Monster Apocalypse
Monster Apocalypse Version 19.6
Version 19.6 is only supported on Minecraft 1.11.0+. Please visit the Spigot page for support.
Support for new versions of Monster Apocalypse have been moved to Spigot, find more info and downloads here.
Welcome to the ultimate monster hell. I have brought together everything anyone everyone could ever want to do with monsters into one completely hellbent plugin. Use at your own risk.
Warning - Zombie digging is destructive, if you turn it on and configure it, please backup your worlds.
Plugin has been thoroughly tested as working properly, if you have trouble please report it so I can make it work for a wider range of setups!
PLEASE USE CRAFTBUKKIT 1.11 (R1) for version 19.6. Only Spigot supports this build. No other builds will work with this version.
Monster apocalypse is copyright by the individual aliased on this site as blainicus, all rights reserved. You are free to use it commercially, as long as you do not sell the plugin itself unmodified, and do not claim ownership. Source code is included for self-modification. I am not liable for monetary or other damages caused by using or modding this plugin.
Monster Apocalypse was created by one man, working full time continually for several months during early development. Please donate if you would like to see more features or new plugin releases, or just feel like my time is worth your gratitude.
- Complete control of all monster power- health, damage, item drops, burning in sunlight, explosion radius, immunity to specific damage types, even spawn rates!
- INSTANT setup options!
- Consume the world in darkness - Always night mode, and bonus spawns!
- Action RPG Mode - Make combat more exciting!
- Incredible new abilities - Mobs can explode on death, spawn allies, kill torches, attack from miles away at high velocity, bombard bases with exploding arrows, and even claw and scratch their way into your home!
- Zombies can dig through anything based on YOUR settings, and no server lag! Fear the Apocalypse as they pound away at your walls!
- Monsters can be set to nerdpole and airbridge, like players on the hunt!
- Skeletons can be set to turn into quake pro snipers, shooting accurately from FAR in the distance!
- Nightmare Mode for the ultimate increasing challenge!
- FULL World-Guard region support, works even when worldguard regions isn't!
- Total natural spawn rewrite, available to change your world drastically and retain that vanilla feel.
- Multi-world support - Will only run on worlds YOU select!
- Mega-aggro system - Mobs can smell you from miles away and attack!
- Spawn Points - Set up virtual spawners with custom timers!
- True damage - Allow mobs to pierce that pesky diamond armor!
- Wolf and PigZombie aggressiveness control.
- Control which blocks mobs spawn on.
- Permissions nodes to make certain players immune to monster aggro and damage.
Warning, videos below contain mild mature language.
Download Version 19.6!
Version 19.6 is out!
It will appear here once it's approved:
If you need it earlier than this (it can take up to 5 days), send me a private message.
Thanks for the support! If you like what I've done with this version, feel free to donate.
Version 19.6 notes:
- Updated to Minecraft/Spigot 1.11.0
- Version dependent on Spigot 1.11.0.
- Please view the supported release page here:
(Is partially updated)
You will need to reference craftbukkit enums for drops and block attacking to work, failure to use valid enums could potentially break your plugin. You can find them here:
You may want to play with Spawn Points, you can find the info here:
If you wish to develop your own plugin with my health API, check this page:
For Nightmare Mode, check here:
Need multiple configs?
- Note: This is outdated and may not work.
How to set up multiple installations, for different custom difficulties on multiple worlds:
- Copy the MA jar and rename it.
- Rename the plugin inside plugin.yml of the second copy (within the jar), and remove the commands section.
- Disable registering the /MA command in the second copy's config.
- Double check that you have no world names overlapping between the two configs, and that your bonus and naturalistic spawns are restricted to the right worlds.
You now have two separate installations.
Related/Similar Plugins
Fear the Darkness: Adds an element of terror to dark areas of minecraft!
Simple Starvation: For when you really want to emphasize long term survival!
This conflicts with MobArena's "/ma" command. An alternate alias would be a welcome addition to this plugin, as I would love to use both :)
Worldguard checks are based on the enderman-grief flag.
Yeah would be great if you could implement that :) And also is there anything special i have to do with worldguard? does it stop the zombies breaking blocks, for example in a city?
possibly so
This is fixed in the next minor version, which I'm waiting for a few more bugfixes to release. It shouldn't be causing you any problems.
02:57 PM [INFO] [Monster Apocalypse] Loading Monster Apocalypse v<0.0.1>.
02:57 PM [SEVERE] Plugin attempted to register delegated event class class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByEntityEvent It should be using class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent!
02:57 PM [SEVERE] Plugin attempted to register delegated event class class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByBlockEvent It should be using class org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent!
Do you think if I use something like chunkster it could fix the issue?
That could definatly cause issues with even a vanilla server.
Gonna try out this new release.. I'm really hoping my memory leak problem is gone this time. I've always wanted to use this plugin and all the players on my server love it. But I can never have it on for long.
Is it possible that there is some kind of memory leak because of an old world? The map we're running is from infdev in some areas.
Perhaps. We'll see if I get more requests.
IDK If I asked this yet, but could you add PreciousStones support? So they cant break down pstones protected areas.
Use the craftbukkit enum (link to the javadoc in the plugin description). You put the data value 371 instead.
13:40:25 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Invalid drop setting 371:5:100 for entity Cr aftSpider. Please use a valid CraftBukkit enum.
what did i do wrong?
This plugin has the ability to make passive mobs attack. Unfortunately this plugin doesen't work anymore!
Hereby requesting a feature like that!
Thanks for this plugin, it's a neccesity in my world which seems to have a perpetual mob shortage. :P
You're probably trying to use a version newer than CB-1.0.1-R1.
This should be really easy to do by playing with the naturalistic bonus spawns for the next version combined with regular bonus spawns.
Would it be possible to have individual group sizes for bonus waves instead of a global size?
GroupSize: 90002109
GroupSize: 1
That would be great, as I want to have massive zombie hordes, but small amounts of other mobs (as all the mobs are needed to stop behavior such as 1x1 tower camping, etc).
While you were at it, you could add percentage chances for each mob to the bonus wave mob, instead of the boolean values that are currently used.
ffs- damn. Also, if i enable this in the nether (which is kinda needed for a hardcore server) it just spams the console with magma cube errors, even though ive disabled their spawning?
EDIT: Now the server wont boot, even after ive damn disabled it in the nether.
Sorry for the long wait guys, my internet was out for 2 days.
Try GOLD_ORE. You cannot make passive mobs attack, it's not coded in bukkit.
Projectiles just means any form of flying attack. Arrows, blaze balls.
True damage is just an integer added to the heart damage caused by a mob which ignores armor. For example,1=half a heart, 4=2 hearts.
Make sure you enabled 'all other properties'. There were some known bugs around this, though, so this should work in 5.0.
This is a known bug and one of the primary ones breaking 4.1. It's already fixed for 5.0.
I'm pretty sure there's another plugin or script out there which does this. I'll consider this a feature request, though, it doesn't sound too hard to add.
Is there anyway with the zombies that break blocks that after a set time, like an hour or so the blocks reappear that were broken? Its just when i have extra zombies all hunting players then the map gets wrecked quite easily and gives ugly landscapes. Just wondering. Thanks Great plugin though
having problem on 4.1 but it's fixed in 4.0
i tried setting like this
but when I start the server, it restart to
then I tried like this
then when I start the server it became like this
then tried restarting again it restart to:
why is it like this??
another problem I encounter..
Minimum light level to spawn: 0
Maximum light level to spawn: 15
even if they have a light level of 15.. they still won't spawn..
Also: Zombies are still not immune to fire/lava, ive set the value to true to no effect. Help?