Updated for 1.8.1! Now with guardians, endermites and bunnies!
MonsterBox will change the type of any monster spawner that you are looking at with the command /mbox set <creaturetype>. Some valid creature types are wolf, pigzombie, creeper. Capitalization does not matter. To change the options, just open settings.ini located in the plugins/MonsterBox folder. For economy support please download and install Vault
Now supports setting mob spawners through eggs and having mob spawners drop eggs upon breaking (both support permissions for specific mobs)
Please Note: For all of you having problems getting monsters to spawn: This only "sets" the type of monster spawner and lets minecraft do the spawning. It will not spawn certain types of monsters (like Giants or Steves) because the spawn rate and spawn conditions for a monster spawner of that type is not defined in the minecraft code.
To use:
To set a monster spawner:
Command Method
- Look at monster spawner. (Through glass is just fine)
- Type in /mbox set <creaturetype>
Command-less Method (Using Spout)
- Hit monster spawner with a gold sword
- Select the new mob that you want it to spawn
Command-less Method (Using Eggs)
- Right click the mob spawner with the type of egg you want it to be
To get which monster a spawner spawns:
Command Method
- Look at monster spawner. (Through glass is just fine)
- Type in /mbox get
Command-less Method (Using Spout)
- Hit monster spawner with a gold sword
- The type of spawner is at the top of the selection window
- NEW! Placed mob spawners do not spawn anything until set
- NEW! Set prices for setting a spawner via egg
- NEW! Optional feature to have mob spawners only drop if you use a tool with silktouch on it.
- NEW! Integrated egg spawning restriction built in! Deny them the right to spawn mobs while still having the right to set the spawner types!
- Change the type of mob spawner using eggs! (Permissions support for each mob type) Also, please note that changing mob spawners through eggs doesn't have a cost associated with it.
- Mob spawners can drop their corresponding spawn egg (permissions support for each mob type) so that you can set them upon placement again.
- Spout enabled GUI. Just hit the monster spawner with a gold sword! (configurable)
- Completely command-less mode of operation with the new Spout gui or with eggs!
- Spout is 100% optional on both server and client.
- Option to assign a price to every monster, not just a group price for setting the type of monster a mob spawner will spawn.
- Compatible with your existing monster spawner drops from all versions of CreatureBox (Don't run both at once! They will conflict) for an easy transition.
- Can change the type of monster spawner to any creature that minecraft natively supports.
- Admins can restrict what mobs a player can set a monster spawner to spawn using permissions.
- Monster spawners can drop monster spawners (With or without silk touch tools, depending on config) (Permissions support. If permissions is not installed it defaults to OPs only)
- Find out which type of monster spawner you are looking at.
- Restrict users from placing mob spawners using permissions. (if permissions is not installed it defaults to OPs only)
- Permissions (Both bukkit superperms and the older permissions system) support (if permissions is not installed it defaults to OPs only)
- ALL ECONOMY systems supported via the Vault plugin
Permission Nodes:
- monsterbox.set - the ability to set the type of monster spawner
- monsterbox.eggset - the ability to set the type of monster spawner using eggs
- monsterbox.eggthrowmessage - Should this group see a message whenever they try to spawn a mob use a banned egg?
- monsterbox.eggthrow.[monstertype] - the ability to spawn that mob using an egg
- monsterbox.view - be able to use the /mbox get command
- - if iConomy is enabled this node lets this group/user use the command for free
- monsterbox.freeegg - if iConomy is enabled this node lets this group/user set spawners using eggs for free
- monsterbox.drops - the ability for the player to recieve a drop from breaking spawners
- - the ability to place any spawner
- monsterbox.spawn.* - The ability for the player to change a monster spawner to any monster type. (The player will also need the node monsterbox.set in order to access the option)
- monsterbox.spawn.[monstertype] - The ability for the player to change a monster spawner to [monstertype]. (The player will also need the node monsterbox.set in order to access the option)
- monsterbox.eggspawn.* - The ability for the player to change a monster spawner to any monster type using eggs. (The player will also need the node monsterbox.eggset in order to access the option)
- monsterbox.eggspawn.[monstertype] - The ability for the player to change a monster spawner to [monstertype] using eggs. (The player will also need the node monsterbox.eggset in order to access the option)
- monsterbox.dropegg.* - The ability for the player to receive an egg drop of any spawner's mob type when breaking the spawner.
- monsterbox.dropegg.[monstertype] - The ability for the player to receive an egg drop of [monstertype] when breaking those spawners.
List of Mobs that are verified to spawn (others might, I just haven't tested):
- Ghast
- PigZombie
- Wolf
- Pig
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Zombie
- Sheep (at least in 1.7, not sure about 1.6.6)
- Cow (1.7+)
- Chicken (1.7+)
- Cave Spider (1.8+)
- Enderman (1.8+)
- Silverfish (1.8+)
- Giant (1.8+)
- Ender Dragon (1.0.1)
- Mushroom Cow (1.0.1)
- Villager (1.0.1)
- Blaze (1.0.1)
- IronGolem (1.2.3)
A Cool Video I Found of a Map Created With the Aid of My Plugin
Plugin Not working correctly?
For me to diagnose the issue properly please provide me with the following information:
Description of issue and how to reproduce: Version of Craftbukkit: Version of java: OS: Other plugins installed: Output of console (If there are any error messages): MonsterBox configuration file:
Version 0.3
- Added new mob types (cave spiders, enderman, silverfish)
- Added Bukkit SuperPerms support
- Now supports all economy plugins via the Register plugin!
- Added a little fix for bug in craftbukkit build 1240
- Doing the /mbox command by itself now lists out all the possible mob types you can choose from. (Auto generated from your version of bukkit)
Version 0.2
- Added permission nodes for each animal spawn type
- Monster Spawners can now drop spawners (permissions support)
- You can now view a monster spawner's current mob either in inventory by selecting it, or on the ground via command.
- Dropped Monster Spawners retain their mob type.
- Restrict Monster Spawner placing via permissions.
Version 0.1
- First release
99. For an up to date list of all mobs damage values for eggs you can check the source code for this class:
IronGolem (?), Ender Dragon (63), Giant (53), Snowman (97) - () = damage value of egg.
What's the iron golem's damage value so I can spawn it's egg?
I write this again because I didnt get any answer, thought you didnt saw it :P
I don`t know if I should post that as a ticket (I didnt found a note whre to post ideas).
My idea is something like a spawn limit per spawner and a overwrite per spawner, its good for rpg server, something like dungeons or stuff because I'm not used to make the correct envoirement for the mob to spawn and I can create better quests with something like a blaze captured the building, kill it.
And my last idea a spawn timer after the mob got killed.
Where is the spider?
Take a look at the ticket. Also, if you want to let me know the IP of your server I can see about helping you out live as well.
Thanks Tux. I'll be on the lookout for a new version or comments by you regarding the fix.
I just created a ticket based on your bug report. I'll take a look and see what's going on with it.
I don`t know if I should post that as a ticket (I didnt found a note whre to post ideas).
My idea is something like a spawn limit per spawner and a overwrite per spawner, its good for rpg server, something like dungeons or stuff because I'm not used to make the correct envoirement for the mob to spawn and I can create better quests with something like a blaze captured the building, kill it.
And my last idea a spawn timer after the mob got killed.
I have a huge problem. I run McMMO as well as MonsterBox, and when someone uses Super Breaker or Bezerk and start hitting a spawner, unlimited spawners start falling out. I traced it back and the version where it wasnt bugged was v0.6 Every version after that is bugged. Please let me know if you can fix this. Thank you! CB 1.2.4 R1.0 Java 6 (64-bit) OS: WIndows Server 2008 Standard Other Plugins: McMMO, Factions, Essentials, MobArena, NoCheat, SpongeRestore, WOrldEdit, WorldGuard, FastFood
I'm still having the same issue. I tried switching out of creative mode and still had them removed, even removed all the mobspawners out of my hand. Odd...
Might be worldguard, or even worldedit. Will do some checking.
Not worldguard, but I get the suspicion something is removing the item from inventory yet the client side still shows it being there. Something is plain out blocking it. I use PEX, but I don't believe I have it were spawners are blocked. :S
Out of shear curiosity, I attempted to give myself a mobspawner, (itemid 52) via command other than creative. Worked!
Figured it out, in creative mode monster spawner, was the issue,
If you spawn itemid 52, it works fine.
(Also ghasts seem to of broke with latest dev of SP and CB)
Is there any output in chat? Because if there is no output in chat it's not my plugin.
When a place a monster spawner down, it automatically gets removed, I'm thinking its World Guard, but not a clue, so I Thought I would ask you!
I would have to see your config files to make sure. Also, do you have Vault installed?
Everything is working well (I really like that the spawners don't spawn anything until they are set!)
But I still can't get the prices on eggsets to work. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks so much for your hard work! I'll have a look :P
In version 0.8 egg prices have been implemented! I've also fixed various bugs with the plugin as well and overall it has a cleaner feel to it.
EDIT: link to file:
Unfortunately no. All mob spawning is handled by minecraft, I just set the type of mob that particular spawner spawns and let minecraft do the rest.
I want to try using this to create custom "boss mob" type spawning for a dungeon. Do you offer any control over the mobs themselves when spawned, such as custom sizes, health, damage, etc.? Thanks.
Charging for use of an egg has been added into my code. I just have to test it and add another feature before release.