Muni Alpha 0.11
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UploadedFeb 26, 2013
Size182.48 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
- 1.4.7
Check out the commits on the Github page to keep up with development. Contributions welcome!
Use the ticket system here on Bukkit Dev to report bugs.
Check out the full Change Log history
New in this version:
- Town rankings are now computed (/town rankings)
- Town bank now supports items (/deputy/mayor itemBank <check/withdraw/deposit> )
- Towns save more efficiently.
- Officers can check tax history (/deputy checkTaxes <playerName>
- This will get more formatting and will seperate into mulitple pages in the future.
- This will get more formatting and will seperate into mulitple pages in the future.
- A few command entry bugs straightened out
Dev Notes
- World Guard functionality is not fully added, but you can make a test region with /townadmin makeRegin <regionName>
- A voting conceptualization has been added as a skeleton
Please, be sure to leave feedback for the authors. Are you finding lots of errors in the commands? Are the name of the commands confusing? Anything misspelled? Can't wait for World Guard functions? Leave comments on the main page, record a ticket if you have a serious problem, or start a thread on the forum to just chit chat. Tell us how you think Muni should end up!
MySQL functionality has tested buggy.
/mayor delete is not working.
/townadmin commands are not fully working yet. (save and reload are fine though)
Expecting to find many more command input errors
Please report all bugs with the exact command entered and the stack trace. Be sure to check through the tickets to make sure the bug isn't already reported and being worked on.