Muni Alpha 0.1


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  • Uploaded
    Feb 21, 2013
  • Size
    155.56 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.7-R1.0
  • 1.4.7


Check out the commits on the Github page to keep up with development. Contributions welcome!
Use the ticket system here on Bukkit Dev to report bugs.
Check out the full Change Log history

Permissions were added!

Commands that respond: /town /deputy /mayor /townAdmin

  • Do the commands with no parameters or as /command help to see a list of commands.
  • Most commands have been thoroughly tested but some parse errors may still persist
    • Make sure you typed the names correctly (but CAsE does not matter)

Working well with the economy. (/town payTaxes, /mayor found <townName>)

Saves towns and citizens to the database (mySQL not yet tested.) SQLite does have issues saving to the database at times

  • Transaction logging is successful, needs in-game lookup commands to be added
  • Town and Citizen data load from the database

If you want to see the debug output, change the config.yml and restart or do /townadmin debug on (temporary until restart)
You can change the SQL debug with /townadmin sqldebug on (temporary until restart)

Commands now accept extra sapces.

World Guard and MySQL functionality is not yet added.

/townadmin commands are not fully working yet. (save and reload are fine though)

This is a full test of the command structure before working on the World Guard region aspect.

Please report all bugs with the exact command entered and the stack trace. Be sure to check through the tickets to make sure the bug isn't already reported and being worked on.