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What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?Integrate Hyperconomy with Muni
Hyperconomy is a powerful stock market type plugin that can have multiple markets on one server. The prices of products fluctuate dynamically with supply and demand. With multiple markets, you can have each city on your server have its own market via Hyperconomy. However, Admins need to set up these new markets for city owners. Further, an admin would need to help mayors manage their product pricing via hyperconomy commands.
It would be nice if a Mayor was given the permissions to control the market within their city. Or, perhaps part of the ranking system would automatically provide a city with a market (say at rank 3 or something) and also provide the Mayor with the permissions to control their new market.
Please provide any additional information below.
I'm not sure if my thoughts are clear, but it's what I'm setting up on my server. However, for now, I'm having to manage the city's markets myself since I don't want to just hand out permissions.
Adding this to the github tickets as a future enhancement
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