Core | Portals | NetherPortals | SignPortals | Inventories
Multiverse Core Resources:
Wiki | Source | Feature Request | Bug Report
NEW: We are no longer using SNAPSHOT builds. All releases will follow Semantic Versioning and will be published in full on GitHub. Once a particular version has been deemed stable, we will release it here. In the mean time, you are welcome to grab versions as they become available from the GitHub releases page.
These builds have not been approved by the CurseForge staff.
Use them at your own risk.
About Multiverse
Multiverse was created at the dawn of Bukkit multiworld support. It has since then grown into a complete world management solution including special treatment of your nether worlds with Multiverse NetherPortals.
In the second delivery of Multiverse, we've broken it up into several smaller plugins that are each feature packed but not bloated! Multiverse provides the easiest to use world management solution for your Minecraft server, big or small, and with great addons like Portals and NetherPortals, what's not to love!
Multiverse is here and works for the latest server build! Is your server a Multiverse?
Multiverse-Core Features
- Create multiple worlds of different types, seeds and with Custom Generators
- Keep your skylands using a custom generator (MV 2.2+)
- Set the mode per world (creative, survival or adventure)
- Create Multiverse Portals to let users go between other portals, worlds, or locations (Requires MV-Portals installed)
- Restrict users from going to specific worlds by using permissions
- Economy support!
- Show which users are in what worlds with /mv who
- Color your worlds when the appear in chat!
- Custom world aliases. (Leave your folder names alone! use an alias!)
- Restrict animal/monster spawning. Per animal/monster! (Why hello creeper world!)
- World scaling with NetherPortals
- Conserve memory by having some worlds NOT keep their spawn chunks loaded!
- Fantastic in-game help just use /mvh search
- Purge all those unwanted animals/monsters from your world!
- Perform all per-world modifications with in-game commands! (Stop getting those YAML errors!)
- Teleport to any of your worlds with a command or allow others to teleport their self or others (with customizable permissions)
- While teleporting or using portals, you can use any Multiverse Destination
- Wiki documentation!
Optional plugins to add more to Multiverse:
Multiverse-Portals features:
- Make custom portals to go to any destination!
- Restrict users from using specific portals using permissions.
- Charge users to use specific portals!
- Exempt users from portal fees.
- Launch users through the air when they enter a Multiverse Portal!
- Allow minecarts/boats through Multiverse Portals.
- For more information, visit the wiki for Multiverse-Portals.
Multiverse-NetherPortals features:
- Have nether and end worlds per for any of your overworlds!
- Have custom nether and end portals in a world go to a specific world
- Custom World Scaling when using NetherPortals! (All types of worlds, normal, skylands and nether supported! Even custom generators!)
- For more information, visit the wiki for Multiverse-NetherPortals.
Multiverse-Inventories features:
- Have separated players stats and inventories per world or per group of worlds.
- Choose what each group of worlds share: Inventories, Last location (in a world before teleporting), Hunger, Health, Exp, and Bed Spawns.
- For more information, visit the wiki for Multiverse-Inventories.
Is Multiverse missing that little something that you need?
Hop on our Discord and tell us that you'd like to fork us and add a feature! You can of course do this without consulting us, but we cannot accept pull requests that will break Multiverse for the rest of our users! Don't go write your own World Management plugin, join the team and submit a pull request.
Want your plugin to use the Multiverse API?
Before making a review:
Please do not use the review comments below as a way to seek help, report bugs or suggest features. Utilize the Multiverse wiki. A lot of documentation for each plugin is there. If you still need help:
How i can eliminate Mobs from a world?
So I've got a question thats got me stumped.
I have a central 'Spawn' world that has portals to all the other worlds in my server. Now this all works fine, no issues at all....until a new player joins.
Instead of spawning at my custom spawn point, they show up about 60 blocks above it, on the 'Cealing'
Now, my spawn world is custom generated...Flat Bedrock, blocks 1 -10 are air, and 11-60is obsidian. Its all setup so you can look around a bit, or take a portal where you wanna go
If they spawn ABOVE all that however, on a flat plane of bedrock...well...They see a barren expanse and get confused.
Now, if the player Dies they show right up where they belong at the spawn point. My question is, why are they NOT spawning there orignally, and what might be overriding your plugins Spawn. The only other thing I can think that would be AdminCmd's, and even THAT is set to the same location as your point.
Got any ideas?
Edit: Ok..i think i figured it out. Game does NOT like spawns below fine when someone dies, but initial
Least, I assume that's it. If I'm wrong and there's something else I missed or an error or something, do let me know .Thanks again.
Edit2: It's not height related. I used MCEDIT To completely shift the little 'Spawn Room' I had built underground to a good Y level like 90 and reset all the spawn points and such.
Have a test person login, once again player spawns in the middle of nowhere. Look up, see the HUGE construction floating in the sky..Die, re spawn in there like they should.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong but I can't seem to find the problem. Once again, any help would be amazing
Hello, is there a way to set just the time to day on a specified world? Tha tit never gets night/dark?
Is it possible to make Multiverse remember from where the user teleported and put the player back there when teleporting back instead of having a forced location?
Anyone have any idea where we can go for help/issues with Multiverse? This forum/thread doesn't seem to be working.......and/or responsive.
I'm having yet another issue with Multiverse - let's hope this question gets answer O.o
So, I've set animals/mobs to spawn: true
However, I've added an exception for Squid, yet, they are continuing to spawn on the map...... wtf? Is this a bug?
- squid
^ doesn't work^
I have a multiverse world that I want to "reset" every 4 hours, as it has dungeons w/ exploding walls, bridges, etc... in it. I have it scheduled that every 4 hours it will /mv unload. After that I have a shell script that copies over the data from a copy of the world that is unexploded, etc... to the dir of my world, to reset it When I go to do the /mv import normal, it looks fine, no errors, world is listed in /mv list but I can't get into the world at all. If I reload the server, I can get back into it. Any ideas on what might be causing this or how to fix it?
I'm working on a complete server overhaul at the moment, was planning on updating multiverse to 2.0 but reading the posts below portals still appear to have some issues, is this correct? If so, per your posts below you will release a new build when CB releases a new RB (which I presume will be sometime after the 1.8 update), if this is the case then we will probably end up waiting a while as there will probably be a slew of 1.8 RBs fixing bugs etc, which means I will probably end up waiting for a couple of weeks ;)
Also, could you please include/update the config.yml information for multiverse-core? I assume from below bedrespawn isn't working, however do multiworld beds work? Also what does fakepvp do and how would it affect the war plugin? finally, I am a little unclear on how the opfallback works and which message the messagecooldown pertains to.
Cheers (awesome plugins though, been using them for a while now and never had any issues!)
Quick question. In the core.yml -> opfallback: true
When I change this to opfallback: false.... it keeps reverting to true :(
Help? Thanks!
Bed Respawns have been fixed in Builds 250+ of Core thanks to @Vaht!
This build will not be promoted until the next CB RB, but if you want to use them, feel free to grab a dev build! (PS: here's the link
You are about 1060, but please grab the new nether portals build also. Sorry about the confusion.
I tried to clear up the confusion, but I think I introduced more... Sorry. Feel free to ask more questions.
Am I correct in assuming the new Multiverse-Core build will work on CraftBukkit 1060? Will the older build of NetherPortals work fine with this build? Thanks.
Please keep profanity out of your posts. In addition, All of the things you describe are working properly.
Pleas continue discussion politely on our threads if you have any further questions:
Thanks, FF
HeroChat enter in conflict with MultiVerse, the permissions for portails doesn't work correctly (compass bugged, /home command inusable and more) and impossibility to create a nether : multiverse teleports me in other world because the "Nether is not safe" .. oh really ? the Nether is not safe ? I didn't know this ... I'm switched to an old version of Multiverse (1). Bye.
[done] found my fail :D
Heads up, new MV2 AB droping tonight.