
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Explaination Video right here!

Spanish Video here :)

French Video here :)


How To Install:

  1. Download the Jar.
  2. Put it into your plugins folder.
  3. Start your server.
  4. Enjoy!

Last Version

Morebows 2.6.6
-release Morebows with correct version selected (1.7.9) not 1.7.2
-fix Skeletons causing server error
-fix Vampire-Bow bat resetting look-direction
-added Achievements.announce : true/false in config.yml Morebows 2.6.4
-fix /mblist returning "[Ljava.lang.String;@aec8a2"
-fixed plugin announcing "crafting" when Crafting-Recipes are loaded
-added Vampire-Bow
 ⇒ Mobs that are hit by an arrow bleed, healing the player
 ⇒ leftclick sends out a bat to which the player is teleported afterwards (player flies "as a bat") Check Version History for all Versions

Upcoming Version

Morebows 2.6.7


-Crafting-recipe for an Infinity-Bow.
-add permissions for all crafting recipies, not only for crafting the bows.
-Add update-notification system


Morebows has a variety of achievements to accomplish, click here to have a look at the list of all available achievments.
Furthermore, you can read what you have to do to reach each achievement, but dont spoil yourself, try to find out yourself :)


For more information scroll down.

Normal Bow












Pr. Prot.-Helmet




15 Arrows

Lightning Bow

Explosion Bow

Disappearance Bow

Poison Bow

Freeze Bow

Ghast Bow

Wither Bow

Lightning Soul

Ender Bow

Squid Bow


Storm Bow

Aquatic Bow



Normal Bow
The normal Vanilla-Bow
Fire Bow
Bow with Enchantment "Fire Aspect I"
Punch/PunchII Bow
Bow with Enchantment "Punch I/II"
Power/I/II/III/IV/V Bow
Bow with Enchantment "Power/I/II/III/IV/V"
Unbreaking/I/II/III Bow
Bow with Enchantment "Unbreaking I/II/III"
Projectile Protection Helmets
Leather helmet with Enchantment "Projectile Protection I/II/III/IV"
15 Arrows
Crafting-recipe for 15 Arrows, so 3 Arrows extra (4+4+4+3)
Lightning Bow
Lightning strikes the block/mob the arrow hits
Explosion Bow
Creates an Explosion at the block/mob the arrow hits. The default explosion radius is 1/2, so no blocks get blown up
Disappearance Bow
The hit Mob disappeares. Shot Players won't get removed or one-hit
Poison Bow
The hit Mob gets poisoned for 5 seconds
Freeze Bow
Puts the Mob in ice-blocks and adds Slowness-Effect
Ghast Bow
Shoots Ghast-Fireballs. Works in the overworld AND the nether by default, can be changed in config.yml. Consumes one Fire-Charge and one arrow per shot
Wither Bow
Shoots Wither-Skulls. Gives wither-effect randomly.
Lightning Soul
Needed to activate Lighting-Bows. Rightclick to use.
Ender Bow
Teleports the player to the location where the arrow hits the ground. Needs enderpearls in inventory.
Squid Bow
Gives Blindness effect for a certain amount of time. Needs ink sacs in inventory.
Storm Bow
Creates a storm where the arrow hits the ground and throws near enemies into the air. Storm-Soul needed to activate.
Needed to activate Storm-Bows. Rightclick to use. Dropped by Skeletons in the desert
Rightklick with arrows in hand to fill them into the quiver. Arrow will be taken automatically to a free spot in your inventory Holds 320 arrows.
Aquatic Bow
Shot arrows are fast, even underwater. Leftclick to get short effects and boost forward a bit.
Announces how good you shot, where 10 is the exact center of the target.
Can be updgraded by rightclicking while having 6 Fence, 2 Wood and 8 Wool in the Inventory.
Vampire Bow
Mobs that are hit by an arrow bleed, healing the player. leftclick sends out a bat to which the player is teleported afterwards (player flies "as a bat")

Thanks to MCEndercraftTv and hark for testing the plugin This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.

Before posting a comment

  • Check the FAQ before writing a comment
  • Check if you have any server errors
  • Do not post Error Codes, use pastebin
  • I'm able to speak english and german
Comments not following these rules will be deleted!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 29, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 3, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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