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I have two questions about this plugin:
*I use "BetterEnderChest" plugin for ender chest management. Will the separate enderchest feature on your plugin conflict whith BEC? I'm doubting your plugin will be capable of separating BEC enderchests per world right?
*Seeming as your plugin provably stores inventories in it's own database in order to separate them per world, is there any way I can explore user's inventories even when offline? (this would be really usefull.)
If I am not mistaken from what I've read, this plugin currently lets the default inventory be stored in it's usual world flat files, and creates a special database for all other extra separate inventories.If the plugin could also add the default inventory to it's own database, an inventory viewing command could be inplemented to effectively view both online and offline player's inventories, making this plugin more than just an inventory separator, but also a much safer inventory storage which isn't affected by world file rollbacks.
In any case, thank you for your attention :)
Hi, BetterEnderChest has support for MultiInv built in, so no, it will not conflict.
The feature for exploring other player's inventory has been requested several times, however I've just never implemented it. I'll see about adding it in before the next full release.
Yes, the plugin can add the default inventory to it's own database with the "save on logoff" option, however it's a tad buggier than the default saving of inventory in that case.
Hmm... I see then. If you say the database inventory in that case is even more unstable than the default one, I won't use it. Unless it is necesary in the future for the offline inventory exploring command which I really hope you add when you can :)
Something else: *Can I share the basic and current default inventories between worlds while having separate inventories in other worlds? *What are the bugs you mention with the save on logoff function?
Thank you for your time.
The groups.yml file allows you to group worlds together which should share the same inventory. If you're wanting to create a group where only a single world was before name the group the same name as the world.
When the server stops the save on logoff function sometimes fails to save inventories. Not sure why.
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