Commands and Permissions
/Command <action> <parameter(s)>
- list
- info <Town Name> (Defaults to player's town if exists)
- apply <Town Name>
- accept (accepts your invitation from a town)
- leave <Town Name>
- sethome (simply records the citizen's homestead location, may be used in the future)
- vote <ID> <yes/no>
- signcharter <New Town Name> (Democracy Mode- the # of signatures required is in config.yml)
- invite <Player Name>
- accept <Player Name>
- decline <Player Name>
- kick <Player Name>
- regions
- setRegion <Region Type> (Allows the deputy to make a pre-sized region with special flags)
- @setTax <Flat tax rate > (Can be bounded by admins in config)
- @pushBorder (Expands the town border in the direction deputy is facing for a cost)
(@) Special permission nodes required for deputies to use these commands.
- bank (withdraw/deposit)
- deputize <Player Name>
- resign <Successor Name> (Democracy: Has to be approved by the citizens by automatic vote)
- rankup
- (((all the deputy commands can be ran as mayor)))
/muni (previously /townAdmin until the Alpha v0.20b release)
- addTown
- removeTown
- addCitizen
- removeCitizen
- setTax
- checkbal
- deputize
- list
- save
- reload
- Admins: muni.admin - Allows admins to override town settings such as tax rate, and add or delete towns without the Democracy or Dictatorship modes.
- Join a town:
- Earn the right of deputy: muni.deputy
- Permission to found a town or become mayor: muni.mayor
- muni.townadmin
- muni.mayor.remove (for mayors to be allowed to delete their own towns)
- muni.deputy.changetax
- muni.deputy.pushborder
- It is safe to just give everyone the muni.mayor permission**
Whe evr i type a command it says /town help /muni help /deputy help
This this being updated to run on 1.7.9? i tried latest version from the job link but it won't even write a config when installed & server is started so guessing it's not ready yet. This plugin would be Awesome for my server EcoVentureCraft
and i love the sign charter requirement to make a town, Were using a RPG style of game play so this would be great so players can't just join and start a town on their own to hoard land so easily.