No longer supporting versions older than 1.20.
1.15_1.0.33 is for minecraft 1.15-1.19
1.20_1.0.38 is for minecraft 1.120+
This plugin adds all the Minecraft Mob Heads of the MoreMobHeads datapack hosted by Xisumavoid from the Hermitcraft server, and expands those heads to all Mobs in the game with textures available at the time of release, including all Villager professions and types.
All 22 named Tropical Fish have been added.
New Mini-Blocks in StoneCutter.
Added 1.17 Heads:
New feature for 1.14_1.0.11
Added custom_trades.yml which allows you to set custom trades for Wandering Traders to have, with custom percentages of appearing.
To add a custom trade, place the item you wish to add in your Off hand, Price_1 in slot 1 of your hotbar, Price_2 in slot 2 of your hotbar, then run command /mmh ct add, or /mmh ct replace #, replacing # with the number you wish to replace.
To remove a trade use /mmh ct remove #, replacing # with the number you wish to remove.
New feature for 1.14_1.0.8
Added Wandering Trades datapack from's vanilla tweaks.
Has all 27 Hermitcrafters, and 107 blocks.
Is customizable to add other player heads, and blocks.
Also does player heads, and Zombie, Skeleton, PigZombie's named after players.
Etho, JoeHillsSays, Dataless822, Mumbo
Mumbo, DocM77, Grian, DoniBobes
description: Allows the player to get player head drops from killing players.
default: true
description: Allows the player to get mob head drops from killing mobs.
default: true
description: Allows the player to name a mob(Skeleton/Zombie/ZombiePigman/Villagers) using a nametag to get a playerhead.
default: false
description: Allows the player to use "/mmh reload" command.
default: false
description: Allows the player to use "/mmh toggledebug" command.
default: false
description: Shows player that there is a version update.
default: op
description: Allows player to use custom trader commands.
default: false
description: Allows player to use player heads commands.
default: false
description: Allows player to use block heads commands.
default: false
description: Allows player to use fixhead command.
default: false
description: Allows player to use give command.
default: false
OP Commands:
description: Reloads this plugin.
/mmh toggledebug (/mmh td)
description: Temporarily toggles debug.
/mmh customtrader (/mmh ct)
description: Shows help
/mmh ct add
description: Adds item to custom_trades.yml
/mmh ct remove #
description: Removes trade_# from custom_trades.yml
/mmh ct replace #
description: Replaces trade_# in custom_trades.yml
/mmh playerheads(/mmh ph)
/mmh fixhead name
description: Fixes the NBT data of the head in your main hand.
/mmh fixhead stack
description: Fixes the NBT data of the head in your off hand, with the data from your main hand, if they are the same head, but the off hand head has extra NBT data.
/mmh givebh <block> or /mmh givebh <player> <block>
Use tab complete for blocknames, or see block_heads_1_17.yml(pre 1.16 blocks), block_heads_1_17_2.yml(1.16 blocks), or block_heads_1_17_3.yml (1.17 blocks)
/mmh givemh <player> <mobname> <#>(/mmh givemh JoelGodOfWar axolotl 1)
description: Gives the named player the mob head input in the quantity given.
suggestion: Use tab complete to get the proper mob name.
/mmh giveph <player> or /mmh giveph <player> <player>
description: Gives you named player's head, or gives player player's head
If Player has logged into your server MMH will use the local skin, if not it will get the skin from Mojang.
version: 1.0.23
# Plugin related settings.
# change to false to stop auto-update-check
auto_update_check: true
# set to true before sending a log about an issue. logs trace data required to pinpoint where errors are.
debug: false
# čeština (cs_CZ), Deutsch (de_DE), English (en_US), Español (es_ES), Español (es_MX), Français (fr_FR), Italiano (it_IT), Magyar (hu_HU), 日本語 (ja_JP), 한국어 (ko_KR), Lolcat (lol_US)
# Melayu (my_MY), Nederlands (nl_NL), Polski (pl_PL), Português (pt_BR), Русский (ru_RU), Svenska (sv_SV), Türkçe (tr_TR), 中文(简体) (zh_CN), 中文(繁體) (zh_TW)
lang: en_US
# Settings that affect everything.
# Console settings.
# Enables fancy ANSI colors in console. (Disable if you're getting weird characters in the console)
colorful_console: true
# Enables silent start mode.
silent_console: false
# Should MoreMobHeads use it's full name or MMH in console messages?
longpluginname: true
# World settings
# list of worlds MMH will work in. Blanks means all except for blacklisted worlds Example (world, world_nether, world_the_end) will drop heads
# list of worlds MMH will NOT work in. Example (world_dungeon) will NOT drop heads
# Event settings. You should not set this to false.
piston_extend: true
# Setting that affect heads.
# Set if looting is applied or not.
apply_looting: true
# Lore settings.
# set whether Killed by is added to lore.
show_killer: true
# set whether MoreMobHeads is added to lore.
show_plugin_name: true
# Mini_Block settings.
# Should MMH allow stonecutting Mini_Blocks(Block Heads)?
stonecutter: true
# player_heads settings.
# Should MMH announce player beheadings?
enabled: true
# Should MMH use Display Names? Used by Killed by message too.
displayname: true
# Player name whitelist settings.
# false will not use whitelist, true will use whitelist
enforce: false
# seperate player names with commas "Xisumavoid, falsesymmetry, etc."
player_head_whitelist: names_go_here
# Player name blacklist settings.
# false will not use blacklist, true will use blacklist
enforce: false
# seperate player names with commas "JoeHillsSays, TinFoilChef, etc."
player_head_blacklist: names_go_here
# mob_heads settings.
# Should MMH announce mob beheadings?
enabled: true
# Should MMH use Display Names? Used by Killed by message too.
displayname: true
# list of Mobs that MMH will make heads for. Example (Cat, Fox, Enderman, Piglin) will drop heads.
# list of Mobs that MMH will NOT make heads for. Example (Wither_Skeleton, Creeper, Ender_Dragon) will NOT drop heads.
# Should players with permission moremobheads.nametag be able to give certain mobs player heads using nametags?
nametag: false
# set whether plugin gives vanilla heads or MoreMobHeads.
creeper: false
ender_dragon: false
piglin: false
skeleton: false
wither_skeleton: false
zombie: false
# Wandering_trades settings.
# set whether wandering traders trade heads.
custom_wandering_trader: true
# should wandering traders keep their default trades?
keep_default_trades: true
# Player heads settings
# set if player heads from wandering traders should be enabled
enabled: true
# set the minimum and maximum number of player heads the wandering trader will have. default=0,3
min: 0
max: 3
# Block heads settings
# set if block heads from wandering traders should be enabled
enabled: true
# set the minimum and maximum number of block heads the wandering trader will have. default=0,5 (For 1.14-1.15 blocks)
min: 0
max: 5
# For 1.16 blocks
min: 0
max: 5
# For 1.17 blocks
min: 0
max: 5
# Custom trades settings
# set if custom trades from wandering traders should be enabled
enabled: false
# set the minimum and maximum number of custom trades the wandering trader will have. default=0,5
min: 0
max: 5
version: 1.0.28
# Following are chance percent settings for each mob and variants of mobs.
# Hieronder volgen instellingen voor het toevalspercentage voor elke mob en varianten van mobs.
# Voici les paramètres de pourcentage de chance pour chaque mob et les variantes de mobs.
# Es folgen die Einstellungen für die Wahrscheinlichkeit in Prozent für jeden Mob und Varianten von Mobs.
# 以下是每个生物及其变形的机会百分比设置。
# Následuje nastavenà procenta šancà pro každý mob a varianty mobs.
# A seguir, estão as configurações de porcentagem de chance para cada mob e variantes de mobs.
# 0.1 = 1/10 of 1 percent, 1.0 = 1 percent, 100.0 = 100 percent , 0.0 will cancel looting.
player: 50.0
named_mob: 10.0
allay: 20.0
armadillo: 10.0
blue: 100.0
cyan: 20.0
gold: 20.0
lucy: 20.0
wild: 20.0
bat: 10.0
angry_pollinated: 20.0
angry: 20.0
pollinated: 20.0
normal: 20.0
blaze: 0.5
bogged: 6.0
breeze: 10.0
camel: 27.0
all_black: 33.0
black: 33.0
british_shorthair: 33.0
calico: 33.0
jellie: 33.0
persian: 33.0
ragdoll: 33.0
red: 33.0
siamese: 33.0
tabby: 33.0
white: 33.0
cave_spider: 0.5
chicken: 1.0
cod: 10.0
cow: 1.0
creeper: 50.0
creeper_charged: 100.0
dolphin: 33.0
donkey: 20.0
drowned: 5.0
elder_guardian: 100.0
ender_dragon: 100.0
enderman: 0.5
endermite: 10.0
evoker: 25.0
red: 10.0
snow: 20.0
cold: 20.0
temperate: 20.0
warm: 20.0
ghast: 6.25
giant: 2.5
glow_squid: 5.0
normal: 1.0
screaming: 100.0
guardian: 0.5
hoglin: 3.0
black: 27.0
brown: 27.0
chestnut: 27.0
creamy: 27.0
dark_brown: 27.0
gray: 27.0
white: 27.0
husk: 6.0
illusioner: 25.0
iron_golem: 5.0
brown: 24.0
creamy: 24.0
gray: 24.0
white: 24.0
magma_cube: 0.5
mule: 20.0
red: 1.0
brown: 10.0
ocelot: 20.0
aggressive: 27.0
brown: 27.0
lazy: 27.0
normal: 27.0
playful: 27.0
weak: 27.0
worried: 27.0
blue: 25.0
cyan: 25.0
gray: 25.0
green: 25.0
red: 25.0
phantom: 10.0
pig: 1.0
piglin: 4.0
piglin_brute: 10.0
pig_zombie: 0.5
pillager: 2.5
polar_bear: 20.0
pufferfish: 15.0
black: 26.0
black_and_white: 26.0
brown: 26.0
gold: 26.0
salt_and_pepper: 26.0
the_killer_bunny: 100.0
toast: 26.0
white: 26.0
ravager: 25.0
salmon: 10.0
black: 1.75
blue: 1.75
brown: 1.75
cyan: 1.75
gray: 1.75
green: 1.75
jeb_: 10.0
light_blue: 1.75
light_gray: 1.75
lime: 1.75
magenta: 1.75
orange: 1.75
pink: 1.75
purple: 1.75
red: 1.75
white: 1.75
yellow: 1.75
shulker: 5.0
silverfish: 5.0
skeleton: 2.5
skeleton_horse: 20.0
slime: 0.5
sniffer: 50.0
snowman: 5.0
spider: 0.5
squid: 5.0
stray: 6.0
strider: 10.0
tadpole: 10.0
brown: 24.0
creamy: 24.0
gray: 24.0
white: 24.0
tropical_fish: 10.0
anemone: 50.0
black_tang: 50.0
blue_tang: 50.0
butterflyfish: 50.0
cichlid: 50.0
clownfish: 50.0
cotton_candy_betta: 50.0
dottyback: 50.0
emperor_red_snapper: 50.0
goatfish: 50.0
moorish_idol: 50.0
ornate_butterflyfish: 50.0
parrotfish: 50.0
queen_angelfish: 50.0
red_cichlid: 50.0
red_lipped_blenny: 50.0
red_snapper: 50.0
threadfin: 50.0
tomato_clownfish: 50.0
triggerfish: 50.0
yellowtail_parrotfish: 50.0
yellow_tang: 50.0
turtle: 10.0
vex: 10.0
armorer: 100.0
butcher: 100.0
cartographer: 100.0
cleric: 100.0
farmer: 100.0
fisherman: 100.0
fletcher: 100.0
leatherworker: 100.0
librarian: 100.0
mason: 100.0
nitwit: 100.0
none: 100.0
shepherd: 100.0
toolsmith: 100.0
weaponsmith: 100.0
armorer: 100.0
butcher: 100.0
cartographer: 100.0
cleric: 100.0
farmer: 100.0
fisherman: 100.0
fletcher: 100.0
leatherworker: 100.0
librarian: 100.0
mason: 100.0
nitwit: 100.0
none: 100.0
shepherd: 100.0
toolsmith: 100.0
weaponsmith: 100.0
armorer: 100.0
butcher: 100.0
cartographer: 100.0
cleric: 100.0
farmer: 100.0
fisherman: 100.0
fletcher: 100.0
leatherworker: 100.0
librarian: 100.0
mason: 100.0
nitwit: 100.0
none: 100.0
shepherd: 100.0
toolsmith: 100.0
weaponsmith: 100.0
armorer: 100.0
butcher: 100.0
cartographer: 100.0
cleric: 100.0
farmer: 100.0
fisherman: 100.0
fletcher: 100.0
leatherworker: 100.0
librarian: 100.0
mason: 100.0
nitwit: 100.0
none: 100.0
shepherd: 100.0
toolsmith: 100.0
weaponsmith: 100.0
armorer: 100.0
butcher: 100.0
cartographer: 100.0
cleric: 100.0
farmer: 100.0
fisherman: 100.0
fletcher: 100.0
leatherworker: 100.0
librarian: 100.0
mason: 100.0
nitwit: 100.0
none: 100.0
shepherd: 100.0
toolsmith: 100.0
weaponsmith: 100.0
armorer: 100.0
butcher: 100.0
cartographer: 100.0
cleric: 100.0
farmer: 100.0
fisherman: 100.0
fletcher: 100.0
leatherworker: 100.0
librarian: 100.0
mason: 100.0
nitwit: 100.0
none: 100.0
shepherd: 100.0
toolsmith: 100.0
weaponsmith: 100.0
armorer: 100.0
butcher: 100.0
cartographer: 100.0
cleric: 100.0
farmer: 100.0
fisherman: 100.0
fletcher: 100.0
leatherworker: 100.0
librarian: 100.0
mason: 100.0
nitwit: 100.0
none: 100.0
shepherd: 100.0
toolsmith: 100.0
weaponsmith: 100.0
vindicator: 5.0
wandering_trader: 100.0
warden: 100.0
witch: 0.5
wither: 100.0
wither_skeleton: 2.5
ashen: 20.0
black: 20.0
chestnut: 20.0
pale: 20.0
rusty: 20.0
snowy: 50.0
spotted: 20.0
striped: 20.0
woods: 20.0
angry_ashen: 20.0
angry_black: 20.0
angry_chestnut: 20.0
angry_pale: 20.0
angry_rusty: 20.0
angry_snowy: 50.0
angry_spotted: 20.0
angry_striped: 20.0
angry_woods: 20.0
zoglin: 20.0
zombie: 2.5
zombie_horse: 100.0
zombie_pigman: 0.5
zombified_piglin: 0.5
zombie_villager: 50.0
For help you can post issues and suggest ideas on my discord server.
This plugin is open source; you can view the source code on github. Feel free to open issues there or submit pull requests.
This plugin utilizes bStats to collect anonymous statistics
If you like this, check out my other plugin,
SinglePlayerSleep, NoEndermanGrief,
DragonDropElytra, ShulkerRespawner,
MoreMobHeads, SilenceMobs,
RotationalWrench. VillagerWorkstationHighlights
In reply to mexicanpotato774:
Negate the permission moremobheads.mobs
In reply to joelhstoner:
But would that make it so that mob heads don't drop at all?
In reply to mexicanpotato774:
Oops meant moremobheads.nametag
In reply to joelhstoner:
what about for opped players?
In reply to mexicanpotato774:
You can give the OPed players the permission.
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out with changing the player heads that are sold via the wandering trader. If I'm doing this right, I should be editing the skull owner in player_heads.yml . I've got the base64 string for the skull owner but I still need to change the "internal" string and I'm not sure how to exactly find that. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!
In reply to sathPVP:
The only way to get the internal string is from saving the head as a custom trade, and copying it from the custom_trades.yml. It was a change in the way bukkit stores heads as itemstacks in YAML files. Get the player's head, name it whatever you want it named in the player_heads.yml, and then add it as a custom trade following the GIF above, and using the command /mmh ct add.
For faster help please join my discord server.
Using MMH v1.14_1.0.12 on paper 1.16.1 build 8 and when launching server with the plugin for the first time it took 3 and a half minutes.
After closing server and launching again it gets to MoreMobHeads loading and takes another 3 and a half minutes to load
In reply to diablo050189:
That is odd, nothing in the code changed for 1.16, just added mob data.
I will look into this. Feel free to join my discord server for faster responses.
hi i was wondering what the chances are for a mobs head to drop because so far i havent gotten any
In reply to tastyturtle_69:
Make sure you have the permission "moremobheads.mobs", the default chance is 0.025 which is the same rate as wither skeletons.
Hi I'm getting this error whenever someone kills a mob...
Server thread/ERROR Could not pass event EntityDeathEvent to MoreMobHeads v1.14_1.0.7
Which is apparently...
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.github.joelgodofwar.mmh.api.MobHeads
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I'm using spigot-1.15.2.jar
In reply to Forge_User_16014949:
submit an issue report
Any help please?
In reply to BoomerSchmirtz:
Gonna need more data than that, What server version are you running? Type of mob killed, and it's name? Please use /mmh td to turn on debug temporarily, and send a full log in a Private message.
Also please add an issue ticket here:
Updates to be released tomorrow Feb 6, 2020 for MC 1.8-1.15 with some bug fixes
I've been working on implementing TokenManager support for MoreMobHeads. I have this partially done, still working on a major part of the implementation. I may release it as a add-on plugin to MoreMobHeads.
Plugin is very good but spam in console is annoying!
Plis add the option to disable this spam in console.
In reply to Forge_User_07936612:
I've released a new version for each minecraft version 1.9-1.15 MoreMobHeads works on.
You can download it here after they approve them, or check spigotmc