
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Ever wanted a smaller and less resource demanding chest? Then this is for you!

Help yourself or your players out by adding this useful Minichest to introduce a whole new type of chest!

With this plugin you can do all kind of things.

  • Having a smaller chest and spending less resources.
  • Using them as decoration.
  • And whatever you think can think of! Be creative!


The Minichest:

The Minichest is crafted with 8 Sticks in a chest shape in a Crafting Bench. Which is only 4 Wooden Planks instead of 8. It has 9 slots to store items in. Looks like a small chest but it funtions just like a normal chest.


Just drag and drop the Minichests.jar into your plugins folder and you're ready to go!


  • [/minichest] Give yourself a Minichest.

Config explanation:

  • inventoryName = What text is displayed in the inventory.
  • itemName = How the Minichest is called as an item.
  • slotCount = How many slots there are in a Minichest.


  • [minichests.use] Allow a player to interact with MiniChests, by default, everyone.
  • [minichests.craft] Allow a player to obtain MiniChests through crafting, by default, everyone.
  • [minichests.give] Give a player permission to use the command: /minichest.


This plugin utilizes the bStats plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • Your server's randomly generated UUID
  • The amount of players on your server
  • The online mode of your server
  • The bukkit version of your server
  • The java version of your system (e.g. Java 8)
  • The name of your OS (e.g. Windows)
  • The version of your OS
  • The architecture of your OS (e.g. amd64)
  • The system cores of your OS (e.g. 8)
  • bStats-supported plugins
  • Plugin version of bStats-supported plugins
  • MiniChests-supported plugins


French (by Benjazor Azor)

More videos on this plugin are always welcome!

Protection plugins:

Click here to read about how to set up Minichests to work with Factions, WorldGuard, GriefPrevention and ASkyBlock.

(Scroll down to the bottom of the page)


Will mini enderchests be added?

While it's something I'd definitely want to implement in the future, It's not something very high in my to-do list as I currently have other projects in mind and I believe it may be better to implement as a standalone plugin.

Will mini double chests be added?

Because of how skulls work in Minecraft, there isn't a way to make mini double chests.

Will the skin be made customizable?

I don't think I'll do something like that in the near future because of the way the plugin works at the moment. It would require me to change the way of how the minichests' data is stored completely because if you changed the skin, old minichests would not only not work as their skin would remain the same.

Will support for plugin 'X' be added?

If the plugin is sufficiently popular or several people have requested support for it, support will eventually be added.
Before suggesting this kind of feature please make sure there isn't already a way to make MiniChests work with it, check the above spoiler.

Be sure to leave a comment with a rating, request or bug!

Please donate! It really encourages me to code and publish these plugins.


Original idea by Markcreator, mantained by XXLuigiMario.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 12, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 15, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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