Better Errors? #6

  • Accepted
  • Enhancment
  • _ForgeUser8429290 created this issue Feb 16, 2012

    Just spent over an hour trying to fix some random errors which caused me to automatically teleport out of a dungeon when a wave started.
    Better errors would help here instead of not throwing any error, and just doing something completely random.
    ~or a debug mode?

  • _ForgeUser8429290 added the tags New Enhancment Feb 16, 2012
  • Forge_User_58953186 removed a tag New Feb 17, 2012
  • Forge_User_58953186 added a tag Accepted Feb 17, 2012
  • Forge_User_58953186 posted a comment Feb 17, 2012

    can you please clearly say if you get errors or not because at one point you say you get (random) ones and at the other point you say you don't get any at all.

    If you don't get any: Well in your case (teleporting out of dungeon at start of wave) could not only be caused because of the plugin and might be your own fault because of not setting up the level correctly. Reason: if no wave is set -> dungeon ends, which could be the reason why you get teleported out of the dungeon.

    if you get some: Stack traces are better for me to get easier to the error in the code. They might not seem good for you because they are not meant to be seen by a person which runs the plugin because they shouldn't even happen.


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