== NOTICE == 9 Aug 2016 ==
As most of you have already worked out, public support for this project has been non existent. Unfortunately with the workload of trying to manage and run a server network where minigames is only 1 out of what feels like 1000 projects we maintain... It gets hard trying to find time to help everyone.
But fear not this project is indeed not abandoned! We have moved the project to SpigotMC:
++Update Note Aug 2017++
Please Note I have provided updated downloads for all versions back to 1.7 .. We are trying to get some idea of what versions people are running still and what we need to focus on...updating will help us target our product improvements.
The files section contains various version downloads OR you can dowload them : - here
Minigames is a plugin in which users can create and play several types of Minigames on a server, without the risk of losing items or XP when they die. Players can also use checkpoints so when they die, they are reverted back to that position.
The Possible Minigame types are:
- Single Player - for jump puzzles, mazes etc.
- Last Man Standing - A multiplayer Free for All (FFA) PvP Minigame
- Race - A Multiplayer race Minigame
- Team Deathmatch - A deathmatch round against 2 teams, first to a defined score wins!
- Deathmatch - A free for all deathmatch round against any predefined amount of players, first to a defined score wins!
- Spleef - Its possible to create custom Spleef arenas, as well as your standard spleef arena.
- Treasure Hunt - A global treasure finding Minigame that is always running
- CTF - An expansion to the Team Deathmatch Minigame.
- Infection - An expansion to the Team Deathmatch Minigame where the infected players must kill all survivors.
- Prizes for completing a Minigame
- Economy support (Requires Vault)
- All command configuration for creating Minigames
- Completely customisable, lots of settings to create your own styled Minigame.
- Ability to create multiple loadouts
- Inventory saving
- XP saving
- Minigame regeneration (slightly limited)
- Timers
- An automated update checker for OP's (Can be turned off in the main config by setting updateChecker to false)
- SQL completion data storage for websites or more informative data (Requires SQLibrary)
- And lots more!
Click here for videos of this plugin in action.
Minigames was created for players to play games within a server and win prizes for completion, also to let players play PvP games without the risk of losing their hard earned items and XP. Minigames also reward players for completing each Minigame, or with PvP Minigames, the player can be rewarded with 'bets' that players make before they start the Minigame. These bets can be in Economy money or preset items.
These Minigames can be created in any style the player wishes, for example, parkour jump puzzles, mazes and treasure hunts. As well as PvP games like CTF, races and more. You are given a lot of options to add to each Minigame individually, so they are all completely customisable.
→ Minigames Wiki
Newly Updated! A work in progress wiki, this will hopefully explain all the details of Minigames.
→ Permissions
A list of permissions for the plugin.
→ Command List
A full command list for the plugin.
→ Minigame Signs
All Minigame signs that can be used
→ Donate
Donate to the Minigames project to show your support! Every little bit helps!
Frequently Asked Questions.
→ Please report any major bugs, issues or suggestions here
DO NOT post them in the comments as I will lose track of them there.
→ Development Builds
Development builds for public access. Keep up to date with the newest builds of Minigames.
NOTICE: Development versions are not approved by the BukkitDev team and may break or cause issues with your Minigames. Use at your own risk!
This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- And the amount of players playing games. Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Minigame Mashup:
We Be Pirates (Teaser)
Basic Region & Nodes Tutorial
i've seen this a couple of times in my server log.
any idea what that can be?
I've seen this happen too, It seems to be a graphical glitch in minecraft where the players don't load for other, usually happens on long distance teleporting or world changes.
Hallo! :) Newbie question
I dont know why, but whenever my players join Spleef or LMS Sometimes it happens that they can't see each other. How come?
This is one of the plugins that turned our server in a success story. It's easy to setup, requires little to no maintenance and offers some great functions out of the box that require tedious configuration in other plugins.
It's too bad that Spleef lags a little because of the lava used (lighting effects etc. etc.). Razz, perhaps it's possible to define an "you're out" area for the minigames? That way you can replace the lava with something else...
Hmm, I might be able to solve this with a large pit instead of lava...
No worries, spleef game is running perfectly and so is the two parkour courses i've had time to create.
I must say this is one cool plugin and it works excellent.
Ah my apologies, the command is:
/minigame set <Minigame Name> start <Player Number>
I fixed the tutorial too.
min/max i left default at 2/4 .. i missed the startpoint as that wasnt in the tutorial :(
Did you set up your min/max amount of players and their respective start points?
i just did a spleef setup .. but when the game starts i got teleported to the end/quit point
any suggestions?
ObsidiSpleef was a joke, I don't think any opponent would wait for you to hack away the obsidian in front of him/her.
If you could just make the per layer regeneration (so regenerate a layer based on the block on that layer), it would be great and would add a new great minigame to the server's growing supply of games.
Ah ok, so when they go home in a separate world it allows them to teleport. I'll try fix that. Thanks.
Yeah quite an easy change, might just leave it do snow for now though.
oh just essentials /tpa and they set homes in the nether, the normal 'world' homes its blocking but its not blocking the ones they make in the nether :-( eh.....i just took the diamond armor away lol......left them with a wooden sword......spoilt all their fun
Heya Razz,
the gap is actually only 2 spaces for someone to walk in, but wouldn't it be much easier to do something like this:
-> Check region height -> Check and remember at least one block on each layer of that region. -> When game finishes, regenerate arena based on the block on that layer.
that way, if I have a layer of snow, two empty layers of air, a layer of obsidian (ObsidiSpleef for people with a lot of time on their hands, yay!), another two layers of air and a layer of snow, all layers regenerate based on the block previously on that layer.
Is this possible to create? I've been looking through your plugin's code and while I'm not a programmer, I can see that your regeneration is a seperate function.
Ah my bad, don't know much about multi-spleef, how bigger gap is in between?
Quite a big one to do. I have thought of doing these regions that would remove entities and fix blocks but it can get quite complex. Something like this could take a while.
Great that you've updated the plugin and took the time to look at my feature request... I got a spleef arena full of snow now though. Most likely you are filling up all the blocks with whatever one of the corner blocks was, which in this case fills up all the Y layers with snow, not the air that was originally between them.
Can you rebuild your regeneration function so that it at least checks what kind of block was on the Y-axis? Then it'll work perfectly.
Okay, thanks for fast reply.
So i have only one question, can you, lets say "upgrade" the Spleef regeneration to whole arena? So basically ppl can use TNT and so on and destroy it and after each minigame it would regenerate? Like this plugin here, sadly it is outdated.
I've only just started on team Minigames, and since its quite different from how the normal Minigames work, it could take me a while. I'll give an approximate 2 - 4 weeks before I come out with the base mode (Team Deathmatch), but I really can't be too certain of it.
I am really looking forward to team option, in fact, i am waiting just for it to start server. So please, do you have atleast any clue, when it will probably be? Days or weeks?
Thanks for reply :)
What plugin are you using for homes and tp?
our players can warp to homes they set in the nether as well as /tpa to other player and keep their loadout items :-(