Autosave appears to not work for spawn #112

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  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser7105870
  • _ForgeUser12601373 created this issue Nov 26, 2013

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Have world autosave set to true
    2. Build in the world spawn
    3. Stop the server
    4. start the server

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    All of the stuff that was constructed in the spawn since the last forced save is gone if the server is stopped.  24 hours worth of stuff has been lost this time around.  Happened before on a previous version and lost a weeks worth.  Only in the spawn area tho.

    What version of the product are you using?
    R: v1.66 for 1.6.4 Oct 16, 2013

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    no errors occured

    Please provide any additional information below.
    00:30:05 [INFO] Information about the world: Unknown
    00:30:05 [INFO] Environment: normal
    00:30:05 [INFO] Chunk generator: Default
    00:30:05 [INFO] Auto-saving: true
    00:30:05 [INFO] Keep spawn loaded: true
    00:30:05 [INFO] World seed: 2731905389375817552
    00:30:05 [INFO] World size: 64 Megabytes
    00:30:05 [INFO] Nether portal: Unknown_nether
    00:30:05 [INFO] Ender portal: Unknown_the_end
    00:30:05 [INFO] PvP: Disabled
    00:30:05 [INFO] Forced Respawn: No, allow bed spawns
    00:30:05 [INFO] Remember last pos.: Yes, teleport to last known position
    00:30:05 [INFO] Difficulty: easy
    00:30:05 [INFO] Game mode: survival
    00:30:05 [INFO] Time: 20:00 (8:00 pm)
    00:30:05 [INFO] Weather: The sky is clear
    00:30:05 [INFO] Status: Stand-by

  • _ForgeUser12601373 added the tags New Defect Nov 26, 2013

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