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UploadedApr 18, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.5-R0.2
Changes in Core 2.4-AB
- Fix: Player count missing in who command.
- Fix: Info command showing current world when invalid world used.
- Fix: Check command now much better.
- Change: Spawner eggs now override spawn settings.
- Logging improvements.
- Other various bug fixes: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/issues?sort=created&direction=desc&state=closed&page=1&milestone=8
Changes in Core 2.3-AB
- Fix: Bypass mode being checked improperly
- Fix: Accessing multiple pages in anchors
- Fix: Properties not saving to the config when used ingame
- Add: The ability to create worlds with a FLAT world type - only normal worlds (bukkit issue)
- Add: The ability to create worlds with GENERATE-STRUCTURES false - only normal worlds (bukkit issue).
- Add: Lots of refactoring. It's good stuff.
Lots More! Here's all the issues we closed: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/issues?sort=created&direction=desc&state=closed&page=1&milestone=6
Changes in Core 2.2-AB
- Fix: Mode being reset when changing any property
- Fix: Imports appear as success when they failed
- Fix: Conflict with spout. Workaround is in place.
- Add: The ability to exempt players from gamemode changes. Use mv.bypass.gamemode.NAME. This is OFF by default
- Add: Lots of refactoring. It's good stuff.
Lots More! Here's all the issues we closed: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/issues?direction=desc&milestone=1&page=1&sort=created&state=closed
Changes in Core 2.1-b279 NOTE: This is the first MAJOR release since MV2.0. We highly recommend updating to this!
- Fix: On Server restart Pitch/Yaw are not loaded
- Fix: mv delete on Windows servers
- Fix: mv Reload resets pvp, difficulty and gamemode
- Fix: squids can now be blocked
- Fix: Bed destinations not saving properly
- Fix: World permissions not being detected right after a world is created (if a user had multiverse.access.*)
- Fix: Cannon applies velocity even if teleport is cancled
- Fix: Vehicles now get the cannon's velocity.
- Fix: Use display names for /mvwho
- Add: You can now configure ALL of MV without editing config files. Use /mv config ? for more info.
- Add: enforceaccess. This handy config var is true by default and when turned off will NOT check any world perms. Use this if you want all your users to be able to go everywhere.
- Remove: opfallback. This variable was very confusing. It has been replaced with enforceaccess
- Remove: Legacy Permissions support. MV2 now only supports super perms capable perms plugins (PermBukkit, PEX, bPerms, GroupManager).
Changes in Core 2.0-b279
- Fix: Difficulty is actually saved to the config file.
Changes in Core 2.0-b277
- Feature: Added support for per world difficulty setting.
- Fix: Moved the World GameMode check over to onPlayerChangeWorldEvent, this should prevent your game mode being forced when using /spawn within the spawn world and other edge cases such as teleporting to players within your world.
Changes in Core 2.0-b275
- Fix: Hunger not working
- Fix: SignPortals not working
Changes in Core 2.0-b271
- Fix Bug in new Teleport permissions
- Add Bed Destination
- Add Enable/disable Hunger
- Other bugfixes
Changes in Core 2.0-b265
- CHANGED Teleport Permissions!!!!! See here: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/wiki/FAQ#wiki-tp-perms
- Fix Velocity Persisting when teleport was cancelled.
- Fix Move Gamemode to Page one of mv info (/mvi)
- Fix Nether worlds, when imported, start with the vanilla scale (8.0)
- Added a Permissions ONLY page to the Wiki - https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/wiki/Big-List-O-Permissions
Changes in Core 2.0-b256
- Add support for new GameModes!
- Now use mvm set mode creative/survival
Changes in Core 2.0-b252
- Fixed an 'Array Index out of Bounds' error.
Changes in Core 2.0-b248
- Add a custom event MVTeleportEvent.
- Add /mv gens to show you all of your world generators (note: may not work with all WGENS)
- Add /mv debug [0/1/2/3] for different levels of debugging
- Fix /mv who [WORLD] showing "There are players in <Java Class>".
- Fix World destinations now support Pitch/Yaw
- Exact destinations no longer use the Safe Teleporter. If you set one over a lava pit, you will die.
- Fix the Safe Teleporter's interaction with water.
- Fix the Safe Teleporter spawning you on top or on the side of a valid portal.
- Fix use "DisplayName" in /mvwho
Changes in Core 2.0-b228
- Made World Access by default OP. However, opfallback is still set to true by default
Changes in Core 2.0-b227
- Add iCo 6 Support
- Add MultiCurrency Support
- Fix AllPay bugs when no econ was found
- Allow /mvtp cannon-X
However, LARGEBIOME worlds cannot be created (but they will still load). For this you must use developmental versions.
Also, there is not yet support for gamerules for non-default worlds.