Core | Portals | NetherPortals | SignPortals | Inventories(β)
Multiverse Inventories Resources:
Multiverse-Inventories Features
- Have separated players stats and inventories per world or per group of worlds.
- Choose what each group of worlds share: Inventories, Hunger, Health, Exp, and Bed Spawns (Bed Spawns only available in CB1.1+)
- Import your data from WorldInventories 1.0.2+ and MultiInv 3.0.0.
- Useful in game commands
Is Multiverse Missing that little something that you need?
Ask us! Or better yet, hop on our discord and tell us that you'd like to fork us and add a feature! You can of course do this without consulting us, but we cannot accept pull requests that will break Multiverse for the rest of our users! Don't go write your own World Management plugin, join the team and submit a pull request
Want your plugin to use the Multiverse API
(currently undocumented, sorry...) Again, hop on IRC and tell us! We love talking to other devs and a bunch of us will be able to help you out!
Great Plugin
Has anyone read my proposal by the developer and can implement this soon?
I'm having serious problems with seperating my creative and survival world inventories. I configured the groups correctly, and it works; most of the time. Sometimes it will switch the inventories correctly and sometimes it will transfer the creative inventory to the survival world and erase the players survival inventory...This is a SERIOUS problem and i need help ASAP. Thanks
For us, the files are always more and more server-heavy files to load. Would it be possible in the shortest time intigrieren a MySQL database integration?
Also interested in sql support!
First I'm german. Sorry for my english. Can you make, that the plugin can save the gamemode for each world?
Hi, i've switch to Multiverse inventory from Multiinv, cause i'm found of Multiverse plugins and i wanna simplify my updates.
It's working good, but i've a question/request:
Is it planning, or when, if it is, will this store data in Mysql table?
i'm doing a complete stats webpage on my site, and i would be able to display users aeconomy accounts...
@blair2000bukkit That's what it SHOULD do. But I have players who have items in their hot bar carry over from the creative world to the survival world, while I don't.
Edit :
Multiverse-SignPortals is conflicting with inventory plugins. No multi-inventory plugin worked right when I had it on my server.
Internal error when doing /mvinv reload
20:16:46 [SEVERE] null org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'mvinv' in plugin Multiverse-Inventories v2.4-b126 at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand( at at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle( at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b( at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( at at Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.onarandombox.multiverseinventories.MultiverseInventories.onCommand( at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ... 12 more
@nitroEFFECT That is exactly what this plugin does, check out the options in your configs to make sure its all up and good
Is there a way to have a legit world and a creative and not allow anything to be transferred through portals but everytime that you go from the creative world to the legit, you have the same items as you had in the legit before going to the creative???? Please help
@srodden: I just tried installing it a couple of days ago. I got the same message and it said that it might be out of date, but then I went on and tried to configure it anyways and at least the basic feature of separating inventories between the worlds has worked well for me. I haven't tried the version that dumptruckman said he just uploaded, though.
I restarted my server and everybody had random parts of other people's inventories when it came back up. Any ideas?
@awkwardursus @srodden
Sorry, yes, it IS compatible, but probably not b69 with the latest core that was released on We were trying to release some dev builds on and we had an issue trying to do so at the time so all of the plugins didn't get uploaded.
I did, however, just upload the latest dev of Multiverse-Inventories (b126) onto dbo and it should be approved shortly. :)
Doesn't appear to be. I installed tonight on my 1.2.5 bukkit with freshly downloaded mv plugins. On the console, the plugin initialised and went through first-run setup but then said it failed to enable.
Is this compatible with Multiverse core for 1.2.5?
Build numbers DO change (automatically) on jenkins. The version number (2.4) does NOT change until we release 2.4-AB.
I won't be adding support for a third party plugin into Multiverse-Inventories. Either a separate plugin needs to be designed to do this or Manabags can use the Multiverse-Inventories API to easily share these extra inventories. I'll see about getting in touch with the dev for that plugin though.
manabags is an addon to give extra inventories
I assumed 2.4 was the latest.. you dont update your dev build numbers? :( Thanks though, will do on next restart.