MobArena v0.98 (for 1.8)


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  • Uploaded
    Mar 11, 2017
  • Size
    378.46 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8


Note: v0.98 is also available for 1.11

Note: v0.98 breaks backwards compatibility with some of MobArena's API pre-v0.98. This means that there is a risk that some plugins that integrate with MobArena may fail. Unless the integrations specifically use MobArena's internal announcements/messaging, however, things should be fine.


  • Added support for custom prefixes! By default, MobArena will use its classic green [MobArena] prefix, but it is now possible to change this with the global prefix setting found in global-settings in the config-file. If the prefix is empty, MobArena will revert to the default prefix.
  • Added support for arena-specific prefixes. Using the new arena-specific prefix setting, you can override the global prefix for arena-specific messages. If the prefix is empty (default), the global prefix is used.
  • Fixed an issue where stepping on pressure plates and other non-click interactions would throw an error.
  • Removed Metrics since it's no longer online.