Core | Portals | NetherPortals | SignPortals | Inventories(β)
Multiverse Inventories Resources:
Multiverse-Inventories Features
- Have separated players stats and inventories per world or per group of worlds.
- Choose what each group of worlds share: Inventories, Hunger, Health, Exp, and Bed Spawns (Bed Spawns only available in CB1.1+)
- Import your data from WorldInventories 1.0.2+ and MultiInv 3.0.0.
- Useful in game commands
Is Multiverse Missing that little something that you need?
Ask us! Or better yet, hop on our discord and tell us that you'd like to fork us and add a feature! You can of course do this without consulting us, but we cannot accept pull requests that will break Multiverse for the rest of our users! Don't go write your own World Management plugin, join the team and submit a pull request
Want your plugin to use the Multiverse API
(currently undocumented, sorry...) Again, hop on IRC and tell us! We love talking to other devs and a bunch of us will be able to help you out!
Multiverse-Core is REQUIRED to use Multiverse-Inventories!
Hi, I use the last recommended build for 1.2.5, and when I start the server, the error is: 19:15:25 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins/Multiverse-Inventories-2.4.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Multiverse-Core at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload( at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload( at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute( at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( at at (I use the last update of Multiverse Inventories)
You don't have a compatible version of Multiverse-Core, please update to the latest builds on
This is entirely unrelated to Multiverse-Inventories.
@diskman2000 @Juggernaut316 @WartyWarlock @Valdiralita
Probably need a newer version.
1) It's very complicated, if you really want to know, examine the code on github or come hang out on irc and I can explain it some time: 2) Yes, this should be fine. Just keep this in mind: they will always keep the inventory they log off with.
Yes, read the wiki
This is not possibly being caused my MV-Inv. When you go to a world that shares everything with the world you came from, the plugin changes nothing.
The first issue is resolved in the latest dev builds available here: The second is odd, i'd need more details.
Hmm, try the latest dev builds now:
You possibly have incompatible version of core and inventories. Please use the latest at:
It has been 1.2.4 compatible since build 30 or so.
Your inventories version is incompatible with your core version. Please update to latest at:
You can find this on the wiki at
it seems that with the current build, it does not share the XP level (green bar) but it shares the XP number (green number) only. Is that true?
I got this error on 1.2.4:
is this going to be 1.2.4 compatable
i am running MV core MV inventories and MV signportals. when i make a sign portal or use the /mv tp command is doesn't recognize my world "creative" if i disable inventories then it will work. but i really don't want to do that. please help!
Getting some issues - using latest dev since yesterday of bukkit, mv etc.
Everything seems to work - but this comes whenever you change between certain worlds
I think that this MV-inventories plugin causes tools to fix themselves when you enter to another world which shares the same inventories. This is problem, because now people on the server can fix their Fortune III picks and have them forever.
Is there A way to Make it so People Go through portals get stuff then they leave the stuff Behind in that Portal becuase when they go To creative they get diamonds then go to survival And cheat with diamonds
Few questions...
1) How do the groups/world folders work exactly, logic-wise?
2) Will it be possible to restore inventories easily by copying older data (from this plugin) into those folders or editing the files themselves?
Thanks :)
Plugin Multiverse-Inventories is attempting to register event com/onarandombox/MultiverseAdventure/event/MVAResetFinishedEvent, which does not exist. Ignoring events registered in class com.onarandombox.multiverseinventories.InventoriesListener
with newest bukkit and b81 of MV-INV
EDIT: use MV-INV 2.3 beta b37 for CB 1.1-R3, that version works with 1.2.3 !!!
Getting the following error with latest dev builds of multi portals, inventory and core. Latest beta build of CB too.
No other errors, haven't actually had a chance to go in game and see what it affects yet. Cheers for all your lovely work!
I am having the same issue. I have tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to prevent the inventory from carrying over to the other world.
For some reason its not stopping sharing between my worlds.. Im using a regular player account for testing. I have removed the second world from the config file so that should disable sharing right?
Any ideas?
Did it work? Don't have time to test it at the moment since I'm not home until next week-ish but wanted to know beforehand.
2012-03-06 11:57:44 [INFO] Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftSkeleton 2012-03-06 11:57:44 [INFO] Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftSkeleton itd itd. Not born MOB when install Inventories, when he throws everything returns to normal. bukkit 1.2.3 R 0.2 when use cmd spawnmob appears on the screen not showing up
UPDATE this bug
Just saw build #67 hit, im guessing the changes in there will fix my below problem statement?
Guess ill go test it out on my test server.
Any chance on getting a working dev build for inventories? Right now its completely broken and doesnt record data in the default folder player files.
Damn, dev builds unstable.