MultiCurrency was originally made by ashtheking but went inactive. So I updated it. It basically supplies multiple currencies, useful when you have an RPG server that has different nations on it, and when they all want their own currency. MultiCurrency allows you to pay each other in different currencies, earn different currencies, convert an item into currency, create currencies, remove currencies and exchange from one currency to another, and to change the exchange rate that this goes at! Such a nifty set-up!
All commands' aliases are prefixed by "mc" e.g. /pay -> /mcpay
- /pay <player> <amount> <currency> : gives <player> <amount> of <currency>
- /money <currency> : checks the amount of <currency> you own.
- /convert <currency> <amount> : converts <amount> of the item into <currency>
- (OP) /create <currency> <item> : creates <currency> which can be obtained after converting <item>
- (OP) /remove <player> <currency (optional>: Nulls the maximum / specified currency of the player (changes it to 0.00)
- (OP) /exchange <currency> <amount> : Changes the exchange rate of <currency> to <amount>. Exchange rate is the amount of <currency> you get for one <item>
- (OP) /eco <give/add/remove/rm> <player> <currency> <amount> : Adds / removes <amount> of <currency> to/from <player>. Checks if they have it before removing if you want to remove though.
- /pay = <default - true>
- /money = <default - true>
- /convert = multicurrency.convert <default - true>
- /create = multicurrency.create <default - op>
- /remove = multicurrency.remove <default - op>
- /exchange = <default - op>
- /eco = <default - op>
- Config only permission:
- multicurrency.obtain.<currency> = give this permission to players you want to be able to obtain the currency, but ONLY if the option in config "requirePermsForEachCurrency" is true.
Sorry, it turns out that I didn't have time to investigate. I was busy with real world problems and UltimateJail.
Any luck fixing the error report i gave you?
It's meant to be a file. Odd. Will investigate why in a bit.
is currencylist.yml supposed to be a file or a folder , just installed this and its creating it as a folder , just wondering ? This is under linux by the way
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@Shooty_: Go The currency is items that the play owns, not virtual like other eco plugins. This is designed to be more realistic.
Is the money stock in a database ? Like in mysql or something ?
Hi i would just like to know if this plugins still up to date and will be for the futur update? Thanks
How about implementing taxes? something that could take away a configurable percentage of a player's overall money balance, in order to make it harder to actually keep money, as well as balancing out the server overall currency.
Investigating and fixing now.
I can add that in a later release. Or try to, at least.
I see you support converting an item to currency. Does this plugin support converting it back? My interest is emeralds to virtual representation of emeralds to back. (1:1 exchange rate, much like just having a banking account and online bill pay / debit card)
I had the same problem as breezeyboy
WHY... i was updating ma server to 1.3 and as a rewaed it gives me this...
It is ideal for a replacement, but can be used as well as something else.
I haven't tested it with ChestShop, but it should work.
Yes. that's a problem. Ill fix that on the weekend when I have time.
Do you think this would be ideal for a membership/donator system?
Would this work with chest shops etc. which normally use iconomy?
i tried using the ID number but it still did it, and the item names had no spaces.
could the problem be that the plugin created a "currencyList.yml" folder, instead of an actual file? if so, what would i put in the currencyList.yml file to make it work?
It is a replacement.
Use the ID number of the item, or replace spaces with underscores. I will work on adding aliases. Gold ingot becomes GOLD_INGOT for example.