

Enable different MOTD based on the world a player enters. MotdPerWorld will display a specified message to a player/group that has the required permission node whenever they join the server or change world. Thanks to RudyBx for the suggestion (


This is the MotdPerWorld plugin you can add to your server to enable a different MOTD for each world. It is currently v0.6 and was designed for V1.6.4.

I will continue to support this and add many more features. If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments or through a pm.

Installation and configuration

Place the MotdPerWorld.jar into your plugins directory and then run the server. You will need to manually add the world names and messages into the config. Click here for help with the config.yml


  • /motdpw - Current version of MotdPerWorld running.
  • /motdpw reload - Reloads the config for MotdPerWorld.
  • /motdpw help - Displays help for MotdPerWorld.


Click here for help with the config.yml

  • prefix - Display a prefix before the MotdPerWorld message. To disable type prefix: false
  • helpMessage: "&6MotdPerWorld &9will display a different MOTD whenever you change world. \n&9The commands for &6MotdPerWorld &9are currently: &4/motdpw help" - This is the message that will be displayed whenever a player types /motdpw help. Supports all minecraft colours (&1,&2,&3 etc). Supports formatting codes (&l,&m,&n,&o). Supports %name to grab the players name to add to the messages. Click here for help with the config.yml
  • world: - Is the name of the world.
  • message: - This is the message that the player will see if they have the required permission. Supports all minecraft colours (&1,&2,&3 etc). Supports formatting codes (&l,&m,&n,&o). Supports %name to grab the players name to add to the messages. Click here for help with the config.yml.


  • motdpw.receive.WORLDNAME
    description: Allows the player/group to receive the motdpw message for the WORLDNAME world.
  • motdpw.receive.*
    description: Allows the player/group to receive all motdpw messages defined in the config.
  • motdpw.reload
    description: Allows the player/group to reload the config for MotdPerWorld.
    default: op


  • v0.6 - Extra formatting codes added to help message, message and prefix (&l = Bold, &m = Strikethrough. &n = Underline, &o = italic).
  • v0.5 - Fully implemented the help command (/motdpw help). The message can be configured in the config.yml. Click here for help with the config.yml.
  • v0.4 - Initial release


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