Muni is currently being rewritten by breezeyboy.
Muni is a town management plugin for Bukkit servers.
It provides 4 commands: /town /deputy /mayor /townadmin
To help us better understand our user base, please participate in some of the Polls
Muni is being built by Team[GLOKK].
Test the newest development snapshot at
Find the dev on at #teamglokk.
Become a contributor and help develop the Muni project on Github
Check out the release history here: Muni Change Log
Reason for Muni:
There’s no good town plugin! Towny has weird plot sizes and takes too much effort to configure, World Guard is great IFF users have full control (and tutoring) over plot size, Grief Prevention doesn't have special regions, and MCTowns has an overly complicated region hierarchy. Muni seeks to fill the void of the town plugin in the world of Bukkit servers.
Overall Description:
Muni provides a town interface for players to use. Mayors have full control of their towns, deputies have elevated rights, and all citizens can change towns as they would like to. World Guard borders will be used to protect builds and is expandable by the officers as the town grows. Special sub-regions can be bought, such as regions to heal players and or enable PVP for the town arena.
Citizen Abilities
- Apply to a specific town for citizenship
- An application or invite binds the player to a town
- Before applying to another town, they must do /town leave
- An application or invite binds the player to a town
- Accept an invite from a town
- Leave town (/town leave)
- Pay taxes (/town payTaxes)
- Check Town Bank balance (/town Bank)
- Automatically gain build rights inside town
- (Future) Vote
Deputy and Mayor Abilities
- Set tax rates (/deputy/mayor setTax/setItemTax #)
- Use Town Bank (/deputy/mayor bank check/deposit/withdraw #)
- Resign from officerships (/deputy/mayor resign)
- Manage Citizens (/deputy/mayor kick <PlayerName>)
- Buy Town Border Expansions (/deputy/mayor expand)
- (Future)Change region greetings
- (Future) Allow for contractors to have build rights (without citizenship)
Mayor Abilities
- Set Deputies (/mayor deputize)
- Rank up town (/mayor rankup)
- Delete Town (/mayor delete)
Later Possibilities
- War system
- Dynmap Markers
- Giant Shop Location
- Integration with the Jail plugin (giving officials the perms to make a Jail and punish their citizens)
- Integration with Mine Reset Lite plugin
- If you use Command Helper, check out this script
- If you use Command Helper, check out this script
- Mail system (Addresses)
- Denizen Integration (Gather quests etc.)
- Dictatorship vs Democracy
Check out the Development Roadmap
Also look at the Commands and Permissions
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
From Metrics:
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
From Muni:
The count of towns, citizens, and town ranks
Which database is used, MySQL or SQLite
If you wish to disable this feature for Muni only, you can disable it in Muni's config. If you wish to disable Metrics for any plugin, do that in the plugin folder for the Metrics plugin.
To view the data collected, please check us out on
Should make a feature in the config to allow changing of chat like so.
Normal- Beastedpepper - Hi Bob - Hello
Muni - [TownName]BeastedPepper Hi Bob - Can i join [TownName] ?
That's one of the reasons I like the siege/explosion system - it can be made to be slow enough that it would have to be prolonged over a period of time long enough for the defenders to respond.
I would really love to find another developer for this plugin. If you have java skills and some interest, feel free to PM me on here.
I remember trying HeroStrongHold at one point. It was an interesting plugin and I too was disappointed when it went inactive. I will take your recommendation into consideration. I do not 100% agree that power points would be needed to keep a region alive, but I have thought about making it where you can declare war that would reduce the size of a region.
At the present time, I am not able to track explosions within a region, though I know it is easy/trivial to track player deaths and match the names against the Muni citizens data.
Some of my worry is that only a few defending players will be online and will get slaughtered, only because town members had IRL obligations to keep them from defending their town. We'll have to make it fair.
I'll be glad to get more feedback on the topic of war.
You mean the pvp flag would be set to off by default???
If you're looking for ideas on a war system, I've been looking for a town plugin that has the war system I want...
I liked the way Herostronghold did war, but it appears that it won't be updating from now on (devbukkit page has been disappeared by the mods). Basically, the regions would have a "power" level, similar to the one from Factions - the region would stop existing or functioning once the power level hit 0. In every plugin that has this but Herostronghold, the power level would be decreased by killing players associated with the region. Herostronghold kept this, but also added a feature where players could build siege engines that would gradually reduce the power of nearby regions. I thought this way of doing war was much more realistic and fun than the traditional war mechanisms.
Plus, the dev of Herostronghold, before he disappeared, was planning to add another feature that allowed you to take points off the power level simply by having explosions happen within the region - so, for instance, you could fire cannons at a region to wear down its protection.
Unfortunately, Herostronghold appears to have stopped existing. Do you think you could do something like what I've described?
my thoughts on the war system- one town declares war on the other. both towns have the pvp flag set to true until a truce is made. i think there's a possibility of a pillage system where players can be temporarily added to the world guard region as members, and was thinking the attacking town (the pillagers) would have their town set to public build. that would discourage pillaging as it would require a big risk.
How will the war system work?
A new update has been uploaded. This is a fix for MySQL woes, adds Metrics (data tracking-see the graph at the top if you're curious), renames /townAdmin to /muni, fixes a couple of formatting issues, and begins the heartbeat that will be used for voting/contractor purposes. Please test extensively, and don't fully trust the database functionality quite yet.
The next release will be heavy on World Guard functionality, and I hope to have some great progress on that by the end of the weekend.
Is anybody else having a problem with the Muni data disappearing? Our production server keeps losing its town data and I haven't figured out why.
My computer is set back up in the place where I'm staying through Sunday. I hope to get another release made in the time I'm here.
Thank you for your concern! I should be back on my feet very quickly. I'm waiting the homeless thing out until next week, when I should be hearing about a fancy new job that would require me to relocate soon anyways.
Sorry to hear that. Hope you get back on your feet! If you need any help with anything let me know.
How would a permanent contractor (build rights only) be different from the idea of a second town with limited privileges? Contractors can be tracked in a separate table and would only affect the World Guard regions.
As for MyChunks, I am not doing too much with regards to the protections of the towns. Basically, I've coded a wrapper that makes a World Guard region to do the protections for me. I will look into it and get back to you with a more full answer at a later date. (Entering an enhancement ticket for ya)
Hello, I use the protection plugin MyChunks Was wondering if you could perhaps add some compatibility since its a simple plugin? If not thats cool i just dont want people claiming over mychunks areas with muni or vice versa.
Regards having two towns. What if there was a way to enter a second town but have reduced rights such as your primary town you can vote for mayors but your second town you can't? That way the main members of the town have more control since they live there full time and you don't .?
I have put up a new poll on the front page. If you have not taken part in the older polls, you may do so here:Polls
If you can code in Java and are interested in contributing while I am experiences delays due to life problems, please message me so I can bring you into the project.
Hello all, sorry for the slow updates but I am having personal problems at the moment as I am homeless due to a terrible roommate situation. I hope to get back into coding the plugin soon but don't have a place for my computer at the moment. Sorry!!!!
I can't give you a timeline on the border stuff, again I'm super sorry.
You can simply set the values to 0 in the config file. I don't know if the messages will adjust to leaving out the item portions but that is on my punchlist.
If I allow multiple towns then it will throw off the ranking system. Also, the memory management I have chosen allows for only one town. I intend to allow for contractors in the next release, where an officer of a town can allow you to build within their town borders. Would that resolve your issue? Would you really want your players to have to pay multiple town taxes and have no way of really seeing which town was the most popular?
Would it be possible to add the option for players to join multiple towns, nothing worse than setting up in one town, then having to totally move to another when your pals are online.
@bobbshields I was wondering if/how i would go about getting rid of the use of a physical item to rankup / create towns and make it all economy based? If this exists please point me to how i can achieve this or can you please add as a config option? Thanks
- BeastedPepper
Any update on when a new version will be posted with new features?
I'm actually waiting on the feature you mentioned previously about the GP feature being implemented. Once that is implemented I plan on advertising my server quite a lot more than what I am now.