Muni is currently being rewritten by breezeyboy.
Muni is a town management plugin for Bukkit servers.
It provides 4 commands: /town /deputy /mayor /townadmin
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Muni is being built by Team[GLOKK].
Test the newest development snapshot at
Find the dev on at #teamglokk.
Become a contributor and help develop the Muni project on Github
Check out the release history here: Muni Change Log
Reason for Muni:
There’s no good town plugin! Towny has weird plot sizes and takes too much effort to configure, World Guard is great IFF users have full control (and tutoring) over plot size, Grief Prevention doesn't have special regions, and MCTowns has an overly complicated region hierarchy. Muni seeks to fill the void of the town plugin in the world of Bukkit servers.
Overall Description:
Muni provides a town interface for players to use. Mayors have full control of their towns, deputies have elevated rights, and all citizens can change towns as they would like to. World Guard borders will be used to protect builds and is expandable by the officers as the town grows. Special sub-regions can be bought, such as regions to heal players and or enable PVP for the town arena.
Citizen Abilities
- Apply to a specific town for citizenship
- An application or invite binds the player to a town
- Before applying to another town, they must do /town leave
- An application or invite binds the player to a town
- Accept an invite from a town
- Leave town (/town leave)
- Pay taxes (/town payTaxes)
- Check Town Bank balance (/town Bank)
- Automatically gain build rights inside town
- (Future) Vote
Deputy and Mayor Abilities
- Set tax rates (/deputy/mayor setTax/setItemTax #)
- Use Town Bank (/deputy/mayor bank check/deposit/withdraw #)
- Resign from officerships (/deputy/mayor resign)
- Manage Citizens (/deputy/mayor kick <PlayerName>)
- Buy Town Border Expansions (/deputy/mayor expand)
- (Future)Change region greetings
- (Future) Allow for contractors to have build rights (without citizenship)
Mayor Abilities
- Set Deputies (/mayor deputize)
- Rank up town (/mayor rankup)
- Delete Town (/mayor delete)
Later Possibilities
- War system
- Dynmap Markers
- Giant Shop Location
- Integration with the Jail plugin (giving officials the perms to make a Jail and punish their citizens)
- Integration with Mine Reset Lite plugin
- If you use Command Helper, check out this script
- If you use Command Helper, check out this script
- Mail system (Addresses)
- Denizen Integration (Gather quests etc.)
- Dictatorship vs Democracy
Check out the Development Roadmap
Also look at the Commands and Permissions
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
From Metrics:
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
From Muni:
The count of towns, citizens, and town ranks
Which database is used, MySQL or SQLite
If you wish to disable this feature for Muni only, you can disable it in Muni's config. If you wish to disable Metrics for any plugin, do that in the plugin folder for the Metrics plugin.
To view the data collected, please check us out on
There are only a few commands that actually check permissions right now.
Edit: Oh and Server Ops shouldn't need permissions until you toggle useOP in the config file.
Ok, that answers my question. I did not add the mayorName to the end of the command. I just need to change around some permissions, and I'll get back to you.
What do you mean by the general public? Maybe this will answer your question though: There is a /mayor "start" or "found" sub-command that allows any user with the muni.mayor permission to start a town. This version requires money and sponges (my rankup item) and checks to make sure the player is not a member of another town, etc.
The townadmin commands are where i'm putting my raw tests. They will eventually check to make sure its ok to add before doing so, but won't ever charge any money to the admin running the command.
Did you do /townadmin addtown townName mayorName ?
Ok, I have installed Muni on my server, and I have found one bug. When I try to create a town for a member, using /townadmin addtown [NAME], it responds...
Incorrect number of parameters
/townadmin [params]
Also, I was wondering why the general public doesn't have the ability to set their own towns.
(If you want to see the plugin in action, the IP is
Well I'm still having issues with the way Muni stores the citizens- there is duplication between the two test towns. I am tired of not having a file on here, so I've uploaded a PreAlpha version if you're super anxious and want to help find bugs. If you find a bug, please copy the stack trace to pastebin or otherwise and make a ticket here on Bukkit Dev.
I'd like to thank everyone for their encouragement! I have been a little slack on coding this past week (life got in the way) but have made a series of positive steps today and will continue the push tonight.
Today, I made some major changes to the way Muni stores its citizens data and the current build is broken; however, I think it will be an easy fix and I will make a link to a pre-Alpha build ASAP.
Really excited for this plugin, keeping up with Towny is just too much work, this plugin seems to be the balance between Towny and MCTowns
I can already tell a lot of servers are going to use this. Keep up the Good Work!
cant wait! for this release!
Looks awesome!! i'm pumped for thiss!!!
Good news on the development: It seems to be working well with SQLite and its only lacking a little functionality (such as making sure a player isn't already a citizen before applying to a town, etc.) before I release the first alpha. Should be only a day or two.
Ya 25 sounds good but also maybe have it configurable in the config too.
Question: What should the maximum length of a town name be? Player names are forced to be 16 characters or smaller, so I was thinking like 25 for town names.
Its been a busy weekend but I've thrown a few hours into the code today. I'm getting really close to a working alpha! Might be able to upload it tomorrow.
Updated the development roadmap with some notes if you're interested.
That's great! Can't wait to test it out.
Whao that looks like a great Anti-Griefing plugin! Does it have auto rollback for the whole world like you wanted? You might just pose the question to the developers- and say you don't want it to rollback World Guard Protected Regions (which is what Muni will be making.)
I'm getting close to releasing the alpha. I'm testing the Town Class, adding configuration settings to/from the config.yml file, working towards the World Guard functionality, and believe I have permissions checking and economy functions working correctly already.
i have the new prism plugin for rollbacks, but i wish theres was a plugin that make all that automatic withour doing it in the towns. ¡Thanks!
I don't see wilderness rollbacks as being within of the scope of this plugin. Muni aims to tie together World Edit/Guard, Vault, and some database functionality to provide the /town command. I could see the possibility of exporting schematics to a directory on a scheduled basis.
As for tracking and rolling back all the changes to a non-town region, that is beyond my ability at this time. Have you looked at LogBlock rollback or Grief Prevention's restore nature?
¡Please add wilderness rollback! The only plugin that have automatic rollback is PreciousStones. But preciousStones is not so good for making towns. This is an example:
Every 2 hours the wilderness will rollback all changes.
¡Please add it!
I am working with the World Guard and Vault APIs to get some functions coded. Once these get worked out, I will upload an alpha with limited functionality to be tested. At that point, I will be adding the database functions, then structuring a table for Muni and from there, rolling with feature implementation.
If you have any feature requests, please enter a ticket and I will keep them in mind while coding Muni.
I noticed that MCTowns is updated again, looks like the dev came back to life.
Sounds good, I'll be waiting. If you need help testing just hit me up. I'll be more than happy to help.