== NOTICE == 9 Aug 2016 ==
As most of you have already worked out, public support for this project has been non existent. Unfortunately with the workload of trying to manage and run a server network where minigames is only 1 out of what feels like 1000 projects we maintain... It gets hard trying to find time to help everyone.
But fear not this project is indeed not abandoned! We have moved the project to SpigotMC:
++Update Note Aug 2017++
Please Note I have provided updated downloads for all versions back to 1.7 .. We are trying to get some idea of what versions people are running still and what we need to focus on...updating will help us target our product improvements.
The files section contains various version downloads OR you can dowload them : - here
Minigames is a plugin in which users can create and play several types of Minigames on a server, without the risk of losing items or XP when they die. Players can also use checkpoints so when they die, they are reverted back to that position.
The Possible Minigame types are:
- Single Player - for jump puzzles, mazes etc.
- Last Man Standing - A multiplayer Free for All (FFA) PvP Minigame
- Race - A Multiplayer race Minigame
- Team Deathmatch - A deathmatch round against 2 teams, first to a defined score wins!
- Deathmatch - A free for all deathmatch round against any predefined amount of players, first to a defined score wins!
- Spleef - Its possible to create custom Spleef arenas, as well as your standard spleef arena.
- Treasure Hunt - A global treasure finding Minigame that is always running
- CTF - An expansion to the Team Deathmatch Minigame.
- Infection - An expansion to the Team Deathmatch Minigame where the infected players must kill all survivors.
- Prizes for completing a Minigame
- Economy support (Requires Vault)
- All command configuration for creating Minigames
- Completely customisable, lots of settings to create your own styled Minigame.
- Ability to create multiple loadouts
- Inventory saving
- XP saving
- Minigame regeneration (slightly limited)
- Timers
- An automated update checker for OP's (Can be turned off in the main config by setting updateChecker to false)
- SQL completion data storage for websites or more informative data (Requires SQLibrary)
- And lots more!
Click here for videos of this plugin in action.
Minigames was created for players to play games within a server and win prizes for completion, also to let players play PvP games without the risk of losing their hard earned items and XP. Minigames also reward players for completing each Minigame, or with PvP Minigames, the player can be rewarded with 'bets' that players make before they start the Minigame. These bets can be in Economy money or preset items.
These Minigames can be created in any style the player wishes, for example, parkour jump puzzles, mazes and treasure hunts. As well as PvP games like CTF, races and more. You are given a lot of options to add to each Minigame individually, so they are all completely customisable.
→ Minigames Wiki
Newly Updated! A work in progress wiki, this will hopefully explain all the details of Minigames.
→ Permissions
A list of permissions for the plugin.
→ Command List
A full command list for the plugin.
→ Minigame Signs
All Minigame signs that can be used
→ Donate
Donate to the Minigames project to show your support! Every little bit helps!
Frequently Asked Questions.
→ Please report any major bugs, issues or suggestions here
DO NOT post them in the comments as I will lose track of them there.
→ Development Builds
Development builds for public access. Keep up to date with the newest builds of Minigames.
NOTICE: Development versions are not approved by the BukkitDev team and may break or cause issues with your Minigames. Use at your own risk!
This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- And the amount of players playing games. Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Minigame Mashup:
We Be Pirates (Teaser)
Basic Region & Nodes Tutorial
Did you add a loadout to the treasure hunt game? Without items it usually causes errors. (I really need to write up a tutorial for that one).
You can deny /spawn with worldguard
I can't seam to get the Treasure hunt working, it wont start but when i type stop it says it has been removed then internal error
Hey great plugin it made my server seem awesome. Can I please ask for you to add these features to make it better because I spent hours on this one Minigame where you have to get levers from a chest then place them on a block to open a door but you can't build in a Minigame so it does not work. Also I found a few bugs, My members held there item they get like in spleef they hold there Diamond shovel with the cursor before the game ends then they somehow keep the diamond shovel. I also another member of my server had a whole chest full of diamond armour that he managed to keep from Minigames but I have no idea how.
More Features: So these are the features I really hope you one day add..
Thanks, just letting you know that you can set more than one start point already:
/mgm set <minigame> start [number]
As for teams, thats my next major feature.
This plug-in is awesome!
I do have a couple of feature requests. I'm not a developer so I don't know if this would even be possible. But..our players and minigame builders are begging for there to be a way to set more than one start point for each player in the PVP type games, such as spawning opponents in opposite corners for spleef and last man standing instead of all the players spawning on the same block. Also, they would love to have an option to have games that create teams.
I'd like to add a feature request, one that, in my opinion may be easy to make; multispleef.
As I said in previous requests, I started creating an arena for this. Unfortunately, the plugin did what I anticipated; it only regenerated one layer of the multi-tiered arena. I had hopes that your sfloor 1 and sfloor 2 might pertain an entire region, but it was indeed only a surface that is being regenerated.
So, as a feature request, can you make sfloor1 and sfloor 2 a region based variable? Basically, I'd like to be able to regenerate along the X, Z and Y axis.
_Razz_ No errors that we can see here. It may have to to with MV inventories being iffy. That plugin is giving us all headaches, especially with other plugins doing inventory management.
For now I'm quite happy with what has been setup, and the plugin is functioning splendidly in spleef, last man standing and the race.
I can tell you that flags do work in SP minigames (afaik), I think I forgot to make Minigames remove them for race though, I'll fix that. I haven't had a problem with loadouts, are you getting any errors?
As for multiworld, I'll look into some fixes for that. Not sure when I can do that one though.
I'll make the armour auto equipped in the next version.
I have to add another few notes to my ongoing saga with this plugin (I'm still quite happy with it!).
So we have the flags... Ohhh the flags. I actually had to shutdown the server, clean them out of the config file (well, the owner of the server did), and reboot it again to clear them all out permanently (removing them ingame did not work, a same old abc flagged kept being saved). But now that they are gone, I changed my race to the top game not to include flags and I am happily ignoring this issue for now.
Secondly, loadouts... It's still not working properly. One time it gives you only one item, or nothing at all. It's a bit annoying, but we are working around it with restocking chests.
It brings me to the third point; multiworld support, most notably the inventory support. We are using the Multiverse-Inventories plugin, but it seems plugins like these that want to save the inventory for the users seem to bug out on it a lot (or MV is bugging out on the plugins, whatever way you want to see it). People end up with their equipment in different worlds, or not at all. Is it possible to include the following in your future updates?
1. The ability to have ths plugin not save your inventory AT all.
2. The ability to require a clean inventory before starting a game.
The author of the skybukkit plugin has already done so in an update, so you may be able to sneak a peek on how to in that plugin.
Again, I am having great fun building these minigames and I'm going to work out a suggestion of a player now of a multitiered Spleef. Wish me luck.
The plugin works great, the only issue is that when giving players armor within the loadout they won't spawn in the arena wearing the armor. Is there a way to do this with the current configurations or am I being stupid ^^
Thanks, keep up the good work.
Haha its fine, SP was meant for that, to allow multiple people playing at the same time. I've been planning on doing a co-op / adventure Gametype (styled as you asked) for some time now. Not sure how long it'll take but its definitely a planned feature.
You'll grow tired of me soon, because I keep coming back with comments :)
This time, I got a tidbit concerning single player games. I've configured a single player game, but other players seem to be able to join it while it is in progress. Is it possible to make an option for it that in single player games, no other player can join it until it has been finished? This is particularly handy for custom designed adventures/dungeons that you want only player to complete at the time.
Thank you!
EDIT: extra note: it seems that the loadout items on a single player game may not always spawn. For example, I give our brave adventurer an iron helmet, breastplate, sword and a few potions, and the player ends up with only the helmet, or nothing at all.
Nice looking plugin, trying it live tonight :-)
Oh well, I'm back after trying out this updated version.
Quite a few fixes I was hoping for, great job on that!
The one thing that I mentioned previously though which is a bit of a gamestopper for me, is that flags are still remembered between games.
I've set flags red, blue and yellow, and when someone tags them on their first runthrough of the race game, the second time he/she does not have to tag them anymore in order to trigger the finish condition. I hope there is a quick fix for this, but in the meantime, I'm going to create a few more minigames on our server with the other options.
Again, you are doing a mighty fine job, and hope to see more from you soon!
- Please add the feature if 1 player exit server during the minigame he automatic kicked out of minigame
- When you joined in minigame all commands blocked except Minigame commands
I see that it just updated, I'll try to get it on the server I admin for asap to try it out. I hope the whole flags being remembered issue is fixed now.
Awesome plugin! Has all the features I was looking for!
The video tutorial in descripcion you said you where not that good at tutorials, however the video was very clear and to the point! Left you a like on it :D
1. Ok, Race is done by setting the Minigame type to race, the finish sign then works for that type.
2. Removing minigames was bugged when i changed how they're stored, already been fixed in the version awaiting approval.
3. In the current version you do not need to do /mgm set <minigame> requireflags, if you add one, its already enabled. Removing items has again been fixed in the version awaiting approval. And for keeping flags, not sure why thats happening... I'll double check that one.
Thanks for the feedback, the newer version should be up soon.
Hey, I have been tinkering with this and the Spleef arena is up now. :D Great work on that.
My question is how do you make a race game? I'm looking to make a Race to the Top game, but I have no idea how I set the win condition on this one. The Finish sign does not seem to work in multiplayer.
Care to elaborate? Thank you!
EDIT: hm, if I try to remove a minigame, the game still appears in the list. Removal of the minigame does not seem to go entirely like it's supposed to.
EDIT EDIT: I keep editting this thing. I actually managed to create a victory condition with the flags, but the requireflag setting is erroring out. (Invalid command). Also, I cannot seem to remove arrows from the loadout. The message appears that the item gets removed, but it does not seem to happen. Another note; the required flags work, but they seem to be remembered through games, so when someone starts another game, they do not need to get the flags anymore.