Mob Health
This simple but invaluable plugin lets you know the damage you just caused to a mob (including other players), and how much health it has left.
Now with ActionBars!
If you have 1.8 bukkit/spigot then you can now enable actionbars by adding useActionBar: true to your config (or set to false to disable).
Mob Health has a range of useful options including:
- Control over how messages are shown
- When messages are shown
- When messages are *not* shown (a useful feature!)
- Exactly what is displayed - including your own custom messages...
Current Release Version: 9.1.0
Updater Information
Note that unless you edit MobHealth configuration it will automatically update as new versions are approved by the Bukkit team.
You can edit config.yml
in the /plugins/MobHealth/
folder you can find the following settings.
updateCheck true
- Show notification of available updates.
doUpdate true
- Update MobHealth automatically when new download is available.
Change doUpdate to false to stop any file download, and updateCheck to false to stop notices about new versions in your startup log.
Got API?
MobHealth now has 100% more API included!
You can trigger damage notifications, if your plugin adds skills or spells for example. And far more usefully - you can query MobHealth to get the current health and max health of any Mob, regardless of which plugin is responsible for tracking it.
Think of it as Vault for mob health levels ;) You code for one plugin - I sort out the mess behind the scenes.
See the API page for more info.
NEW healthbars!!
As frequently requested, MobHealth can now display health bars above Mobs, and a health counter for players.
PLEASE NOTE: If enabled - these bars show above ALL players / mobs, regardless of any toggle or permissions settings.
Enable this feature with the following flags in config:
showPlayerHeadHealth: true
Enables health counter display below player names.
usePercentForPlayer: true
Changes health counter from HP to a percentage of health left (recommended).
showMobHeadHealth: true
Enable health bars for all mobs.
useBarForMobs: true
If true, use a health bar in format of [||||||||||] if false, show in format of "10/20"
Compatible Plugins
You shouted for it - here it is, Epic Boss support.
Thanks to ThaH3lper for adding in an entire API for MobHealth.
If Spout-plugin is installed and the client uses SpoutCraft (and disableSpout is on its default false setting) then notification will be shown with the achievement notification (as seen above).
Exclusive to Imagicraft's Zombie Apocalypse RP (Zarp) server, ZombieMod creates several variaties of Zombie to terrorise players trying to survive in this post-apocalyptic server.
MobHealth now supports the Client Mod simple notice. Lets you show the messages elsewhere so your chat is spam free.
Thanks to FeildMaster for the pull request :)
Heroes health and levelled up HP's are reported correctly as are mobs whose health levels have been adjusted in the config. Use of a Heroes skill will trigger a notification when it damages.
Mobs adjustments to health are now tracked and reported in MobHealth.
Thanks to coldandtired for adding in MaxHealth and an API for me :)
Mob Arena
Bosses in a currently running Mob Arena report correct health and max-health. As do waves with a modified reduced health.
Thanks to garbagemule for adding MaxHealth to mob area for me.
MobHealth detects wandering bosses and correctly reports their health and name.
Thanks to bm01 and Erackron for integration help.
Monster Apocalypse (6.0b+)
If Monster Apocalypse is set to handle mob's health then these values are used for MobHealth.
Thanks to blainicus for answering my queries.
See MobHealth in action here...
Thanks to WoopaGaming for the video.
/MobHealth reload
Reloads current configuration.
/MobHealth toggle [player]
Toggle notifications. [player] is ignored via chat and mandatory via the console.
See the configuration page for full details.
See the permissions page for full details.
Source Code
Stats Collection
Like many bukkit plugins, Mobhealth utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- The number of damage notices displayed (but not their content)
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
9.0.0: New ActionBar notifications.
8.3.0: Adds Rabbit, Endermite and Guardian mobs
8.2.2: Added fallback code for potential missing new methods.
8.2.1: Rollback gettextresource to get resources
8.2.0: Filter rogue &f colour code prefix's. Add scoreboard event (so it can be cancelled to preserve scoreboards).
8.0.1: Cleanup - removed unused class, update metrics to V7
8.0.0: Reworked Heroes integration. 1.7.2 compatibility fixes.
Github no longer allows a "downloads" section, so I no longer mirror files there. If you'd like to test beta/dev versions follow me on twitter and ask there! But understand such files would not yet be approved by BukkitDev staff.
Known Bugs/Conflicts
- Plugins that alter mobs health levels usually return false health levels.
The plugins listed above are supported.
Donations of any amount are, of course appreciated :)
Contributions go towards maintaining my development server to encourage continued development, MobHealth is solo coded by me, and supporting so many other plugin takes a fair bit of time. So if you think that time is worth something then Hit the dontae button in the top right of this page :)
Can you update or rebuild for 1.9? It seems to have broken the Action Bar messages which we use.
Disable player health, That uses a scoreboard too so disabling it will stop it conflicting with SkillAPI :)
Can you add support to the plugin SkillAPI please? Because it has a scoreboard and it doesn't show when I use Mobhealth. Besides that, amazing plugin!
Display of info under a player name is handled by scoreboard objectives. I use a score board cause that's the only way to display in information on a player.
If youve diabled playe rhealth then mobhealth is not useing the board space any more, and something else is clashing.
Soory can't do that, Mobs dont have an under the name scrore only players.
There not even a newline to force it onto another line.
Should be able to remove the colon tho i'll look at adding an option
Why does it use a scoreboard? For storing data a HashMap would be enough. Also the scoreboards still disappear after turning off player health.
I was wondering if it was possible to move the health representation under the mob name? Also is it possible to remove the semi colon that is separating the name from the health?
Yeah, bukkit can only show one scoreboard per player.
Disable player health, as that's the bit that uses a scoreboard, and MobHealth we diable use when its diabled in config.
With this plugin installed, as soon as you take damage scoreboards disappear. This applies on Mob-Arena and BattleArena scoreboards - 2 minigame plugins that my server is using.
It sounds like you have a conflicting scoreboard :/ It should show all the time! I'll see if i can adjust the order.
As for colour - ive not put any colour processing on the lables. - try using the MC colour code ( § ) instead of & and see if that works. Meanwhile i'll add &X codes to next version.
I was wondering if there is a way to color the Health message above players heads? Went into the lang file and tried to use a color code there and didn't work. Also can I make it so it is always displaying? I have configured the config as much as I can however whenever the only time you see the health of a player is when THEY hit you. I would like it so you can always see it. Thanks
Another awesome plugin. This is just what I needed. Thanks
I thought I had, best go fix that!
Add a message for Doney for chat :P
Mobhealth supports a lot of custom mob plugins and since we got setMaxHealth added to bukkit - 99% of custom mob plugins work with mobhealth fine ;)
As for the newline I'm sorry to say its not supported. There's no newline character I can use to force a new line, and there is only one area to display info - in the mobs custom name. So without client mods its not workable.
If there was a way I'd do it in a heartbeat :)
Do you think its possible to add a feature for us to edit the way the health bar is displayed on a mob?
As I would like the mob name to be on top and health bar under it.
Also is it possible to add my own custom mobs or only default minecraft mobs are supported?
@LethalWrath @griffenx
Thanks griffenx
Yes LethalWrath, you can, just look in the config - and also in the comment directly bellow yours!
yes, try looking in the config
Great plugin! The only thing is that when I use this plugin, /scoreboard commands don't work or show up. Is there any way to enable scoreboard with this plugin?
Is it possible to disable the chat messages that show when you hit a mob or player? I want to only have the health shown above the mobs head.