Mossy Recipe
This very simple plugin adds a recipe for mossy cobblestone and for mossy stone bricks. See the pictures below.
It uses the following permissions that are default true. Meaning anyone could craft them.
- mossyrecipe.mossycobblestone
- mossyrecipe.mossystonebricks
If you would like players not to be able to craft one of the recipes set the permission to false.
I did, however I think that adding a config file removes the simplicity of this plugin.
Have you considered making it an option in a config file?
For example "expensive:true/false"
If others find this too I will change the recipe.
1 vine would probably do the trick. 1 to 1.
Well people I'm not going to make X recipe for Y block. There are other plugins where you could configure every kind of recipe that you want to. I would like to keep this one simple and not overload server admins with features.
However I've made a poll where you could vote if you definitely need a recipe to be added.
Please also add 2 more recpies replaceing vines for seeds.
yea, maybe. i really dont care as long as i get it in any other way then glitching:P so much effort for such a slow farming:P
I think a better idea for circle stone birck is:
S = Stone / CobbleStone B = Brick
could you make a recipe for the new stone brick with a square?
really want that on my server;)
recipe could be something like
S=stone B= stone brick and you would then get 4-6 or something of the new stone brick with square.
what you think?
Red mossy cobblestone? (netherrack)
As for every one. I'm not going to make a configuration file of sort where you could change the recipe. I would like to keep the simplicity of this plugin.
However I might do something with idea of remcodemah. Using permissions to give players access to different recipes.
Does cracked mossy stone brick even exists? As far as I know there are only 4 types of stone brick. Regular stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, mossy stone bricks and that new type, the one with the circle, that has not yet been implemented in the game.
Link to wiki
Do you want me to make a recipe for the cracked stone brick? And what should it be then?
Please also add cracked mossy stone brick.
Simple yet very cool.
can you make it configureable to chose if you want to use 4 vines (+ sign) of 8 vines (like now)
mayby whit perm nodes
As requested I've added a recipe for mossy stone bricks in version 0.2.
Add Mossy Stonebrick Please! V,V,V V,SB,V V,V,V
V = Vine SB = Stonebrick
mossy stonebrick
Find me some good recipes for those and I will add them.
Please add mossy stone brick. And cracked mossy stone brick.