//Which worlds the plugin affects at all, including bonus spawns only
- world
Always night: false
// http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/monster-apocalypse/pages/nightmare-mode/
Nightmare mode multiplier: 1.0
Nightmare mode period: 1200000
Nightmare mode exponential?: true
//useless flag
Use new event system?: true
//check the permission Monster Apocalypse.deaggro to make players not targetted by these mobs
Check for the deaggro permission for entity attacks, shooting super arrows, and mega-aggro?: false
//Ordinary Vanilla spawns
Enable natural hostile spawns?: true
Enable natural passive spawns?: true
Enable spawn points?: false
Enable bonus spawns?: false
//not to be confused with regular vanilla spawns
Enable naturalistic bonus spawns?: false
//do not touch unless you are making some seriously insane spawning speeds, then lower it
Hard cap on all mobs spawning: 1000000
//This allows you to limit bonus spawns to a single world you have loaded into MA, useful for nether
Only enable bonus spawns on one world?: false
'Bonus spawn world name:': world
//This allows you to limit naturalistic bonus spawns to a single world you have loaded into MA, useful for nether
Only enable naturalistic bonus spawns on one selected world?: false
Naturalistic bonus spawn world name: world
//If enabled, MA will attempt to avoid spawning in regions without creature-spawn
Enable worldguard spawn flag checks?: false
//This is for bonus spawns, if enabled, each wave will still have a random spawn point, but the mobs will all form at that location, rather than
//distributed in a smooth circle around players
Spawn individual wave mobs in the same spot?: false
//This will allow bonus spawns to spawn mid air, when disabled they find a safe ground spot near the original spot
Enable bonus spawns midair? (Useful for Ghasts): false
//enabling custom health requires a special handler and may interfere with other difficulty plugins
Enable custom monster health?: false
Enable custom monster damage?: false
//mob-damage flag checks for regions
Enable worldguard damage flag checks?: false
//the below flags are unrelated to worldguard and apply everywhere
Enable Ender Dragons destroying blocks?: false
Enable Endermen picking blocks?: true
//global flag to change vanilla explosions
Enable custom monster explosion properties? (Normal Creeper/Ghast): false
//global flag the "Natural" section, which affects only ordinary vanilla spawns
Enable spawning changes?: false
Enable custom monster drops?: false
//If enabled, this make mobs destroy and drop torchs in a 3x3x4(tall) shape around them
Enable monsters destroying nearby torches?: false
//Enables mega-aggro, which allows monsters to smell players and move toward them from much farther than vanilla distance, some mobs support run speed changes
//(RP): Mobs can smell players and track them like bears would
Enable monsters attacking from a massive range?: false
Mega-aggro range: 160
Mega-aggro range Y: 80
//Enables Zombie Block Breaking
Enable Zombies attacking walls?: false
Enable PigZombies attacking walls?: false
Drop the block item when a Zombie destroys it?: true
Enable worldguard 'enderman-grief' flag checks for all monster block operations?: false
//This options gives zombies the ability to turn into a block when they know they are vertically below a player they cant reach for 50 seconds,
//(RP): the zombies clamber all over each other, destroying each others bodies in a desparate attempt to reach the player
Enable zombies piling up corpses when they can't reach players or attack a block sooner?: false
Actually kill the zombie when it corpse piles?: true
Mininum unreaching time before suicide piling: 50
Block to use for corpse piling: GRAVEL
Make wolves aggressive?: false
Make zombie pigmen aggressive?: false
Make zombie pigmen use mega-aggro?: false
Enable worldguard creeper explosion flag check for creepers, ghasts, and death explosions?: false
//Checks the block below mobs similar to civilization plugins, so they cant spawn in cities
Check block spawn blacklist (deny spawn on these blocks)?: false
//Lets you list the the blocks they CAN spawn on rather than CAN'T
Invert block spawn list? (Make whitelist): false
//You will need this for immunities, true damage, super arrows, etc in the Advanced Monster Properties section
Enable all other monster properties?: false
//below are all the bonus settings, it will attempt to spawn X mobs every Y milliseconds (all at once), each mob having 100-Z% chance to fail spawning.
//Distance is the horizontal distance from players.
//Bonus spawns will automatically find a safe block to spawn on top of and thus may vary in the Y axis.
//Example: bonus mobs 5, period 7000, percent chance 40%
//Attempts to spawn 5 mobs every 7000 milliseconds, with a 60% chance for each mob individually to fail to spawn
Bonus monsters per player: 4
Percent chance of spawning a monster in bonus waves: 100.0
Minimum light level to spawn: 0
Maximum light level to spawn: 7
Minimum bonus spawn distance: 24
Maximum bonus spawn distance: 80
Bonus spawn Y offset: 0
Bonus spawn period: 60000
//Below controls naturalistic bonus spawns. With default settings, the rates should be extremely similar to vanilla. Naturalistic spawns work by attempting
//a safe block spawn of a mob X times per server tick from random points.
//You can control how many attempts, mobs if successful, horizontal range from players, and tick rate.
//If multiple players are nearby each other with naturalistic bonus spawns on, the spawns will NOT multiply,
//just like vanilla it does not scale off number of players.
//The tick period is useful to increase if you need MUCH slower spawns, ticker period of 5 would spawn at 20% of the normal rate.
Naturalistic bonus spawn mob attempts per tick: 10
Number of mobs to spawn in a spot if found: 1
Tick period for bonus natural spawns, increase this to drastically slow spawning: 1
Minimum naturalistic bonus spawn distance: 24
Maximum naturalistic bonus spawn distance: 160
Minimum light level to spawn naturalistic bonus: 0
Maximum light level to spawn naturalistic bonus: 7
Minimum Y for naturalistic bonus: 0
Maximum Y for naturalistic bonus: 255
//Checks for suffocation victims who just spawned
Automatically remove mobs who spawn inside blocks?: false
//This section is used to control which mobs spawn, and the proportions. You will want to aim for 100.1 total chances.
//If your chances total larger than 101.0, mobs will spawn with equal proportions
//Example (all the mobs are spawn: true):
//Creeper:20.0, Zombie:20.0, Skeleton:20.0, Spider:20.0, Enderman:19.0, EnderDragon:1.0
//(above would result in 99% vanilla proportional spawns, and 1% ender dragons).
Bonus Spawns:
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
//This section is used to control which mobs spawn, and the proportions. You will want to aim for 100.1 total chances.
//If your chances total larger than 101.0, mobs will spawn with equal proportions
//Example (all the mobs are spawn: true):
//Creeper:20.0, Zombie:20.0, Skeleton:20.0, Spider:20.0, Enderman:19.0, EnderDragon:1.0
//(above would result in 99% vanilla proportional spawns, and 1% ender dragons).
Naturalistic Bonus Spawns:
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: true
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
spawn: false
chance: 100.0
//This section allows you to adjust basic options
Monster Properties:
health: 20
damage: 5
health: 20
damage: 2
health: 4
damage: 0
health: 10
damage: 0
health: 20
damage: 0
standard explosion radius: 3.0
//enables/disables creeper explosion causing fire
standard fire: false
health: 200
damage: 10
health: 40
damage: 7
burns in sunlight: true
health: 10
damage: 0
standard explosion radius: 1.0
standard fire: true
health: 100
damage: 17
health: 100
damage: 14
health: 10
damage: 0
health: 10
damage: 0
health: 10
damage: 0
health: 20
damage: 5
health: 8
damage: 0
health: 8
damage: 1
health: 20
damage: 4
burns in sunlight: true
health: 16
damage: 2
health: 10
damage: 0
health: 20
damage: 0
health: 20
damage: 4
burns in sunlight: true
Advanced Monster Properties:
//Deals direct damage and skips armor checks
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
//This allows you to set a chance of spawning new mobs on death, these are the only options here. each count of the death spawn
//has its own chance, so 2 and 50.0 would be like a coin flip for each mob.
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Blaze
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
//Makes mobs completely god mode to certain sources
cactus: false
drowning: false
//player melee weapons
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: CaveSpider
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Chicken
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Cow
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Creeper
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
Mass aggro run speed: 1.0
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: EnderDragon
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Enderman
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Ghast
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Giant
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
//this section is going to use the weird bukkit names
death spawn type: VillagerGolem
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: MushroomCow
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
//this section is going to use the weird bukkit names
death spawn type: Ozelot
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Pig
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: PigZombie
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Sheep
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Silverfish
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Skeleton
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
//this will allow skeletons to have an attack-timer independant super sniper attack which works for very long range
//fires an arrow every 5000 milliseconds if the chance passes, with a max range set below
Enable Super Arrows: false
Super Arrow period: 5000
Super Arrow chance: 100.0
Super Arrow X/Z attack range: 20.0
Super Arrow Y attack range: 80
//gives arrows a chance to explode on impact
Make skeleton arrows explode?: false
Arrow explosion radius: 2.0
Arrow chance to explode on collision: 100.0
Arrow explosion causes fire?: false
//MASS AGGRO RUN SPEED, this controls the rate at which mobs run while being mass-aggroed
Mass aggro run speed: 1.0
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Spider
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Squid
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Villager
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
true damage (completely ignores armor): 0
explode on death: false
death explosion causes fire?: false
death explosion radius: 1.0
spawn new mob on death: false
death spawn type: Zombie
death spawn count: 1
death spawn chance: 100.0
cactus: false
drowning: false
attacks: false
explosions: false
falling: false
fire: false
lava: false
projectiles: false
//use this 99% of the time unless you want to force zombies to stand still for the whole timer
Use the new zombie destruction method, with block hp?: true
// -DIRT:5
Attackable blocks:
- block:seconds
//MASS AGGRO RUN SPEED, this controls the rate at which mobs run while being mass-aggroed
Mass aggro run speed: 1.0
//This whole section affects ordinary vanilla spawns
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Creeper
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Enderman
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Skeleton
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Zombie
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Blaze
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: CaveSpider
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Chicken
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Cow
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Ghast
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: VillagerGolem
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Ozelot
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: LavaSlime
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: MushroomCow
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Pig
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: PigZombie
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Sheep
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Silverfish
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Slime
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Spider
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Squid
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Villager
spawn: true
spawncount: 1
spawnchance: 100.0
spawnymin: 1
spawnymax: 255
replacement: Wolf
//Allows you to set new mob drops, overwrite will delete the vanilla spawns if true.
// - IRON_INGOT:1:10.0
- item:count:chance
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
- item:count:chance
Overwrite?: false
Spawn Block Blacklist:
//- DIRT
- block
Much needed help, Thanks
whats the command after editing the files to reload it ?
Ya I too would like to see a reload command :)
Why is it that when I put this config file into the server, that it throws 2 errors at me then fails to load the file?
enderdragon config!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm having some troubles with adding drops. I want to add leather to sheep, pigs, and wolves. For whatever reason, the drops added to wolves work fine, but the drops added to sheep and pigs fail to load. The online YAML parser shows no errors, and the lines are all - LEATHER:1:30 across the board. Any ideas?
my zombies and pigmen won't dig
Reload command, please!
Wow this plugin is great! But I have this problem with it. So lets say for example I load my main world (world A) and I have other worlds in the root of my file(Lets call one world B). I have the plugin settings set towards world B but not world A. Lets say I use a plugin that lets you cross worlds. I have mob apocalypse working towards B and I move from world A to world B. The plugin doesnt work in world B. Do you think you could somehow fix this problem that the plugin also works on not just the main one?
can you plz teach me how to use this plogin?
is kind of confusing for me :S
Also having trouble with drops.
I'm just running a test by trying to make Creepers drop Apples 100% of the time.
I have custom drops true, overwrite true, and APPLE:1:100 for the line under drops. They still have the vanilla drops.
Anything I'm doing wrong? After editing the file do I have to do something to activate the change other than stopping the server and starting again?
EDIT: Okay I used the reload command in the server console but now I can't make the mobs drop more than one item each. Is it possible to give them a variety of drops or only one each?
Is it possible to add an immunity to mobs that disables the effect of Knockback?
Hi, how do i make it so that all passive mobs spawn, but the only hostile mob that spawns are zombies. Also how do i change how many zombies i want. I want alot of zombies! I tried to do this 7 times and all 7 times i failed.....
Hey I've got a problem with the config file too... I want to make stronger mobs and when i do this in the config file the server just says: 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [INFO] Monster Apocalypse: Config error, check your config font and format!
2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at blainicus.MonsterApocalypse.MonsterApocalypse.setpropertyconfigs(MonsterApocalypse.java:1430) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at blainicus.MonsterApocalypse.MonsterApocalypse.onEnable(MonsterApocalypse.java:352) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:217) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:337) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:257) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:239) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(MinecraftServer.java:373) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:360) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:189) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:424) 2012-07-31 10:00:00 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
Can smbd. please make me a config file with stronger mobs or can smbd. tell me where i can correct the config font and format?
btw. I dont want creepers or Enderman is that a problem for the file?
Hey, a bit of a different question.
Is it possible to make a zombie drop a enchanted IRON_SWORD?
i added the Iron sword correctly, and i have tried adding the enchantements numeric after,
giving it the name, Before, in the middle and after the percent and amount.
is there any way to do this, or should i look for plugins that do this themselves?
Is it possible to allow players to burn in sunlight ?
light sensor + cmd block "burn @a 600" :]
I cant get zombies to destroy my wooden doors, here is my settings. Any idea?
You need to use the bukkit enum for wooden doors, not the minecraft ID. A list of enums is here. The enum for wooden doors is WOODEN_DOOR if that helps.
anyone make me a config for this plugin so creepers have a lot more spawn chance and spawn in groups and higher damage
make it so creepers are more deadly for my creeper apocalypse server coming soon