MossyCraft is a modification that has ambitions on changing the way Minecraft experience works today. That is rather than have a mix of various plugins that all compete with either RAM/CPU or in-game command experiences, Instead the focus of MossyCraft is to add a façade layer ontop of Minecraft that completes features that I feel are missing. Combining both client modifications and server modifications via (Bukkit, ModLoader) the goal is to remove the need for /commands and signs in-game but instead create an immersive experiences that adds more layers / dynamic to the game in a more controlled and prescribed manner.
Some preliminary FAQ's.
How come you made this?
Having played on a few public servers, installed other mods found here I've reached a point where its both obvious that the game needs to improve but at a much more rapid pace. Given I have both design and programming skills, I decided to put together both a client and server super modification together which is built from the ground-up (One plugin to rule them all). The idea is to do-away with click signs and huge rooms of unnecessary "Read the rules" approach but instead put that back into the client itself, creating a more experience driven game-play. The ability to provide server admins a Agree/Disagree wizard for rules whilst at the same time provide an Commerce capability that is more intuitive to the end user via UI vs hacking blocks is the goal.
Sounds good, but can you pull it off?
I have been doing this for the past 15 years, the first game mod I worked on was 2D Texture design / Development for TeamFortress 2 and I've since worked on a variety of other mods that never went anywhere. I've also been a Product manager at Microsoft looking after .NET so i'm treating this as a commericial game only without making money! just lots of in-game hugs and nods of approval or disapproval is the currency of choice!.
I also write complex software (.NET and Java) for mining companies who do your mining in-game in real life, so I know a thing or two about mining ore - no I will not include a lithology function to help you figure out whats in your ground via test holes...although...
So this client mod is going to do a massive overhaul of the Minecraft UI?
No, its both a server and client coupled (two parts). You can access the server without client-mods but you will have to rely on commands to carry out a lot of day to day interactions. The client mod will modify certain aspects of the game but will only do so once you join a compatible server, that is the client mod has a boostrapper in-built which becomes self-aware only AFTER you join a compatible server. Should you want to go to other servers where none of the above is compatible, the mod will simply not activate itself (it will also keep a very low memory profile).
What other servermods are you going to include in your codebase?
At this point none. The authors of mods on here do an excellent job and please note I do not wish to take anything away from their work. I simply am more focused on creating an experience that derives from a central source that can control its own destiny, that is if Mojang release a new patch that makes breaking changes then my dependency on other authors is reduced given its now up to myself to come up with the release pronto.
Are you adding new blocks/entities to the game?
Yes. More on specifics as they are developed but initially I'm looking to add both new blocks, mobs and tools/weaponary to the game (ie Shields). The idea is again to complete the game experience to be more of what I personally would play and hope others would enjoy playing but also fix a lot of issues in-game that are clearly "to be continued" by Mojang (ie Gold? it is fairly usless resource right now but going forward I have ideas here).
What are some of the highlight features
More to come in another update. Suffice to say i'm about 20% complete in both the Server/Client modifications at the time of writing that is I have new improved inventory/backpack management in place along with customized enchantment modifications (additions) to help smooth out some in-game mob / mining experience(s).
eg: Inventory Management Changes.
How do Mojang feel about all of this?
Haven't asked. I'm hopeful one day that a series of modifications found within this forum to eventually get promoted into the main game, but for me the fun about this game is both playing it and making additions/fixes to it via code/design. I see Minecraft as both a fantastic gaming engine to play with and also an awesome game even in its vanilla state. It has huge potential and I'm not sure why Mojang aren't investing more into it vs creating other games?
and when we can download it???
you are still working on this project??
Awesome, I hope it works out and gets to be something. I will keep my eyes on this :D
Sounds great and a big project. Like the picture as well. I am open for every tool, plugin or mod. I used spout all ready once for a while but that should not mean this one would not be used. Its nice to have a choice of what you can use. If you need tester for your stuff i would be happy to check it out.
This seems like a great idea but I can't see this used that much. I mean there is already spout(craft) and they are building their own server software, which will feature not just a bit of improved.
Anyways good luck ;)
I also like the sound of this
My server is a spoutcraft server as well I have a lot of spoutcraft plugins and so about 90% of my users also use spoutcraft I am in the same situation as EvHub as in I wouldn't be able to run both spoutcraft plugins + this on my server :(
This is a very big project you've started i would love to see it flourish, good luck :)
I had thought about using Spoutcraft etc. For me though it's about starting raw, right back the heart of this in that what I see in Spoutcraft is allot of hooks that enable developers to attach mods into this space which is great, for me though I'm keen to put every single line i write on a code diet - reduce bloat/memory management the works.
Taking code and inheriting is both time consuming (ie have to reverse engineer what they have done and why they have done it with little documentation or notes etc) then improve or make changes which again would probably rail against the spirit of this OSS project given I'd likely not push the updates into the main branch? Its somewhat a bit of a large peripheral workload ahead of me just to get to a point where I could then extend.
The codebase for Minecraft isn't large and complicated so I'm keen to really just squeeze it down as much as i can?
Does that make sense? ( i ramble so if it doesn't yell at me! :)
@Junrall Yes.
I have re-routed the inventory usage within the game (mainly intercepting the keybinding) and moved the new InventoryGUI into its place. Passive impact to your day to day MC client so should you not use a MossyCraft server you're not going to have to muck around with your games textures/mods etc.
I really like the concept. I think, however, that making this as a spout/spoutcraft plugin would work well. From what i have seen, spout either already has the ability or will have the ability to do what you have proposed. Spout updates quickly, and since your client mod would almost certainly conflict with spoutcraft, I can't tell my users to get both. If you really wanted to, you could even have a spout and a no spout version. Just a thought.
I like the image above! Is that an actual in-game screenshot?