
Modulo is a simple plugin that is used to install the latest version of other plugins via console or from within game. Modulo also includes the ability to load, unload, and uninstall plugins.

This is useful for server administrators who want a quick and easy way to manage plugins.

Installing Plugins
Via the console or from within game, use the command install followed by the plugin(s) that you wish to install.

For example, if you wanted to install the AirJump plugin: install airjump
To install multiple plugins with the command, simply separate them by spaces: install worldedit worldguard commandbook

Modulo will automatically extract JAR files out of ZIP archives (should the plugin's download link be a ZIP file, as with WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and CommandBook).

You must either do a server-wide reload or load the plugins separately in order for them to enable.

Note that you can automatically load a plugin after installation by specifying the load tag: "-l"

For example, if you want to install and load AirJump: install -l airjump

Uninstalling Plugins
Via the console or from within game, use the command uninstall followed by the plugin(s) that you wish to install. The uninstall process first unloads the plugin(s) and then attempts to delete them. Note that Java 7 is required to delete (and hence "uninstall") plugins.

Loading Plugins
You can load specific plugins by using the command load followed by the plugin(s) that you wish to load. You cannot load a plugin if it has already been loaded.

Unloading Plugins
You can unload specific plugins by using the command unload followed by the plugin(s) that you wish to unload. You cannot unload a plugin if it is not loaded.

Reload Plugins
You can reload specific plugins by using the command reload followed by the plugin(s) that you wish to reload. You cannot reload a plugin if it is not loaded.

Modulo has respective permissions which grants access to the node commands.

The install command: modulo.install
The uninstall command: modulo.uninstall
The load command: modulo.load
The unload command: modulo.unload
The reload command: modulo.reload

Server operators will automatically be able to use all commands.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 20, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 28, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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