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This plugin is based on the Minecraft Forge Mod Morph created by IChun, You can transform into almost everything you kill and use the abilities that they have.
- Creepers explode when the die, or when triggered.
- Bats, Ghast and Blazes can fly
- Rabbits have jump boost
- Squids and Guardians have waterbreathing
- Horses and Ocelots have speed
- Snowmen place snow wherever they walk
- Iron golems have strength
- Ghasts and blazes can shoot fireballs
- Endermen can teleport
- Spiders can climb walls
- Snowmen can throw snowballs
- Zombies can eat their own flesh without getting poisoned
- Pigmen have speed
- Spiders can throw webs
- Llamas can spit
- Giants throw players
- Enderdragon throws fireballs
- Slimes have jump boost
- Evokers use their trap ability
- Dolphins, drowned, fish, phantoms and turtles can swim underwater
- Pufferfish can poison players and mobs in a 7 block radius
Most abilities are used by Shift+Clicking. These abilities can be disabled in the config if needed, or if the player desires they can use "/morph toggle" to enable/disable shift clicking abilities.
There is a settings section in the GUI that allows players to disable their own sounds, abilities, and choose if they want to see their own morph. All abilities that are manually triggered can be used by sneaking and pressing left click. To make your morph make a sound you can hold sneak for 2 seconds.
Installation/How to use:
This plugin requires LibsDisguises and ProtocolLib. After you have all the required plugins and put the Morph plugin in your plugin folder all you need to do is kill any mob and type /morph (mob) to morph into it.
#Do you want a sound/particle effect to be played when a player morphs morph-sound: true morph-particle: true #Do you want a sound/particle effect to be played when a player unmorphs unmorph-sound: true unmorph-particle: true #Allow morphing into players? (Possibly buggy) enable-players: false #Should players be able to see their own disguise? viewSelfDisguise: true #Should players be able to change if they view their disguises? canChangeView: true #When morphed as a mob do any other mobs of the same type ignore you #e.g Morphed as a zombie means you don't get attacked by zombies ignoreMobsWhenMorphed: true #What worlds do you want this plugin enabled in? #use <all> to enable in all worlds enabled-worlds: - world - world_nether - world_the_end #Reset all of the players morphs when they die death-reset-all: false #Reset only the morph they died as death-reset-current: true #When a player kills a morphed player, should they get the morph? steal-morphs: true #Enable morph power for flying morph-power: true #How fast morph power is used per second of flying morphPower-use: 1 #How fast morph power is regained per second of not flying morphPower-regain: 1 #The radius /morph near looks at near-radius: 10 #Hand swap menu status swapMenu: true #Only open the menu when there is nothing in the players main hand? onlyIfEmptyHand: false #Changing death messages if the killer is morphed #Available placeholders are: #{victim} {killer} {killerMob} {world} overrideDeathMessage: true randomMessage: false creeperDeathMessage: false deathMessages: - "{killer} killed {victim} while morphed as a {killerMob}" - "{victim} was killed by a {killerMob}" morphItem: type: BLAZE_ROD data: 0 name: "&aMorph Menu" lore: - "&5Click to open the morph menu" dropItem: false giveOnJoin: false slot: 0 #Abilities Configuration # #morph-time is how long you can stay morphed as a certain mob - set to 0 to disable #morph-cooldown is how often you can morph back into the mob after unmorphing from that particular mob - set to 0 to disable #ability-cooldown is the cooldown on the given ability of the mob - set to 0 to disable # #Enable flying? flying: true horse: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 speed: true wolf: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 ocelot: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 speed: true cow: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 pig: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 wither_skeleton: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 ability-cooldown: 0 bat: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 blaze: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 fire: true ability-cooldown: 5 cave_spider: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 spider-climb: true ability-cooldown: 0 chicken: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 egg: true ability-cooldown: 120 creeper: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 explosion: true explosion-damage: false enderman: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 teleport: true ability-cooldown: 5 endermite: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 ghast: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 fireball: true ability-cooldown: 5 guardian: morph-time: 0 waterbreathing: true morph-cooldown: 0 iron_golem: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 strength: true magma_cube: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 mushroom_cow: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 pig_zombie: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 eat: true speed: true sheep: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 silverfish: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 skeleton: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 shoot: true slime: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 jump-boost: true split: true snowman: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 snow: true shoot: true ability-cooldown: 0 spider: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 climb: true web: true #Remove spider webs after they are shot? removeSpiderWeb: true #How long (seconds) should webs stay for before despawning spiderWebRemove: 30 ability-cooldown: 0 squid: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 waterbreathing: true villager: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 witch: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 wither: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 llama: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 spit: true ability-cooldown: 0 vex: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 phase: true #The amount of blocks vex can phase through max-layers: 2 ability-cooldown: 30 vindicator: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 evoker: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 attack: true spawnVex: true attack-cooldown: 5 spawnVex-cooldown: 30 zombie: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 eat: true rabbit: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 jump-boost: true giant: morph-time: 0 enabled: true morph-cooldown: 0 throw: true #This increases how high giants can throw people force: 2 #Enables the giant to 'throw' blocks as he walks #NOTE: This might cause random blocks to be placed/broken if enabled walk-throw: false ability-cooldown: 0 enderdragon: morph-time: 0 enabled: true morph-cooldown: 0 fireball: true ability-cooldown: 0 mule: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 donkey: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 zombie_villager: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 parrot: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 illusioner: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 ability-cooldown: 0 stray: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 slow: true shoot: true ability-cooldown: 0 husk: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 hunger: true dolphin: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 drowned: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 cod: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 salmon: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 tropicalfish: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 pufferfish: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 poison: true ability-cooldown: 15 phantom: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 turtle: morph-time: 0 morph-cooldown: 0 disableHealthSystem: false checkForUpdates: true debug: false stats: true
Commands and Permissions:
/morph help: Displays this help screen - morph.morph
/morph view [true/false] - Toggles if the player can see their own disguise (Must be enabled in the config) - morph.view
/morph toggle: Enables or disabled shift click abilties - morph.toggle
/morph <mob>: Morphs you into the given mob - morph.morph
/unmorph <all:player>: Morph back to yourself - morph.morph
/morph status: Displays what you are morphed as - morph.morph
/morph near: Shows if there is a player nearby morphed - morph.morph
/addmorph <player> <mob>: Add a morph to the given player - morph.morph.modify
/delmorph <player> <mob>: Remove a morph from the given player - morph.morph.modify
- morph.morph - Allows players to use /morph
- morph.* - for all commands
- morph.changeview - Allows the player to use /morph view
- morph.toggle - Allow players to use /morph toggle
- morph.view - Allow players to use /morph view
- morph.into.* - gives players ability to morph into all players.
- morph.into.mob - e.g allows the rank to morping to a horse. morph.into.* for all mobs.
- morph.bypasskill.mob - e.g allows the rank to morph into a horse without having to kill it first. morph.bypasskill.* for all mobs
Note: If players are crashing when someone near them morphs as a enderman, change 'disable-endermen' from 'false' to 'true'.
Need help with the plugin? Click here to join my discord channel
can anyone help me figure out how to enable this on my server im on 1.16.3 everytime i use the command it says it is disabled
In reply to pipzs:
Add <all> to the list of enabled-worlds in the config
In reply to BumbleBeee_:
i already tried that
In reply to pipzs:
Can you send me your config.yml
In reply to BumbleBeee_:
here ya go
#Do you want a sound/particle effect to be played when a player morphs
morph-sound: true
morph-particle: true
#Do you want a sound/particle effect to be played when a player unmorphs
unmorph-sound: true
unmorph-particle: true
#Allow morphing into players? (Possibly buggy)
enable-players: false
#Should players be able to see their own disguise?
viewSelfDisguise: true
#Should players be able to change if they view their disguises?
canChangeView: true
#When morphed as a mob do any other mobs ignore you
ignoreMobsWhenMorphed: true
#What worlds do you want this plugin enabled in?
#use <all> to enable in all worlds
enabled-worlds: <all>
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
#Reset all of the players morphs when they die
death-reset-all: false
#Reset only the morph they died as
death-reset-current: true
#When a player kills a morphed player, should they get the morph?
steal-morphs: true
#Enable morph power for flying
morph-power: true
#How fast morph power is used per second of flying
morphPower-use: 1
#How fast morph power is regained per second of not flying
morphPower-regain: 1
#The radius /morph near looks at
near-radius: 10
#Hand swap menu status
swapMenu: true
#Only open the menu when there is nothing in the players main hand?
onlyIfEmptyHand: false
#Changing death messages if the killer is morphed
#Available placeholders are:
#{victim} {killer} {killerMob} {world}
overrideDeathMessage: true
randomMessage: false
creeperDeathMessage: false
- "{killer} killed {victim} while morphed as a {killerMob}"
- "{victim} was killed by a {killerMob}"
data: 0
name: "&aMorph Menu"
- "&5Click to open the morph menu"
dropItem: false
giveOnJoin: false
slot: 0
#Abilities Configuration
#morph-time is how long you can stay morphed as a certain mob - set to 0 to disable
#morph-cooldown is how often you can morph back into the mob after unmorphing from that particular mob - set to 0 to disable
#ability-cooldown is the cooldown on the given ability of the mob - set to 0 to disable
#Enable flying?
flying: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
speed: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
speed: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
ability-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
fire: true
ability-cooldown: 5
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
spider-climb: true
ability-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
egg: true
ability-cooldown: 120
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
explosion: true
explosion-damage: false
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
teleport: true
ability-cooldown: 5
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
fireball: true
ability-cooldown: 5
morph-time: 0
waterbreathing: true
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
strength: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
eat: true
speed: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
shoot: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
jump-boost: true
split: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
snow: true
shoot: true
ability-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
climb: true
web: true
#Remove spider webs after they are shot?
removeSpiderWeb: true
#How long (seconds) should webs stay for before despawning
spiderWebRemove: 30
ability-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
waterbreathing: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
spit: true
ability-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
phase: true
#The amount of blocks vex can phase through
max-layers: 2
ability-cooldown: 30
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
attack: true
spawnVex: true
attack-cooldown: 5
spawnVex-cooldown: 30
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
eat: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
jump-boost: true
morph-time: 0
enabled: true
morph-cooldown: 0
throw: true
#This increases how high giants can throw people
force: 2
#Enables the giant to 'throw' blocks as he walks
#NOTE: This might cause random blocks to be placed/broken if enabled
walk-throw: false
ability-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
enabled: true
morph-cooldown: 0
fireball: true
ability-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
ability-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
slow: true
shoot: true
ability-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
hunger: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
poison: true
ability-cooldown: 15
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
lava-walk: true
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
morph-time: 0
morph-cooldown: 0
disableHealthSystem: false
checkForUpdates: true
debug: false
stats: true
In reply to pipzs:
Make the enabled-worlds section look like this:
- <all>
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
I'm probably missing a key component in actually activating this mod, but no matter how much reading I do into it...I just can't figure out how to give permissions. I put all of the commands into permission.yml (morph.morph to morpoh.into.*) and I still am unable to have accent to even collecting morphs by killing mobs. Is there anyone who can tell me what I'm doing wrong? Everytime I try /morph in game, it says I have no permissions.
In reply to GreenKoopaBros:
I'm using the latest Morph with Minecraft 1.16.2 if that matters. (Morphy-2.17)
In reply to GreenKoopaBros:
description: Morphy fun for all
This is what my Permissions.yml file looks like. I'm now able to use the Morphy menu...but using the /morph command still gives a "You do not have the required permissions" and I still can't collect a morph upon killing a Mob.
Edit: Never mind...I can't open the Morphy Menu anymore.
In reply to GreenKoopaBros:
Nevermind, Problem got solved. Thank you for the help!
In reply to GreenKoopaBros:
can you help me
can you make somehow lower mob voices when you Crouch? Like normal mob have?
why i die changing in some mobs? It will be changed?
Hi, this plugins looks really good and I want it so bad. But now when I try the morph command it shows this (In the console)
[12:33:21 WARN]: Unexpected exception while parsing console command "morph"
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Cannot execute command 'morph' in plugin Morphy v2.14 - plugin is disabled.
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-144]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-144]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-144]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_15_R1.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-144]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.DedicatedServer.handleCommandQueue( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-144]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.DedicatedServer.b( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-144]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_15_R1.MinecraftServer.a( ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-144]
at ~[patched_1.15.2.jar:git-Paper-144]
at [?:1.8.0_242]
In reply to riptidetrident:
I wonder if my version's wrong but I downloaded everything in 1.15 I don't get why this don't work.
how i can enable it , when i want to morph it say
[Morph] This plugin is disabled in this world
i am running server from , if you need to know that
Hey, good job, it's a pretty good idea too!
I'd like to suggest a couple of features:
-Being able to limit the time you can spend transformed? (maybe even some way to store the time you get from killing one creature?)
-Also, maybe an option to need to spend items , for example redstone, or money to transform or stay transformed?
-Compatibility with some anticheat of your choosing
Its a pretty nice plugin, but to be honest, its kind of unbalanced to implement in most servers, with those features a lot more servers could use it ;)
i have eror pls help me whit it : an internal error occurred while atemting to perform this command
In reply to Forge_User_83308457: