Added a new zombie block destruction mode, where blocks have effective health and can be worn down over time until broken, 10 minutes pass, or the server restarts, as well as allowing mobs to work together. This mode will work far better for the majority of configs with no downsides. Enabled by default, found in Zombie Advanced Properties.
Added all property information for ocelots, giants, irongolems, and ender dragons.
Added an option to disable EnderDragons from destroying blocks. EnderDragon destruction will also be affected by Worldguard checks. This is a global flag.
Added an option to disable Endermen picking up blocks EVERYWHERE. This is a global flag.
Added an option to check for mobs dying inside blocks after spawning and remove them. This is a global flag.
Added a small radius minimum for old-style mega-aggro pointers to prevent interference with players movement.
Added Ocelots and Iron Golems to check for disabling passive mob spawns.