MobHealth v3.2 - Dev
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UploadedFeb 5, 2012
Size26.61 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.1-R3
3.2: Initial Heroes support.
Added debug mode option to config.
New permissions node to allow toggling of other players notifications.
3.1: Initial MobArena support.
3.0: Permissions rewrite.
2.5: New bukkit event format.
Support for Likeaboss Boss entities.
- Ender Dragon damage not notified. Bukkit have pushed a fix through for 1.1 - working on it now.
- Plugins that alter mobs health levels usually aren't detected by my plugin. So far I know the following cause issues.
Likeaboss - I have details form the author and I'm working on adding support.Done Thanks bm01Heroes. Once Heroes for 1.1 is out I'll look over the API.Initial support in placeMobArena. Again once a 1.1 build is out I'll look over the API.Initial support in place
- MobArena's Health Multiplier for waves appears to be broken. Will support when garbagemule does his next release.