MoreItems v0.6


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  • Uploaded
    Sep 2, 2015
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    172.31 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


Sixth Beta v0.6

Big update!


- Added Join Items

- Added killed event type

- Added BlockBreak event type

- Added TNT power! You can now shoot out TNT.

- Command power can now have %block% to get the material name on blockBreak event type

- Fire power will set everyone on fire in an 8 block radius if it is the killed event type

- Knockback power will knockback everyone in an 8 block radius if it is the killed event type

- Lightning power will strike lightning on everyone in an 8 block radius if it is the killed event type

- PotionEffect power will give everyone a potionEffect in an 8 block radius -""-

- etc.

- Added miscellaneous powers! Things like backstab, attack range, attack speed, etc. are misc. powers! Add a misc power by doing /mi addmisc <Item Identifier> <Miscellaneous> <Args>

- Added backstab miscellaneous!

- Added attack range miscellaneous!

- Added soulbound misc!

- Added unbreakable misc power, meaning Bukkit users can now have unbreakable items!

- Attack speed is now a miscellaneous.

- Fixed bug where damage and damaged were getting mixed up

- Fixed language initialization bug.

- Fixed damage being displayed as 0 even though no damage was set.

- Fixed lore command not replacing lore if trying to change the same line.

- Fixed bug where if you didn't have any items in the config and used the list command, it would return an internal error

- Fixed bug where damaged event type didn't work for armors when being shot by an arrow.