Horses Plus (Horse protection and editing)

MTC Horses Plus

MTC Horses Plus is a plugin that allows horses to be protected from griefing and other events. This plugin allows users to claim horses, add users to the allowed users group for their horse, remove protection on their horse, change their horses color, change their horses jumping ability, change its health, change its max health, change its variant (undead horse, mule, etc), and set its speed.

Claiming a Horse

To claim a horse simply go on it! It requires the permission node: mtchorsesplus.rideandclaim


horse changeprotection {new owner}
description: Changes a horses owner
horse removeprotection
description: Removes a horses owner
horse changecolor {color}
description: Changes a horses color
horse jumpstrength {strength}
description: sets a horses jump strength
horse addperson {person}
description: adds someone to the permitted users of your horse
horse variant {variant}
Changes horse variant (mule, horse, etc)
horse sethealth {health}
Sets horses health, where health is a number.
horse setmaxhealth {health}
Sets the maximum health for the selected horse
horse setspeed {speed}
Sets a horses speed of the selected horse
help mtchorsesplus
Lists all of the MTC Horses Plus commands

Permission Nodes

description: Allows you to change horse owner.
description: Allows you to remove a horses protection
description: Allows you to add someone to your horses protection
descritpion: Allows you to claim / ride horses
description: Allows you to change horse color
description: Allows you to change the jumping ability of your horse
description: Allows you to use all horse commands
Allows you to change the horses type (horse, mule, etc)
Allows you access to /horse sethealth and /horse setmaxhealth
Allows you access to '/horse setspeed {speed}'

To Do:

  • Config file with customizable messages
  • Allow changing of horses speed (may take a while if it is added...)
  • Help command
  • Adding protection to horse inventory
  • translation files
  • Protect horses against arrows and potions

Test the plugin out

Want to try out the plugin? Come on

New in this version

MTC Horses Plus 0.0.5 now has:
  1. Ability to set horses speed (with commands and permissions for it)
  2. Protection on horses inventory

Setup and Demonstration


Comment below and I'll be sure to add it as soon as I can as long as it is reasonable


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