Core | Portals | NetherPortals | SignPortals | Inventories(β)
Multiverse Inventories Resources:
Multiverse-Inventories Features
- Have separated players stats and inventories per world or per group of worlds.
- Choose what each group of worlds share: Inventories, Hunger, Health, Exp, and Bed Spawns (Bed Spawns only available in CB1.1+)
- Import your data from WorldInventories 1.0.2+ and MultiInv 3.0.0.
- Useful in game commands
Is Multiverse Missing that little something that you need?
Ask us! Or better yet, hop on our discord and tell us that you'd like to fork us and add a feature! You can of course do this without consulting us, but we cannot accept pull requests that will break Multiverse for the rest of our users! Don't go write your own World Management plugin, join the team and submit a pull request
Want your plugin to use the Multiverse API
(currently undocumented, sorry...) Again, hop on IRC and tell us! We love talking to other devs and a bunch of us will be able to help you out!
@cheese510 @deleted_8040988 @Atteluxy
You need to update to either a newer Core or newer Inventories or likely both.
When are you updating this?
14:49:30 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Could not load 'plugins\Multiverse-Inventories-2.4.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Multiverse-Core at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>( at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init( at at
Great plugin- except i get this.. 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at com.onarandombox.multiverseinventories.MultiverseInventories.onEnable( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at com.onarandombox.multiverseinventories.MultiverseInventories.registerCommands( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at com.onarandombox.multiverseinventories.command.InfoCommand.<init>( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO at com.onarandombox.multiverseinventories.command.InventoriesCommand.<init>( 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.pneumaticraft.commandhandler.multiverse.Command.<init>(Lorg/bukkit/plugin/java/JavaPlugin;)V 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] SEVERE Error occurred while enabling Multiverse-Inventories v2.4-b69 (Is it up to date?) 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Inventories] No group conflicts found! 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Inventories] Checking for conflicts in groups... 18.04 04:57:51 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Inventories] Enabling Multiverse-Inventories v2.4-b69
Any ideas?
to make certain worlds shareable, you would do so in the multi-inv config and not permissions, right? And to exempt certain ranks you would edit that in your permissions config with the node, is that correct?
Don't put the worlds that shouldn't share anything in a group!
This has nothing to do with Multiverse-Inventories.
This has nothing to do with Multiverse-Inventories. As for Core, we didn't forget. Skylands was removed from MINECRAFT as something built in. You need to use a custom world gen plugin. I believe SkylandsPlus.
Yeah, sorry, will try to update the wiki soon.
What is manabags? I have an api too, they can create a custom sharable, it's very easy.
As far as the kit goes... This is not related to Multiverse-Inventories. It doesn't give people kits.
I am having severe issues here to make this work. The setup might be a bit complicated, but it does not work as it is supposed to.
I have 3 types of worlds:
I have the following setup (dev build)
The inventory and the XP work in a strange one-way system. A user would be in the empire, get some XP. Then go to spawn (city world) and from there through a portal to the end. He keeps the inventory which he should not, and keeps the XP which he should. However, if he exits the end through the portal and comes back out in the city, he LOST his XP.
I could fix the inventory by adding a " - -inventory_contents" to the xpshares which should not be needed. I cannot fix the XP issue however. Any help here?
Using dev well :) Could you please make it so manabags also don't carry over...they have an API and i'm fairly sure it would be fairly easy for you guys to do :)
Can you please update the list of items to be shared between worlds? I heard now that there are also "level" to be shared and this is not reflected in the wiki or the default config.
1.2.5???? Release Date??? 1.2.4 doesnt work.
The only problem i got is that whenever i reload the server everybody thats in creative gets survival... :/
Hey, I'm just having some trouble with the config. On my server I would like my worlds to be completely separated, how do I make it so NOTHING shares?
Please respond...
perms? can you make an permission that disable the transfer?
Wow, thank you SO MUCH, i wonder if anyone else had the same problem... Seriously Thank You!
EDIT: It still does not work =( even with the new format that was made for me. i really do have an amazing server, with lots of people complaining, i need to get this fixed... it WAS working fine. Any Ideas? i ran it through YAML Parser, all seems fine...
EDIT: ALL WORKS FINE NOW... had to type everything manually.
Did you forget or give up the type of world Skyland? Because I downloaded version 2.4 but Skyland no longer exists: '(
Umm, looks like you already knew what to do for all your other worlds, you just needed to add some new groups
I made 2 different worlds (technically like 3 because of the new_world_nether, AND new_world_end)... i NEED them to share their inventories, WITHOUT sharing inventory with the first world too. i looked around, and i haven't found out how to make the new_world share inventory with the New_world_nether, while keeping the default_world share with the default_world_nether.
Here is what i have...
Please help me with the format?
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. Are you having some kind of problem?
The plugin does not seem to ever use its own inventory storage, it just grabs whatever previous inventory the player had. If the player had an inventory for a minigame then died, then goes to a world with a different inventory, they get their minigame inventory instead of their inventory for that world. The same goes for creative, if I'm in creative and go to a survival world, I get my survival inventory for the world I was already in, etc.
For some reason when a play on my server goes into a creative world and then either stays there or disconnects, the next time i restart the server, it sets that players inventory for all worlds to the one he had in creative. If though he goes back to survival and then the server is restarted its all good.
All resolved. I updated to the latest build. Apparently it was just a bug.