MobArena v0.99 (for 1.8-1.10)
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UploadedNov 19, 2017
Size384.85 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
Note: v0.99 is also available for 1.11+
- Added support for commands as rewards! That's right, you can finally grant rewards in the form of running commands with the recipient player as a variable. Since commands can do quite a lot of things, it should be possible to now grant many different kinds of rewards, including permissions! Check out the wiki for details on how to use commands as rewards. Note that this change required a bit of an overhaul throughout the code base and has resulted in a couple of breaking API changes (albeit very minor), forcing a version bump. If you have plugins that depend on MobArena, the integration may break (but probably won't). If so, please be kind to my fellow developers when you ask them to update their plugins.
- Rewards in the 'after' branch are now granted right before the next wave is about to spawn, rather than when the wave spawns. This means that if you have an 'after' reward set for wave 6, that reward will now be granted just before wave 7 spawns (or if wave 6 is the final wave, right before the arena session ends). This fixes a long-running "working as intended" bug that may require you to tweak your waves a bit. It should remove the need for "dummy waves" after boss waves and stuff like that.
- Fixed an issue where MobArena would throw some errors if death messages were cleared/nulled by other plugins.