== IMPORTANT: == This plugin is no longer receiving updates. MobStacker2 is a complete, premium, rebuild. It is up to date with the latest Spigot releases, works with PaperSpigot 1.8 and has mcMMO and WorldGuard integration. Please consider supporting my efforts and getting a really useful plugin out of it :D
What is MobStacker?
- MobStacker is a super simple but highly effective plugin designed to reduce lag both for the server and clients.
- It works off the premise that lowering the number of entities in the area (Mobs, in this case), by stacking them all together, means less information for the server to keep track of, and also less entities for each client near the mobs to render.
- This plugin is a must have for servers that have mob grinding as a core component of their server, as server permanence is freed up so much. This allows for more players, more features, and of course, players' experience a better framerate while farming mobs.
- Although the concept behind MobStacker is incredibly simple, the way this plugin has been made means the level of customisation and efficiency is unprecedented.
- Mobs of the same type that spawn in close proximity stack together, and the quantity is displayed.
- You can use the {QTY} and {TYPE} tag in the configs, along with standard colour codes to choose how stacked mobs names will be displayed. Upon slaying the mob, the number of mobs in the stack will drop by 1, and drop full loot at XP as if a normal mob had been killed.
- When only 1 mob is left, the name with the quantity vanishes, and it appears as a normal, unstacked mob.
- If there are two stacks nearby and a mob is killed from one, both will combine. (If CUSTOM spawn method is left true in config)
- Mobs will stack to other mobs who's path they cross after spawning within the time defined in the config. This is ideal for applications such as grinders where mobs may not necessarily spawn within the stacking range, but reach the other mobs soon after.
- You are able to define a size around the mob in which it will look for other mobs to stack to in the config.
- Set whether leashed mobs stack (Keep players horses safe).
- Check whether the mob has a custom name (Keep players pets safe).
- Keep animals separated by age (Adult or baby)
- Stack management based off of death cause.
- Option to have exploding creeper stacks have larger explosions.
- Tamed pets can be protected in config.
- Option to keep stacks separate based on colour (For sheep).
- Option to have mobs stack downwards, and specify which mobs obey this rule.
- Option to have whole stacks leash, or one at a time
- Option to choose a max stack size for specified mobs.
- Blacklist worlds form being affected by this plugin.
- Have full stacks die at once from defined death reasons, AND drop loot for the whole stack.
- Sheep are separated and restarted when they are shorn, so a whole stack can be shorn easily.
- Stacks can be set to keep burning when one of the mobs in the stack dies by fire.
- Ability to nerf mobs based on their spawn method (They won't fight back)
- Set which spawn methods will not give mcMMO exp.
- Define which stacks will be kept when chunks are unloaded or the server restarts.
- /mobstacker reload (mobstacker.reload) - Reloads the config
- /mobstacker toggle (mobstacker.toggle) - Toggles server wide whether mobs stack
- /mobstacker region <regionID> <true || false> (mobstacker.setregions) - Sets whether mobs stack in a world guard region.
- /mobstacker killall (mobstacker.killall) - Removes all stacks
If you have any questions or feature requests, don't be afraid to ask.
If you guys like the plugin, a review and rating is always appreciated!
Is there a way to kill multiple things in a stack?
For example, I have a 1 thousand stack blazes, can I kill 10 of this blazes at a time instead of 1 at a time?
It isn't workinjg for me. It dosen't stack the mobs.
This is fixed in MobStacker2, coming soon over on Spigot
Hi there. MobStacker2 is currently in the works. I did not anticipate this plugin to grow to this size or popularity so have done a complete rebuilt from scratch making v2 faster, lighter and more reliable.
It will address all bugs in the previous version. As I don't have a lot of time on my hands and am using my holiday to do this, it will be available on spigot for $7.50 for the first 2 weeks and then go up to it's normal price of $10.
I expect it to be done anywhere from a few days to a week from now. It will support 1.8 - 1.10
All versions ever made were built for 1.8.8 so it should work? What's the error it throws?
Could you fix the Egg drop of Chickens if they are stacked?
The plugin still gives MCMMO XP even though it is disabled in the conf. Plz fix
how can i make it so all the mobs stacked when killed drop the same item? For example i have x100 cows stacked and i want to kill them with a Fire 2 Sword and i want them to drop Steak not the raw meat. Please help :DNice plugin
Can you possibly help me out as ive gone back to old versions that included 1.8 but so far no version has worked on my server. Please explain what I'm doing wrong.
Hi, I want to use your plugin on a 1.10.2 server. The problem is the following: 1.10 mobs aren't supported and for fall damage when killing the whole stacks, the loot isn't multiplied. Is it something i didn't do in the config, or it's because i'm using it on 1.10.2 ? Awesome feature!
kill-whole-stack-on-death: enable: true multiply-loot: true reasons: - FALL
Using defaults values here..
Is it possible to kill a stack when a player kills it?
MobHunting is now supporting MobStacker.
The server owner can configure if and how a reward for killing Stacked Mobs is rewarded.
Hi, Im the Dev of MobHunting and one of my users has asked if I could make MobHunting work with MobStacker? I would love to do so, but then I need an API or access to your source code? I have tried the link on this page but it is dead.
UPDATE: I found the source on GITHUB and has now made basic integration to MobHunting. (in release 3.1.7), it would still be an advantage if you could make an API.
Hey Kiwifisher! Huge fan of you work ;D
but i do have a question about this mod. Now i managed to get it installed on a Server that ive been working on, however i an't seem to manage to do a few things.
First: Dispite everything ive tried and no matter what i enter under the "kill full stack" feature the Mobs still die one at a time.
Second: Pleeaaase tell me you know a way to fix Iron Golem Stacking. i can't for the life of me figure out how to get it to work, i ended up installing the plugin 'StackedMob' temporarly to make them stak for grinding purposes, But that plugin doesn't work as nicly as yours does!
shoot me a Msg on my Kik! ;3 you know what it is~
You can add damage methods to "kill-whole-stack-on-death:" in the config. Default if only FALL. The rest can be found at
This is how the plugin is built to work. It will stop trying to stack after a set time defined by "seconds-to-try-stack" in the config which by default is 5. You can either increase this (Increases weight of plugin on server, albeit not by a lot unless you go above a minute or so) or you can set the seconds to -1 which means it will try stack forever. The last option will give you your desired effect but is the most resource intensive (In saying that, it's the same intensity as all other plugins that do this, so not that bad).
Hope that helps.
Could you please add that feature? Where the whole stack dies and gives the loot when the player kills one of the stack? Cheers, Melon.
I'm having an issue where blazes will stack but then two stacks of 20+ won't stack together unless one blaze from one of the stacks dies, is there any fix for this? Also I'm using the 1.8.3 version not the 1.9
I installed and upload it but it mobs doesnt stack. Whats wrong?
It does that automatically for when a stack dies from fall damage. Are you meaning if a player kills a stack with any weapon it does that too? I can add that in easily, I just didn't see it being a very sought after feature.
Is there a way to make it if you kill the mob it kills the entire stack and drops times <stacknumber> loot?