Mob Item Drops
What is Mob Item Drops?
Mob Item Drops is a simple yet efficient plugin which lets you choose whether or not mobs drop items or experience orbs. To change these mechanics all you need to do is edit the 'config.yml' file in the '"MobItemDrops" folder which it automatically generates for you.
Status: Due for an update (v1.1)
Just drop the file in your plugins folder, and restart your server. The configuration will be generated automatically. You can then edit the configuration file manually once the configuration file has been generated.
There is currently only one command which is the '/mobitemdrops reload' command.
Command | Description |
/mobitemdrops | View the list of MobItemDrops commands |
/mobitemdrops reload | Reloads the configuration file |
Command Aliases: /mobitemdrops or /mid
Permission Node | Permission Description |
mobitemdrops.reload | Allow players to reload the configuration. |
How Mob Item Drops Works
This plugin will allow you to choose what mobs (all the mob types are list in the configuration file [config.yml]) can drop items or experience orbs and what mobs will not be able to.
In the configuration file you can override your mob-specific settings to change if all or none of the mobs will drop items. The 'drop-xp' setting is used globally for the mobs so you can either turn off or turn on experience orb dropping for all mobs.
Note: This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Upcoming Features
- Update checking.
- A command to set mob-drop to true or false in-game.
If you have any comments or improvements to the plugin that we could make, then please feel free to comment!