
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Change the world based on the phase of the moon!


This plugin allows you to select blocks in the world. The selected block(s) will have two states: a normal state and a special state. The normal state is what will be seen most of the time. The special state will become active when certain circumstances regarding the moon occur.


/mpr (alias: mpblock) - shows the help
/mpr [moon phase] [normal block] [special block]
Moon phase: the phase of the moon (see moon phases). You can also type 'infer' and it will use the current state of the moon
normal block: the normal block material (like stone or air). You can also type 'infer' and it will select the material of the clicked block
special block: the special block materia. Can also be inferredl
This command will turn on block selection mode. You then right click blocks to select them. To finish, type /mpr off.
/mpr remove - Turns on removal mode. Click blocks to stop them from being affected by the moon phase.
/mpr off(|done) - Turns off selection mode
If you place a block with selection mode on, the placed block will be the block that is changed by the moon.

Moon Phases

  • daytime
  • cloudy (raining, storming, snowing, etc
  • new-moon
  • waxing-crescent
  • first-quarter
  • waxing-gibbous
  • full-moon
  • waning-gibbous
  • last-quarter
  • waning-crescent


mpblock.use - Allows use of this plugin


Find the source here.


This plugin produces a moon phase changed event, which might be useful. Read my incredibly in-depth documentation here.


I can't guarantee that this plugin will work well when other plugins muck with the time. I know it works fine when setting the time and adding time, so things should work well.

Uses Persistence

This means that you can modify the info in your bukkit.yml to have this plugin use a mysql database instead of sqlite if you want. By default, it uses sqlite, and will complain in the log that ' is not found'. You don't need to worry about this. If you want it to go away though, make an empty '' file in the same dir that your craftbukkit.jar is located.

If you want to use mysql, replace your current database configuration in your bukkit.yml with this:

    username: {Mysql_user}
    driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    password: {Mysql_password}
    url: jdbc:mysql://{mysql_host}:{mysql_port}/{database_name}
    isolation: SERIALIZABLE

Be sure to plug in the correct database credentials!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 11, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 11, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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