Monster Apocalypse
Monster Apocalypse Version 19.6
Version 19.6 is only supported on Minecraft 1.11.0+. Please visit the Spigot page for support.
Support for new versions of Monster Apocalypse have been moved to Spigot, find more info and downloads here.
Welcome to the ultimate monster hell. I have brought together everything anyone everyone could ever want to do with monsters into one completely hellbent plugin. Use at your own risk.
Warning - Zombie digging is destructive, if you turn it on and configure it, please backup your worlds.
Plugin has been thoroughly tested as working properly, if you have trouble please report it so I can make it work for a wider range of setups!
PLEASE USE CRAFTBUKKIT 1.11 (R1) for version 19.6. Only Spigot supports this build. No other builds will work with this version.
Monster apocalypse is copyright by the individual aliased on this site as blainicus, all rights reserved. You are free to use it commercially, as long as you do not sell the plugin itself unmodified, and do not claim ownership. Source code is included for self-modification. I am not liable for monetary or other damages caused by using or modding this plugin.
Monster Apocalypse was created by one man, working full time continually for several months during early development. Please donate if you would like to see more features or new plugin releases, or just feel like my time is worth your gratitude.
- Complete control of all monster power- health, damage, item drops, burning in sunlight, explosion radius, immunity to specific damage types, even spawn rates!
- INSTANT setup options!
- Consume the world in darkness - Always night mode, and bonus spawns!
- Action RPG Mode - Make combat more exciting!
- Incredible new abilities - Mobs can explode on death, spawn allies, kill torches, attack from miles away at high velocity, bombard bases with exploding arrows, and even claw and scratch their way into your home!
- Zombies can dig through anything based on YOUR settings, and no server lag! Fear the Apocalypse as they pound away at your walls!
- Monsters can be set to nerdpole and airbridge, like players on the hunt!
- Skeletons can be set to turn into quake pro snipers, shooting accurately from FAR in the distance!
- Nightmare Mode for the ultimate increasing challenge!
- FULL World-Guard region support, works even when worldguard regions isn't!
- Total natural spawn rewrite, available to change your world drastically and retain that vanilla feel.
- Multi-world support - Will only run on worlds YOU select!
- Mega-aggro system - Mobs can smell you from miles away and attack!
- Spawn Points - Set up virtual spawners with custom timers!
- True damage - Allow mobs to pierce that pesky diamond armor!
- Wolf and PigZombie aggressiveness control.
- Control which blocks mobs spawn on.
- Permissions nodes to make certain players immune to monster aggro and damage.
Warning, videos below contain mild mature language.
Download Version 19.6!
Version 19.6 is out!
It will appear here once it's approved:
If you need it earlier than this (it can take up to 5 days), send me a private message.
Thanks for the support! If you like what I've done with this version, feel free to donate.
Version 19.6 notes:
- Updated to Minecraft/Spigot 1.11.0
- Version dependent on Spigot 1.11.0.
- Please view the supported release page here:
(Is partially updated)
You will need to reference craftbukkit enums for drops and block attacking to work, failure to use valid enums could potentially break your plugin. You can find them here:
You may want to play with Spawn Points, you can find the info here:
If you wish to develop your own plugin with my health API, check this page:
For Nightmare Mode, check here:
Need multiple configs?
- Note: This is outdated and may not work.
How to set up multiple installations, for different custom difficulties on multiple worlds:
- Copy the MA jar and rename it.
- Rename the plugin inside plugin.yml of the second copy (within the jar), and remove the commands section.
- Disable registering the /MA command in the second copy's config.
- Double check that you have no world names overlapping between the two configs, and that your bonus and naturalistic spawns are restricted to the right worlds.
You now have two separate installations.
Related/Similar Plugins
Fear the Darkness: Adds an element of terror to dark areas of minecraft!
Simple Starvation: For when you really want to emphasize long term survival!
Hello, i need some help here. I just tried to set it so that zombies could attack walls and nerdpoll/airbridge but when i go onto the server they dont. I have them both set to true and set the fustration level to 1. What do i have wrong?
Natural spawns are minecraft's normal spawns. Bonus spawns are wave-style extra monsters which appear in a circle around players. Naturalistic bonus spawns are emulated additional vanilla spawns. All three can be enabled at once. In the majority of cases you will want to disable natural spawns and use naturalistic spawns.
If you haven't tried it, using the premade zombie world config option may be helpful. It's intended to help people skip config setup so they can just play.
Setting up the config is too complex. Can you update it's manual and add more details? What are natural, naturalistic, bonus and naturalistic bonus spawns? What should I enable for different scenarios?
Updated a dead link for bukkit material referencing, the new one is here:
Change their mega-aggro speed.
how can i fix the zombie run problem? the plugin has made the zombies run faster but its so glitchy for zombies because when they walk faster they lagging mostly times and i tried to set the zombies run normal but its still laggy for the zombies
Version 18.1 notes:
- Please view the supported release page here:
Thanks for the support! If you like what I've done with this version, feel free to donate.
Zombies do not destroy glass_pane for some reason?
You might be able to find a working combination by disabling things in Monster Apocalypse, for example custom health. Otherwise crackshot will need to use the Monster Apocalypse health API.
Hi there, I'm using Monster Apocalypse in addition to the Crackshot plugin. When you shoot a gun in crackshot, it shoots a projectile, and because Monster Apocalypse edits mob health, the projectile is deemed normal and acts as a normal egg/snowball/etc. (Doesn't actually damage the mobs, just knocks them back).
Is there a way to make it so crackshot is compatible with this plugin and allows projectile damage to the mob?
Yes, simply list them at the top. Make sure there is only one line break between entries.
hey there is it possible to set the apocalypse also for other dimensions? on my server its only working on the overworld dim
Reload does not work with item drops.
It's possible your version does not match or you did not enable custom drops.
Is it a problem to put same item many times ? what is the problem in my config ?
- IRON_INGOT:3:5.0
- IRON_SPADE:1:1.0
- IRON_AXE:1:1.0
- IRON_SWORD:1:1.0
- DIAMOND:3:2.5
Overwrite?: true
And is that a command /monsterapocalypse reload is envisaged ?
Use values from here:
Hi, i have a problem I have error messages with Monster Apocalypse Version 18.0
[01:49:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [MonsterApocalypse] Enabling MonsterApocalypse v<1.0> Error adding drop to drop list of Blaze, check your drops for errors. Error adding drop to drop list of CaveSpider, check your drops for errors. Error adding drop to drop list of CaveSpider, check your drops for errors. Error adding drop to drop list of Chicken, check your drops for errors. Error adding drop to drop list of Cow, check your drops for errors. Error adding drop to drop list of Creeper, check your drops for errors. Error adding drop to drop list of Enderman, check your drops for errors. Error adding drop to drop list of Ghast, check your drops for errors. etc [01:49:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Monster Apocalypse enabled.
Help me please :3
Support has been moved to Spigot. You can make spiders aggressive by using mega-aggro. Protection plugins other than Worldguard will not be added.
Could you please make support for Residence too? Could you please also add option to make neraby spiders aggresive like pigmans in config?
I have checked and it appears that the spigot version should work for 1.8.8 minecraft as well.
YAY! It lives on!