvp [worldname]
/world togglepvp

Toggles PVP on or off for a world.

Teleport to world spawn

/world spawn [worldname]
/world spawn

Teleports you to the spawn point of a world. Other than permissions for this command, you can set world-specific teleport permissions too. World enter permissions are also active.

Load or save world configuration

/world config load
/world config save

Loads or saves world configuration, from/to the worlds.yml file.

Split or merge world inventories

/world inventory split world1 world2
/world inventory merge world1 world2

Split will give each world specified a separate inventory. That is, players entering this world will get a new inventory only of that world. When they leave and return again, their old single-world inventory is returned. Merge will merge the inventories of all worlds specified together into one inventory. Say world3 and world1 shared an inventory, the above command will give world1, world2 and world3 the same shared inventory. For the merge command at least 2 worlds need to be specified. The inventory feature can be disabled for a single player through Permissions or by disabling the entire feature in the Configuration.

Enable or disable world inventories

/world inventory enable world1 world2
/world inventory disable world1

Enable or disable the inventory of one or more worlds. Enabled inventories will load the player inventory when players join, disabled inventory will clear the inventory. Enable allows persistent inventories, Disable clears it.

Teleport to portal or world spawn

/tpp [worldname]
/tpp [portalname]
/tpp bergerkiller max mogers World2
/tpp alfa beta Home
/tpp [player1] [player2] [player3] [world/portalname]
/world teleport [worldname]
/world tp [worldname]

Teleports you, or the players specified, to the portal or spawn point of a world. Other than permissions for this command, you can set world-specific and portal-specific teleport permissions too. World and portal enter permissions are also active. The portals are listed, like the world portals command, when the portal is not found. Note that, if duplicate portal names exist, the portal name of the sender (you) or the first player is used. The world teleport version is an alias.

Remember last player position

/world rememberlastpos [true/false] [worldname]
/world rememberlastpos [true/false]

Main page can be found here. This command sets whether the world remembers and uses the last known player position when teleporting him to worlds. Note: there are many aliases for this command. The one shown here as example is the shortest.

Command aliases

For the commands described above aliases exist. Below the commands and its aliases:

Full commandAliases
/world info/world i
/world portals/world portal
/world listgenerators/world generators
/world gen
/world listgen
/world evacuate/world evac
/world repair/world rep
/world delete/world del
/world togglepvp/world tpvp
/world pvp
/world weather/world w
/world rememberlastpos/world (set)rememberlast(player)pos(ition)
Parts between () can be left out or used in any combination
/world time/world t
/world allowspawn/world spawnallow
/world allowspawning
/world denyspawn/world spawndeny
/world denyspawning
/world gamemode/world setgamemode
/world setgm
/world gm
/world togglespawnloaded/world spawnloaded
/world keepspawnloaded
/world difficulty/world difficult
/world diff
/world saving/world setsaving
/world setsave
/world autosave
/world config/world cfg


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