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This issue is seemingly random, but breaks the whole plugin purpose.
Affected players change, this time, I noticed it myself, and decided to record the issue:
Description: SOMETIMES, not allways (allthough fairly commonly), players appear whith their armors and items from Factions, when going to Survival.
Multiinv version: 3.3.2-dev (I'm not sure this is the latest.)
TuxTwoLib version: 1.8-b2
Any errors in console when this happens?
Now checking.
hmmm... a multiinv error log appears on every world change. Looks like it has something to do whith multiworld. Does multiinv not support multiworld as world managing plugin?
It also happens without warping to that world whith MW commands, setting a warp, and warping to it.
My survival world is being tested on. One of my testers just loged out, and when he came back in, his inventory had dissapeared (it reappeared once he relogged in). I haven't recieved any reports of this happening in the inventory group worlds for the base world (MithrandirCraft7, the Factions world, where vanilla inventory is stored.)
We've also witnessed some very strange visual bugs, where players who come to survival have their survival inventory applied correctly, but have their Factions armor on (from the MithrandirCraft7 group), allthough the armor isn't really there, It's just visual.
I haven't witnessed this last bug lately, so I cant really confirm it, allthough I'm pretty sure it's real.
This means the exact issue is the following: Inventories are sometimes not applied for players who join worlds which groups are not the default vanilla inventory group, or at least only when they join the Survival world inventory group.
Ender chests (managed by Better Ender Chest) are also not sepparating.
Edit: i just added TuxTwoLib version specification to this sticket.
You will need to contact the author of Better Ender Chest as far as the bugs go with that as I do not have any support built in for it into MultiInv and it looks like he is doing it on his plugin's end. Also, please try the latest dev build here and see if it fixes your inventory separation issues:
Thank you, I've already updated the plugin, but I won't be able to confirm any results untill tomorrow's 24h restart.
I'll be reporting as soon as I can.
After updating plugin and restarting, the first thing I did was check inventory separations whith my OP/Admin account, right now my inventory isn't being separated in any way, neither when I change worlds, switch gamemode, or use enderchest.
I'm thinking maybe I only get this issue due to the particular settings of my Admin account, but I have seen other normal players in the past version having the same issues.
/version multiinv still outputs v. 3.3.2-dev Allthough I have definetly updated the plugin. (provably both versions are called the same right?)
I also tried testing this whit a diferent account, and in this second case, inventory, exp etc... where being separated correctly. Except for Enderchests, which I will manage myself.
Right now, everything works fine for me. My inventory is being separated accordingly, both between gamemodes, and between world groups.
But I am sure the issue is still present, because as I said, it's pretty much random. I will try whith other accounts, as I am sure it will re-emerge
I also found out I didn't have better ender chest well configured, so that was the cause for enderchest not splitting.
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