Config File

This is what your config file will look like and these are the basic things you can do with it. If you are using the most current version of MobCatcher and your Config file doesn't look like this, delete it and start/reload your server.
If after reading this page you still have a question, feel free to PM me.

Multi World Support

Under the PluginEnabled section, true means that the plugin is enabled in that world, while false means it isn't. NOTE: If you add a new world to your server, reload, and the config file should be updated.

Capture Item

The Capture item field is used to configure the item held in the players hand when capturing a mob. By default, it is a normal egg, but by changing the item ID to another value, you could make it whatever you want. "UsedOnCapture" is by default set to true, this means that 1 of the capture item will be removed from the players hand upon capture and "ReturnedOnSpawn" will give it back once you've used a spawn egg. Disabling the Capture "Enabled:" field, would mean projectile captures only.
Note: All item name fields are solely there to help you remember what you've set it to. They are not necessary to change.

Projectile Captures

The types of projectiles that can be used to capture are by default all set to false, except chicken eggs. Simply change the other fields to true to allow Snowballs or Arrows to capture mobs. These fields are completely independent of the Capture item (direct capture) settings. The SpawnEggsDirectToInventory, which by default is false, means that Spawn eggs, when captured from projectiles, will be dropped on the ground. If you set this to true, the eggs will be placed directly into the players inventory, like a direct capture. The MissedEggsSpawnsChickens field defines whether or not chicken eggs will spawn chickens if they hit a block.

Note: MobsMustBeKilled also applies to projectiles

Iron Golems Protecting Villagers

By default, Iron Golems will attack any player who has damaged a villager. Set the "IronGolemsProtectVillagersFromCaptures" to false to be able to capture villagers without getting attacked by golems. Hitting the villager with anything other than the capture item will still aggro the golem.


By default, Effects are enabled. The Effect is smoke, in all directions, and the sound of a blaze firing.

Thrown Spawn Eggs

Set this to false to turn off the ability to throw spawn eggs. Note: There are override permissions, default OP.


With MobCatcher, dispensers can shoot out mob eggs and then spawn them, rather than just spawning them one block in front. In order to turn it back to the old way, set enabled to false. The power field defines how fast the egg will shoot out of the dispenser. This number is a MULTIPLIER, where 1 is a normal speed. Numbers less than 1 slow it down(decimals). Number greater than one MULTIPLY its speed.


This section is for disabling messages from this plugin. Set either capture or spawn messages enabled to false to turn them off.

Simple and Complex Configuration


ItemName: redstone dust - To remind you what you set it to. Effects nothing
ItemID: 331 - Actual Item ID of the cost item
Amount: 5 - the amount that will be taken
VaultCost: 10.0 - amount of money taken (if vault is enabled)
Chance: 100 - Percent chance that the capture WILL be successful
MustBeKilled: true - means you must ENTIRELY kill a mob to capture it, default is 1 hit

Note: All item name fields are solely there to help you remember what you've set it to. They are not necessary to change.

Simple Configuration

Simple config is used by default. This splits everything up between peaceful and hostile and allows for the simple disable of each mob type. While it is easier to manage, it doesn't give you the same flexibility as the Complex Config.

Complex Configuration

In order to use the complex configuration you must set ComplexConfig > Enabled to true. This overrides everything in the SimpleConfig section and solely defines all of the costs. The complex configuration offers individual customization for every mob.


If you use a Vault supported Economy plugin, set Vault to true to enable Economy costs per capture. Change the Vault Cost fields at the bottom, per mob, to change their prices. Note that the Item cost is still active and must be have their amounts set to 0 or you will be charged for both.

Protective Signs

Default Radius defines the radius that is used if either PlayerSet Enabled is set to false or if the player doesn't type a radius. PlayerSet Enabled must be true for players to be able to set their own radii. SignLimit defines the maximum number of protection signs a single player can place. MaxRadius defines the highest number a player can set as the signs radius. If a player attempts to exceed the radius, they will be given the default radius instead.

Note: These fields apply to EVERYONE. To change allowed mob types for a specific player see the Permission Nodes page here.

#  MobCatcher v3.0
#  For help with the Config file, see the BukkitDev page.  
  world: true
  world_nether: true
  world_the_end: true
  arena: true
  city: true
  Enabled: true
  ItemName: egg
  ItemID: 344
  UsedOnCapture: true
  ReturnedOnSpawn: true
  SpawnEggsDirectToInventory: false
  MissedEggsSpawnChickens: true
    Egg: true
    Snowball: false
    Arrow: false
  Enabled: true
    Radius: 10
    SignLimit: 3
    Enabled: false
    MaxRadius: 10
SaveDataAndRemoveStackability: true
EffectsEnabled: true
ThrownSpawnEggsEnabled: true
CanCaptureMobSpawnerMobs: true
IronGolemsProtectVillagersFromCaptures: true
  Capture: false
  Shoot: true
  Power: 0.5
  CaptureEnabled: true
  SpawnEnabled: true
  Permissions: true
  Vault: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    PigZombie: true
    MagmaCube: true
    CaveSpider: true
    Creeper: true
    Skeleton: true
    Spider: true
    Zombie: true
    Slime: true
    Ghast: false
    Enderman: true
    Sliverfish: true
    Blaze: false
    Pig: true
    Sheep: true
    Cow: true
    Chicken: true
    Squid: true
    Wolf: true
    AngryWolf: true
    MooShroom: true
    Villager: true
    Ocelot: true
    IronGolem: true
    SnowGolem: true
    Enderdragon: false
  Enabled: true
  Vault: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 120
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: true
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false
    Enabled: false
    ItemName: redstone dust
    ItemID: 331
    Amount: 5
    VaultCost: 10.0
    Chance: 100
    MustBeKilled: false