MoreItems v1.1


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  • Uploaded
    Oct 14, 2015
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


Third Release v1.1 for Bukkit/Spigot 1.7.x - 1.8.x

Recipes with custom MoreItems ingredients and a revamped hold event type!


- Added wither power. Will shoot wither skulls!

- Added snowball power. Will shoot snowballs!

- Created a miscellaneous prefix and miscellaneous title in the language file.

- Recipes can now have custom MoreItems ingredients! This does not work for furnace recipes yet.

- Repair now works with anvils to some extent. If the item is damaged and you repair it, it will repair

and not just revert back to what it had before.

- Fixed throw power throwing entire stack of items.

- Fixed consume command not working as it was intended.

- Fixed bug where the list of items didn't show the name correctly.

- Made an import command! Import items from MythicMobs and RPGItems by simply doing /mi import <MythicMobs/RPGItems>

- Made a show command. Do /mi show or /mi s while holding an item to display it's identifier.

- Fixed displayCooldown in the config making it so that cooldowns were non-existent.

- Added a useItemEquipForHoldEvent option in the config. If you set this to true then the hold effect will take effect when you equip the item and not each tick. This means that you can fire a command, send a message, play a sound, consume etc. when equiping the item It is automatically turned on for now, but if you wish to use the old way then set it to false and potion effects will update each time they run out too. This option should cause less lag.